I would love to give this game a higher rating as I really like Alice in Wonderland but I'm not a big fan of HOS. I thought there might be more to the game than this and there are a few puzzles scattered around but they are really simple.
I enjoyed the little facts given throughout but far too many were about Tim Burton's film (which imo relied far too much on imagery than story) than about the history of Alice in Wonderland.
I liked the graphics of the game, the music was grating and there is no way to turn it down you can only turn it off.
I enjoyed playing an hour but started to snooze about 45 minutes in so decided it's not a game for me.
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
Lots of fun and some interesting challenges and storyline a world away from the endless dark games with far too many HOGS and banal stories.
The only distraction is the controls are a little on the slow and sensitive side, other than that I simply couldn't find fault. If you're after something different, this game is well worth a try.
The storyline is interesting and there is a sensible progression and it's not confusing. It's a straight forward good against evil story.
The games were fun, not exceptionally challenging and in 1 case, far too long winded, I ended up skipping the fire lighting, it was taking far too long. The character actually tells you what to do and where to find things in many cases which does lessen the challenges somewhat.
I'm very easily bored by hidden object screens on any game and hate the ones that are made far too dark but this wasn't the case with most HOS. The level of challenge on the HOS is slight but for me it's perfect because the less time I spend searching for something the more I;m likely to enjoy it.
It's taken me 4 or 5 hours over all to play at a relaxed pace. The graphics are good, the sound is good and you do move about the map a lot.
I enjoyed it, it's not fast paced adventure or full of horror although there is a bit of a skulls theme but for someone who likes playing to relax and have a bit of a challenge without the gore of some HOGs I'd recommend the game.