Loved the game. Anything else that had to be done is forgotten. I play relaxed. I don't need to rush thru it I would rather enjoy it at my speed. What is missing is that I could go back and redo some of the mini games. Had to skip some so I would love to try them again.
Someone mentioned a guide. Couldn't fine it. Would help.
I love these games !!! Always buy them as soon as they come. I enjoy all the beetle sections. They really make you think. The only one I haven't figured out is level #4. I have replayed it over and over with no success. Does anyone know how or where I can find directions for this level?
I have games 1 & 2 of this series so I thought I would give this one to add to them. I liked the idea of the cars but that was all an idea. In earlier games you could plan your route. If you wanted to go around a difficult spot you you could. It take longer but since I play relaxed it didn't care. Those games were fun.
This game is not. In places you have to clear an entire section before you can move on.. You don't have to think just clear that section. No thinking involved. No longer fun.
Should have tried it out first but I bought since I had the earlier games. BIG MISTAKE !!!!
Did anyone notice that the vikings looked like Santa Claus? The hats, beards, red coats and a sack. I loved the patch on the sack. Maybe he used it too much and needs a new one.
I agree with everyone. No way you can get past the first screen. Had to exit by using Task Manger. Hate timed and limited moves. Only play relaxed. Love the first snow and have played it quite a few times, but this one needs to be burnt up and the ashes thrown out.
I have some many Halloween game I wasn't sure I wanted another one. I tried it and I glad I did. I loved and it was fun.
It reminded so much of the cursed house series. Instead of coins there were pumpkins. You had to destroy all the pumpkins to get a gold cup but since I always play relaxed I had no problems destroying them. There as a timed as well as a limited move selection.
You get coins to decorate a tearice (? spelling) with all kinds of Halloween decorations. One thing I discovered that to get all the decorations the game sends you back to the beginning to get enough money to finish decorating. Bit of a surprise there.
A nice game to play with children but fun enough for a adult. It may be late for Halloween but who cares so it will be added to the collection for next year.
I have several of the Dracula games, but I was disappointed in this one. I felt that everyone was walking in mud. It was that slow. There was no fun in this game. Added note: I had just finished an "Alice" game and it was much faster moving and more interesting.