You might find this fine for just passing time. This is one of the kind where you use the cursor to connect as many matching tiles as you can. They call it "linking" style. You have to uncover treasures in the sand. They are easy to find and uncover and they are always the same, round after round. There is a variety of puzzles every few rounds but they are also quite easy. This is my favorite genre so I look for something different and interesting and this wasn't it. I don't recommend it for people like me, but that's the nice think about the demos. You might enjoy it.
The challenge is there. I had trouble finding a number of the objects and had to use hints but they are generous with hints. There are so many similar out there - like the Cruise Director group, that are a lot more fun. If this is your absolute favorite genre you might like it more than I.
First, I played in limited moves mode - you can also play with no limits or with limited time. I was only able to finish about 6 or 7 levels in limited moves mode during the trial. The story was fairly typical bad guys vs. good guys who have to build a town to protect themselves by earning money via a match 3 game. One downside was that each round loaded fairly slowly. I'll wait for a sale and then buy this one.
This is improved over the last game in my opinion. The illustrations are very good this time around and the extra games are more enjoyable. Overall it may be a little easier than it needs to be, but I will buy this one.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I usually find these "Travel to" games a 3 or 4 star, but I found this game pretty simple and sort of boring. Only used a hint once. To me the story was pretty non existent and I think I played the whole game in about 1 1/2 hours. If I had realized how little was left after the demo I probably would not have bought it.
When this was titled Hidden Object I loaded the demo and the first 20 minutes was fun so I bought it on BOGO day. I also saw that it said it was a combo of other mini games like mahjong. Fact is it is almost entirely mahjong and very little hidden object. The mahjong isn't even regular mahjong but you match tiles to their line up in a tray vs. matching with each other on the board. It's tedious and, so far, I've easily won each game they included. The music is average, there really is no storyline, the pictures for hidden object are small and a bit hard to see although you can enlarge the screen. I did not end up enjoying this game and regret not having played the whole demo. You might want to do that before you decide to buy.
I found that once I was inside the house in the living room after having collected quite a bit in my inventory, nothing worked. The knob wouldn't attach to the door, the birds wouldn't attach to the box, I couldn't put the oven mitt on and break the window. I thought I must be doing something wrong so looked at the walkthrough and I was doing it right but it just didn't work so after about 25 minutes I had no options and had to give it up. Never had this problem with any other game so I guess it's a glitch in the game. I'll try to reload maybe but if you try and have the same result - it's not just you.
I liked it in the demo so bought it. There are 9 chapters with 11 rounds each. After about the second round they start repeating puzzles - not exactly but almost. It also seems they were getting more and more simple. By about the forth round it seems they just lost interest, and by the sixth round I did too. I kept hoping but I gave up. I'll possibly finish it on a rainy day but if there's something else to do I probably won't.
This could have been a much better game with a few small changes. It had a bit of variety which was nice but all the puzzles and even the HOG parts were pretty simple. That's nice if you just want something easy to unwind but a bit more challenge would have suited me. I don't like that there were no explanations of any kind. You got 1, 2, 3 stars but you didn't know what you had to do to earn them, and then at the end of the game they were meaningless anyway. You got points and trophies but again, at the end of the game, you didn't know what the trophies represented or how the points stacked up. Maybe this was pumped out just a little too quickly? It had 66 rounds and when you got to the last one there was nothing further by way of reward, explanation, etc. Having said all that I would recommend this game for those who just want an easy way to pass some downtime.