I literally have every one of the Fantasy Mosaics. Favorite genre, favorite developer. This is one I always buy without even doing the demo. Imagine my surprise at about level 12 when you have to guess to solve several of their puzzles. This has never happened before. Don't know if someone just got lazy or if they forgot the reason people play mosaics. Being able to figure out all your moves is key. It was still ok but I was disappointed. Now it is just like many of theother nonograms where you have to guess or use a hint. I'll not be buying these any more, but I guess 46 is enough - time to move on.
Mostly pros for this one. I liked the fact that you had a variety of shapes and sizes of mosaics, some with as many as 25 in the grid. The pictures were simplistic, but then they were incorporated, one at a time as you finished them, into a scene which made it kind of fun to finish each one. Easy play without the hazard some of these have that if you go slightly off your track they cause an error. This one doesn't do that. The grids are small so my suggestion would be to allow the user to scroll to make the overall grids larger. Other suggestion would be for more interesting colors. Will think about buying this one on a sale
Having been mostly isolated for 10 months now, I found the photos of people gathering around food to be very enjoyable. The pictures are bright and vivid, well photographed, and the variety of options - changing number of pieces, shape of pieces, sorting, edges only, and more to make for a very nice pastime. I'll buy this one. Love this developer's puzzles. Only suggestion would be to allow the puzzler to change the size of the puzzle with a simple scroll. That would make it 5 stars for me.
I liked the way this puzzle played, similar to others in that you can choose edge pieces, then you can bring the center pieces in. Suggestion here would be - please don't populate all the pieces in the center. Then you have to move them all out of the way one by one. (No highlight and grab all pieces feature). You can change shapes, background, number of pieces. Odd thing is when you open up the puzzle preview it tries to cling to your cursor and you have to keep clicking to put it in one place. Best part is the pictures are pretty cool.
The deeper you get into the game the more challenging it becomes. Two orbs or three to match lets you choose your level of challenge as well. The puzzle changes with each round which keeps it interesting. Will probably buy this although it isn't the type game I usually buy.
I really enjoy the variety of solitaire games Big Fish offers, and this is one of my favorites. A number of different challenges within the games make it interesting. They pop up as you move along and add a bit of intrigue. The game plays smoothly and the illustrations are very nice. I don't play with sound so can't speak to that part. I will buy this one.
In my opinion it is way harder to manipulate the puzzle pieces than it needs to be. The background issue didn't bother me as much as it did some other reviewers, but I see their point. The lack of ability to sort the edge pieces is a big issue for me. It took me the entire demo to finish the edges and add a couple dozen more pieces which moved it from pleasantly challenging to tedious for me. Try it, maybe you'll see it differently but I think there are lots of better jigsaws out there.
First, they don't give you nearly enough time to read the story on each level. Maybe if you are a speed reader you could get through, thus my rating on story line. I didn't get to find out the story. Next, I got to level five and could not get enough of the necessary materials to finish - stone in particular. Thus my rating for fun factor. I went back to previous levels thinking I had missed a chance to stock up on stone but could not find any way in previous levels either. Thus my rating for level of challenge, and at that point, after playing the level twice, I abandoned the demo. I'm not a huge time management game fan mind you, but I have played and enjoyed all the Roads of Rome until now.
Normally I love match 3's but this one just didn't click. It has so many barriers to clearing the board, and you get lots of helps but I just did not enjoy the game play at all. Give it a try, you might like it but you're not alone if you don't.
I bought this because I enjoyed the demo but there is a lot of duplication. For example there is flower bush, bush (that looks just like flower bush) and there is Prince hiding behind bush which looks like all the other bushes. There are many versions of "witch" that pretty much all look alike. I became pretty bored with it before the end. Play is pretty easy but hard enough to offer some challenge. I never used a hint or any of the helps and never got less than 2 out of 3 stars - and mostly 3 stars throughout. I quit after 7 of the 12 rounds. Each round has 10 puzzles. I recommend this game only to the extent that if I run out of other more interesting games I may return and play the rest. Some people who love mosaics will probably enjoy to some degree.