As usual ERS give you your money's worth. Very pretty and crisp graphics I thought anyway. Based in Tuscany the artwork was beautiful and very authentic. The extra gameplay was worth buying the CE. Mini games were original most with reset button. The only drawback was the hint button which only told you that there was nothing to do which I find rather annoying. The storyline was also not explained very well in fact I only worked out what it was all about in extra gameplay and even then it wasn't clear why the women were all murdered. However that aside it is still a great game.
Absolutely fantastic is my opinion after playing the whole game. Three levels of play. Wonderful crisp graphics beautiful scenes. Fabulously stunning cut scenes, jumped out of my chair a couple of times at those! It was like sitting on the front row of a movie theatre. Inventive inventory items including "helpers" a miner and a cockerill. Loved the statues and in particular the Archer who also aids the Royal Detective. All the animations were exceedingly well done. I didn't agree it was too short. Just the right length actually, although the additional game play certainly went quickly. I also suffer with glitch trouble but never have them with Elephant so didn't experience that either. Mini games all very well thought out and doable. Certainly enough challenge for me! Overall the best game I have played so far and certainly the best out of what is on offer at the moment. A MUST BUY
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I saw this one had mixed reviews so thought I would trial it. Many said the graphics were excellent which I totally disagree with. I thought they were grainy almost all the way through. For good graphics you can't get much better than ERS and Elephant. Using actors and cut scenes however helped keep the interest as well as I thought a very good storyline. Yes I know we have to go and save lost souls again and find the crowbar and fishing hook etc etc but I thought the developers did enough to keep me playing the game. The HOS's were well done with a bit of interaction. The music was very relaxing. This is not however enough for me to recommend a buy on the Collector's edition. I recommend waiting for the SE
I loved this game. I noticed that one reviewer said there was too many cut scenes but I just love them I suppose one man's meat etc. What was so fascinating and only reviewing from the demo was just how different this game was. I was very surprised that reviewers thought it same old. For me Wonderful beginning great cut scene. I love hearing a voice instead of reading you "need a key for this lock" stuff thought it a huge advance on other games. Loved the unusual hint button a hand which can also have powers added to it to get you out of sticky situations was hugely novel. Loved the HOS like the music when you found something instead of an annoying tingle in so many games. Extra content if you bought it was inserted into the game which I thought was really good marketing.Loved all cut scenes really done well. Good crisp graphics. Liked the fact you had objectives which were ticked off in your diary when completed. Hint button worked so well have so far not needed SG. Have bought game. Recommend all play the demo and give it a go never mind the bad reviews. No glitches.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Based on the demo. Great cut scenes and many of them which draw you into the story. Recommended to play in the dark and has a warning for those of a sensitive nature. I read the review of the other four people who played this game and one said it wasn't scary at all. I don't agree with that! Also I think that the developers were only covering themselves by giving us a warning. The music and sound were eerie and suspenceful and helped with the dramatic tension. The graphics were good bearing in mind this is not one of those "beautiful" games such as Dark Parables or Beauty and the Beast. Looking through the eyes of someone who had been drugged and was having halucinations was very unusual and something I have never seen before. Puzzles were quite challenging. Plenty to do in each scene which I like and not too much running back to the beginning etc. I recommend all big fish members to try the demo. Definitely worth a game credit. Bought it immediately I had finished the demo and that is unusual for me.
Based only on the demo. Graphics excellent. One of the best games recently for this very thing. Loved the people walking about as you were looking for inventory items and HO scenes. Just a little too easy for me in regular mode so may be better in advanced. HO scenes beautifully presented. No interaction though. Good game for someone new to the genre as another reviewer mentioned.
This is based on the hour demo. Liked the map also great for me as I always forget my way in some of these games. I liked the storyline as it was different from the usual castle/wolf/soul sucking/portal ones. Not that I don't like those by the way. As other reviewers have mentioned it has the atmosphere of a B black and white movie. However in each scene there was only a few things to interact with which is another thing that I look for in a game. Overclicking on HOS was fun (made me jump) but the recharge button for hints and skips was too long for me. The puzzles were relatively straight forward but that too was ok. The graphics were crisp not at all grainy which is the most important thing that I look for. I will not buy a game with poor graphics. The HOS were non interactive as many have mentioned and very straight forward. I must say I do look for games with more adventurous Hidden object scenes. However as someone else said it would certainly be worth a game credit just because it was just a little different.
Just finished the demo and immediately bought the game. I love all their games. The graphics are excellent, the HOS's are beautiful drawn and skillfully done. Hint button as usual with them utterly brilliant. Cutscenes were fantastic. Love the way they use real people in their really good one's. Love the way I leap out of my seat when I get a scare. Music again a little like Raincliff my favourite game of all time. As usual with Elephant Games NO technical issues. Just one question if anyone from Elephant games reads this. What has happened to Mystery Trackers. I am still waiting for Black Isle??
I have just finished the demo so it is only based on that. The good things. The storyline is extremely unusual and very interesting. The HOS's are also well done especially the pool one which was brilliant. The puzzles were challenging but not impossible. Hint button worked very well as they all seem to do now almost making the SG defunct. My problem was the graphics which were very grainy all the way through apart from the pond HOS which was so real it was if you were looking into a real fish laden lake. If they succeeded in having great graphics for that then why were the story graphics so bad. There are so many great games out there with wonderful graphics which I would buy before this one. If you don't mind grainy graphics it would be a great buy.
I have just finished playing the main game and have started the bonus game which was a prequel and explained what had happened to Mike. Thought that was a nice touch. The storyline was extremely good and drew you into the story so I ended up having to buy the CE. The graphics were good, some of the Hos were as someone put it a little grainy but we are all spoilt by games such as Dark Parables and Beauty and the Beast which on that level were unforgetable. The sea was brilliantly done. The puzzles I felt were just right. Challenging but not too hard so that you are completely frustrated. The HOS were inventive ( as were the puzzles) although we still had those typical objects in them but there was a lot of interaction in them which I enjoy. There were a number of cut scenes and all well done and added to the atmosphere. The music for me was brilliant and helped build the tension. The hint button was great. Loved the fact that it was a beam of light ( from the lighthouse). There were also a few scares but not as many as I would like. ( All time favourite Raincliff which when I replay still makes me jump in places!!) SG worked where I needed it to at least. Fairly long game. Overall well worth the money. Thanks Big Fish!