It should have been a tremendous achievement, but the tunnel through the Ridge of Leviathan became the site of a great disaster. What really happened that day?
I have been a bit disinterested in the last couple of Elephant games and thought they might be losing their edge. I remember such wonderful games as Raincliff and Hallowed Legends: Templar which will always stay in my favourites of all times, and then I saw this. I was about a quarter of the way into the demo when I knew this was a must have. The storyline was absolutely riveting. I could not wait to see what happened next. The acting was unsurpassed for a PC game. The actors brought me right into the action. The cut scenes were to die for. The mini games were challenging. The graphics were as always excellent with Elephant. The music is again always appropriate for each level of action or emotion. I hardly ever play a game more than once but I am already on my second game and I still need the hint button!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I was only in the website to do my silly farm up when I saw this.Elephant has not had a game out on Bigfish for a long time. I am only about an hour into the demo but honestly I will probably not wait until the end before buying. My most favourite game overall was Raincliff. Mystery trackers has not disappointed since then nor indeed has Elephant. Their games have everything that anyone could want in a game and no I am not going to tell anyone what it hasl like other reviewers. Seriously just play the demo.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
A great Final Cut 2 here. I loved the first one as it was so unusual and the developers have continued on the same theme. I love the art deco, the graphics were extremely well done and I like having real people in a game. The cut scenes were also well done. I completed almost all of the HO scenes without the hint button but they were not cluttered. The puzzles were doable. I hate sitting for hours trying to figure them out. There were collectables and achievements. The extra content was also good and made this CE well worth the price. In particular the extra game play contained projectors in all scenes which when you found would transport you to a movie set. Loved that! Overall a good buy
I recommend this game!
5of6voted this as helpful.
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord
Escape prison, defeat an army of mechanical soldiers and destroy the Iron Lord’s dark power!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Time Management, Puzzle
Current Favorite:
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Can't understand why this one isn't Number one! The graphics and idea for the story were amazing. Like puppetshow but heaps better. Only a SE but there were achievements. I had to hit the forum a few times when I got stuck but all in all the hint button was excellent.All the mechanical ideas instruments and machine men were wonderfully done. Pure adventure so no HOS's. The puzzles were mostly executed in an original way even if the idea was similar to other puzzles. The cut scenes were fabulous. Actors were good and well synced. The music was terrific. All in all an extremely enjoyable game.Thank you Big Fish!
I normally would not have even looked at this game as I disliked the other two in the series. However after playing the demo it was a definite buy for me. The visuals and graphics are crisp clean and highly imaginative. There are so many wonderful locations to visit. They tried to be a little different in their puzzles which were usually beautifully done. It reminded me of the original style of Dark Parables as I must say I don't like their latest game. The only slight annoyance was some very small objects in a few of the HOS and the music in the bonus chapter was tedious however these small matters did not detract from the gameplay which flowed smoothly without a hitch The game was long and the bonus chapter was as professional as the game which made it well worth the CE price. A must buy!!
I usually agree entirely with Nilosh but just can't on this one. Ok it had achievements and collectables but the graphics and artwork were awful. Really seriously amateur. The trees were not fightening just pathetic actually the characters were poorly done and did not move or even bother to try to speak to you. Ok I only played the demo would not waste my money on this one maybe it gets better but when compared to Portal of Evil or Shiver this one does not even get a look in. Not wasting my money on this one. The only positive thing I can say is that the puzzles are unusual and well thought out.Just looking at the characters trying to open the door to the lighthouse will show how badly this game was developed. Sorry guys.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Not heard of these developers before but this game is stunning. Great visual effects beautiful graphics with breath-taking scenes.Music was reminiscenmt of Lord of the Rings.Ok the characters mouths were not absolutely in sync with the words but that did not really put me off. The HOS's were interactive and not all the same some were putting things back into the scene.The map is fully interactive which I really needed in this game as there is a small amount of going back to beginning scenes. The storyline was not unique but I really enjoyed the way it was done. The cut scenes were again extremely well done. Good hint button and convincing extra play which made this well worth the CE price.If I have a gripe it was that some of the HO were very small. Overall a good buy!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I cannot believe anyone would not like this game. It was excellent. Ok it did not have furry friends awards or collectables but it was for me an extremely well thought out game. It was NOT short fishies either. The extra content was well worth the extra money also for the CE. The storyline was good and kept my interest despite it being about werewolves again but these developers always make me sit on the edge of my seat with their creepy sound effects and haunting music.The HOS were interactive some quite complicated and the puzzles were not easy. Hint button was all that you needed without telling you too much. I would recommend everyone try this one! This one and The Engma Agency which I also bought are two of the best games I have played on Big Fish all year
Find the festivalgoer abducted by the gargoyles of Notre Dame and uncover the cathedral’s dark past in this reimagining of the Victor Hugo’s classic tale.
I am not sure I have ever given so high a rating for any game but this one is fantastic. I will not go into specifics as other reviewers have already done that. I will say however that I am struggling to find fault with this one. I bought the last Dark side and enjoyed it but not half as much as this one. Ther graphics are stunning the cut scenes are well done. The storyline is gripping. The puzzles are very challenging ( bit too much for me but not I am sure for so many out there that love puzzles). The music was wonderful and so relaxing. The organ music in Notre Dame was totally inspiring. It was a long and complex game ( still have to complete the extra gameplay) but I would recommend anyone to buy this game. It is well worth the price of a CE.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Having been disappointed with Elephant's last few games and Surface not being my most favorite series I take my hat off to them with this one.Although in places I found the graphics a little grainy it did not detract from the fun. Acheivements, unusual puzzles, interactive map, fabulous cut scenes, great acting ( although dubbed), extremely long play, long extra play with just as exciting story as the main play,and heaps to do. HOS not stuffed just very cleverly done, also interactive. This one has everything a CE ought to have. A great buy Thanks Big Fish!!