Fed up with this game. Was really enjoying it but there is no way on god's earth I can swat the fly. I must have hit it dozen of times but the game won't move on. Used hints- useless. Seriously miffed!!
The main game was quite good. HOP were reasonable and puzzles OK. Story line a bit predictable. It did end very abruptly as though the developers thought, OK just catch him and get it over with. That was disappointing. The bonus chapter was incredibly weak and soppy. I couldn't believe it was the same game! Elephant games were always a go to but as many others have said the quality of these games is increasingly bad. We used to have great plots that kept you intrigued now everything is over in 5 mins and sometimes I skip puzzles just because I can't be bothered. Would love the old games to be revamped so we can play them again- we have paid for them after all
Can't get the game to work. Demo only. Tried several times. See others have had problems. Given 1 star reviews looks like I'm not missing much. Shame as Mystery Trackers and Mystery Case Files were my absolute favourites. Have reported technical issues but first response was the usual "switch off and on again/kick it" saga which I had already done and achieved nowt. Have sent another report but somehow don't think I'll bother buying anyway
I enjoy these games. It did freeze on me early on but then seemed to work so I decided to purchase, This is based on demo. The British accents are well dodge and the assumption that the Union Jack is the flag of England had me screaming and running for the hills. Yes it's minor but oh so easy to check and get right! Other than that I am enjoying it. I understand the bonus game ends a bit ubruptly so this review may stand if that's true. Game play is smooth, music is not intrusive. Worth getting
These older MCF games are really the business. This is exactly what we want from the developers. Superb graphics, engaging storylines and a decent length, not over in 5 minutes. This game is probably one of my favourites and I'm really enjoying playing it again. More like this please! More!
Loved, loved this game and wanted to replay, Wanted also to buy the Collector's version. The game won't play on my computer. Big Fish Games you are really losing out on custom but not updating these games! It's a very poor do that we can no longer play brilliant games we've already purchased. So no replay and no purchase of Collector's game. I don't recommend it as you can't play it!!
I used to absolutely love MCF games and would buy it as soon as it came out. The original developers then sold it and the first outing was truly dreadful. This is getting back to like it once was. I love the snow/winter feel games. Good solid story line. Great puzzles that are doable. Reasonable length main game. I've stopped bothering with the jigsaw puzzle/morphing object bits as they are often impossible to find and I rarely get even half of them. The bonus chapter is weak. very weak, had it been better this would have been a possibly 5 star game. Content was very weak and extremely short chapter. GR and MA you are on the right track with this game. I hope the next game will be longer and better
As so many others have said this game is disappointing. It's as if developers have given up on providing really good HOG and moved on to other things although it's not clear what. This is way, way too short for a CE. Games used to keep you occupied for several hours and really engrossed. Now I find them 2 hours max and I keep stopping and starting and my attention wandering. So many games I used to love and always buy as soon as they came out have gone. Mystery Case Files/Mystery Trackers/Puppet Show/Mystery Tales and they used to be (moderately) scary- Maze/Sanatorium. The quality has gone down hill so much. Very sad. The story wasn't that bad but very few extras and so short! I think an expert player would easily finish the whole game in 90 mins if you actually had that much demo time. I had less than half that. I doubt things will improve. So many times people have complained about very short games but nothing ever changes. I think the developers are hoping we will all go away-well they will likely get their wish- sadly
I have to say I find myself agreeing with the majority of people who feel gipped. The game is very short. There is no ELF You suddenly switch from one character to another for no real reason The instructions on some of the games are weak and some just don't work so skip is your only option I used to really, really look forward to Mystery Tracker games- they were always 5 stars. There seems to be less and less games and far shorter than they used to be and that's very sad