I was very disappointed by this game. Eipix games are always remarkable from the graphic point of view and the art concept. But this is the only really positive side I found in this game. I know that a game is just a game and there is not any real need to follow logic strictly, but I find this principle more acceptable when the game is set in a totally imaginary environment. When the developers chose to show real places, they should be more accurate. This game start in Venice, where a lady reporter investigate on a theft, There are impressive cut scenes based on real images of Venice, which in my opinion are unpleasantly in conflict with the superficiality the developer chose to adopt when they describe certain things. For example placing a big truck in St. Marco square is a ridiculous incongruence. How should it arrive there? It's well known that in Venice there is not any vehicle of any kind. They could not circulate. The only means of transport are boats. It's equally annoying and ridiculous that the developer make the reporter move around on a kind of moped, maybe they thought it could satisfy one of the many clichés on Italy…It's absolutely impossible to go around Venice on a motorbike. They could chose to make her walk or to use a boat or a small motorboat, it would not have influenced the game but it would have been less absurd. Then suddenly from Venice, without any apparent reason, the characters move to Vernazza ( if I remember well), which is a charming small fisherman village of Liguria, a coast region of Northern Italy by Mediterranean sea. At a moment it's indicated as a lake. Then, totally incongruously, the scene is set on a kind of tropical beach with even parrots on palm trees. Someone should explain to me what it has to do with the rocky Italian coast…Of course they are only details, but. The game shows all the usual elements which we find now, all the same, in nearly all games. Nothing new at all. The usual keys to find, the labyrinths, the traps, the crypts…I don't reveal anything more to not spoil the surprise to those who are going to play the game. The characters speak English with a bizarre accent, which has nothing to do with Italian, it seems vaguely German or Scandinavian to me. The characters are played by real actors, well suspect they are the developers themselves. A couple of them are definitely too young for the role, as the hospital director, for example. The mini-games and the quizzes are very simple and the game is rather short. It can be enjoyable only for the clarity and the good quality of the art work, as I have already written above. With such talented graphic artists one might expect a much more interesting and enjoyable game. The bonus chapter is very short too.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
As you can read in all other reviews, this game is about a retired detective called by a friend who lives in Rome, where strange crimes have started happening. The game is based on the usual mechanism of search with alternate HOS and mini-games. You have to find the sempiternal keys to open doors introducing to a different scene and you have a little helpful pet, this time an ermine. The graphics are well done, colourful and not too dark, luckily, so it could appear all in all like an enjoyable and entertaining game. But I felt deeply annoyed by the incongruence and the lack of accuracy of the developers, who didn't pay any attention to even a slightly form of logic in their characters, mixing up absurdly dressing styles and showing a total ignorance of the main features of the town they have chosen to set their game in. The detective who appears at the beginning of the game is dressed like a 18th century gentleman, with a cocked hat, but his friends in Rome and the other characters there are all dressed in perfect early 16th century style. Oddly the dead jeweller is wearing again like in the 18th century. The most incongruous thing about the "dress style" is that the ancestors of some of the characters, who wear like in 16th century, are showed in their paintings wearing clothes of…19th century. Already this mess disturb me a little, since I cannot find any proper temporal location in the game. But it's not all. We are told that the detective joins his friend to Rome and in a scene we see the famous Trevi fountain, which is in Rome as everybody knows, but it was built in the middle of 18th century, so it's obvious that none wearing clothes of two centuries earlier could walk by it. In another scene I noticed a baker's shop with as a typical German or Austrian shop sign, a pretzel. It's out of imagination to see any baker's shop of that kind in Rome in whatever century… It's just a casual mess of various elements without any respect for an even very superficial historical logic or objectivity. Just a few examples at random, but all the game is full of unnecessary incongruence. If the developer had chosen to set their game in an imaginary place, they would have felt free to utilize all the elements of various architectures at random and it would have been acceptable, but they made clear from the beginning it was in Rome, even though we have not any idea about the historical period. All that makes me feel quite disappointed by the game.
Elephant Games have given us so many excellent games, which maybe have contributed to make us also a little too fussy. As it’s my case for this game. The idea is very good and original, that is changing the end of two famous works by Shakespeare to free three teenagers trapped inside the plot. Nevertheless I was rather disappointed, maybe because I expected too much from my favourite developers. Someone wrote in the review that the game might even be considered “educational”. I have to disagree, at least as for the graphics which show Verona at the time of Romeo and Juliet. The architectonical style is a bizarre mixture of real, even though interpreted in a fancy way, local Renaissance architecture and incongruous Alsace half-timbered house which have nothing to do with Italian ancient architecture. The indoors scene are even more incongruous with pieces of furniture of various historical period, but rarely suitable to Renaissance. I have even seen a kind of Art Deco lamp, which seemed to work with an electric bulb. Of course it’s simply a game, so none expects a lesson of history from that, but I don’t think it can be considered slightly educational in any way. The Graphic in general are less pleasant than many other games by the same very talented developers, I got disturbed by the bluish hue too present in every scene inside the book world and the character are not as nicely created , graphically, either. But the game is accurate and I think it can be entertaining, even though I didn’t find it at the same level of the best production of Elephant games.
Everything has already been told positively on this game, so I can only add my voice to the chorus. It’s a very entertaining, and relaxing game, very well created with fantastic graphic details, the music it’s superb, but it’s Tchaikovsky, so how could it be any different??? The story is a gentle fairy-tale like, with a good dose of originality and a little humorous self-irony. The characters are lovely, without being too mawkish- I’m relieved to not see any cemetery, zombie, various corpses, gloomy and scary medical laboratory and …wow it’s wonderful! No cars which remain without gas in front of a haunted manor gate. I’d like that all the talented developers could realize that a game of this level and this kind of story could be welcome all the yearlong, not only around Christmas. I do think many people are fed up with the repetitive schemes of games, which are always based on ghosts, vampires and all the merry company. I have the impression that many of us might enjoy even more games which are not necessarily too easy and childish, but have a more amusing and light atmosphere. So many thanks to the Elephant developer for the extremely good work they have done here.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
What else could I add? This is a totally missed opportunity. The game is deadly boring and repetitive, with the same mechanism reproduced again and again and I really don’t see the need to take a professional and rather famous actress to play so poorly an inconsistent and monotonous role. I’m more than disappointed, even the graphics are dull. I’m not sure I’ll arrive until the end, I’m nearly there, but I’m overwhelmed by boredom. There is only one kind of puzzle, always these pieces of drawings to put in the right place and then the unbearable foreteller who keeps on saying always the same things. I would have played the demo until the end before deciding to buy this poor thing. I could not imagine that the mechanism would have been always the same for all the game length. Don’t waste your money and your time on this game.
An excellent game, one of the best have ever played!
PostedAugust 1, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I do think it’s the best game I have played so far, so it’s obvious I fully recommend it. I won’t insist giving a recap of the plot, because the other people who wrote a review already did it so well. I consider that this game is built up with extreme accuracy for details and there are all the elements which make it entertaining and interesting for the player. The story concept is original, the characters well described by real actors, the music is not disturbing, the HOS are clear and well composed graphically (even though I had the impression to see at least two different styles in them, but it’s obvious that the developers for such a complex and rich game are many) and the possibility to collect flowers in parallel with the games to decorate and furnish your” office” is enjoyable. I deeply appreciate that in this game, as welcome change, we had not any scene in any cemetery with crypts and tombstones and also the absence of psychiatric asylums, even though the theme was a psychological search in the mind of a patient, was really relieving. It proves that there are still many fresh ideas to develop for a good game, without any need to repeat again and again the same old clichés. By the way I have read some reviews in the forum where several people seemed to complain about bugs and various problems in the game. I didn’t find any and I arrived smoothly to the end, with the only regret that it could not last longer.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Overall rating
1/ 5
33 of 54 found this review helpful
I'm sorry, but I really didn't like this game. So banal!
PostedMay 19, 2012
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I feel a bit uncomfortable, because I’m in this case a voice off the chorus… I bought the game without trying it, because I confess I was deeply conditioned by the total enthusiastic series of positive reviews, so I’m totally responsible for my rash decision. Unluckily I have not liked the game at all. I fully agree about all the options as described in other reviews, they are all well-conceived and make the game very easy to play. Besides that I didn’t find anything original or particularly new in this game, the usual story of ghosts and kidnapped person and pirates…At least there is not an overdose of demons, but all the usual “creepy” elements are there. The graphics are not exceptional and very dark. The game is easy and after a while rather boring. The voices over are good, but the characters are banal and the kidnapped daughter quite unpleasant. I’d have appreciated a little of irony, a winkle, something different. I wonder when we might have, just for a chance a game with doesn’t take the plot too seriously, something lighter and humorous, even though not childish. I’m totally fed up with asylums for lunatics, demons, ghosts, bones, dark graphics and dilapidated haunted manors. The developers are extremely skilled in creating well working and amazing games, but they should make an effort of creativity and originality in their plots. This is just my humble opinion, of course.
Let’s start by saying that all these kinds of games are rather predictable and it would be good to see a well-conceived game a little less spooky and dramatic every now and then. I wonder why only what is scary can be entertaining in a game. Said that, my review for this specific game is positive. It’s well conceived and accurate and long enough to entertain an average player for a few hours. The plot is based on the vicissitude necessary to free a town from the malevolent effect of an evil power which pushed a person to transform all the other people in wax statues in a fallacious search for presume perfect beauty. The whole atmosphere is definitely gloomy, but the game is rich of details and cut scenes, played by real actors with a lot of “special effects”. It seems that several players have experiences problems or bugs in different parts of the game, while I could get to the end without troubles, even though sometime sit’s a little tricky to find the precise spot where an element is to be put. The only thing really missed in this game is the presence of a map, since there are many different locations and sometime sit’s a bit hard to move from one to the other. There is a moderate number of HOS and they are pleasantly interactive. I didn’t play the extra yet anyhow.
It’s a very enjoyable game for all those who appreciated the first three games of the series « Puppet Show ». This one is a kind of prequel, since it takes us to the past trying to change the dramatic fate of Felicia, who is the “villain” of the other three games of the series. The graphic scenes are always evocative. The story is intriguing, the only not too positive remarks are the fan style tool inventory, as many other already criticized, which is frankly disturbing to see the tools we have at our disposal, and the overdose of Hidden Objects scenes, there are definitely too many and in many cases the objects to find are hidden in a not always clear pile of junk. I think that this too huge number of HO scenes slow down the rhythm of the game. The puzzles are not difficult and the voice overs and sounds are really good.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
A new very enjoyable game of the “Mystery Trackers” series. In my opinion this game has all the necessary features to be amusing, intriguing and entertaining. The graphics are really wonderful, it’s possible to choose the level of difficulty, the puzzles are neither too easy nor too difficult and all in all fully enjoyable. There is a well-conceived map which is of great help to move from a place to another one. The strategy guide is not strictly necessary, since the hints already offer all the necessary help and do it in a slightly humorous way, not just giving plain hints. I didn’t find any flaws to this game so far, even though I didn’t finish it yet. The plot is basically the same of the other games of the series; you are a detective who inquires on people mysteriously disappeared in a strange island where all building seems to be intact, but nobody is around, except a mysterious character hidden behind a mask. The character seems to have special powers, but….we’ll manage to defeat him, of course ;^)) Sound effects are very evocative The whole game appearance is very accurate in all details and the plot is captivating. There are HO scenes, but not too continuous, and they need interaction with the items of the repertory. Definitely a buy!