The objects are definitely well hidden, although I suppose they should be, otherwise it would be an 'Obvious Objects' game!
Lovely 'sceneries', which is a word if you're referring to different types of scenery you can find in a given location or set of locations. That description applies to this game, hence using the word 'sceneries' is acceptable.
Just for a change, I don't want to work too hard in a game. Rescuing people from one disaster after another or dashing about in the Middle Ages clearing roads and collecting resources gets very tiring after a while! This game is a nice change of pace and something to relax with at bed-time.
This seems be a hybrid of Northern Tales (voices and sounds) and Roads of Rome (game-play). A pretty successful mix overall, although the hidden 'secrets' I loved searching for in ROR were far harder to find than they are in this new game.
The bright, colourful graphics make this game a pleasure to play. If you know the series, you'll know what to do; no tutorial necessary! A nice switch from Rome to the Middle Ages, with appropriate music and building styles. Four modes of play, starting with 'Relaxed' which I always use on the first run through. Gives you a feel for the game and more time to find the 'secrets'!
Of course, seeing that I've only given 4 stars, we have to address the pachyderm in the room......the voices. What on earth were Qumaron thinking? The characters speak every time they do anything, mostly "let's do this" or some other redundant phrase. Being seen/heard yelling "shut up" at a computer game is not a good look at my age, forcing me to resort to turning the sound down. I hate doing this as you lose much of the ambience of the game but it's impossible to play it for any length of time without begging the characters to put a sock in it.
So....."Dear Qumaron, please give us an update that loses the excruciatingly annoying voices. The game doesn't need any vocalisations to enhance it; it's excellent as it is". I will buy it; I've just finished the latest 'Rescue Team' and need a new game. But only 4 stars from me until they mute the constant 'chat'; it's spoiling an otherwise amazing game.
Obviously not everyone's cup of tea, this latest Royal Roads game. "Too slow" is one criticism I see time and time again. I wonder if anyone has discovered the 'Meta Buildings'; they're listed under the cog wheel icon. Here you can speed up the workers and their building time, together with adding time to the level. It takes a few crystals to purchase them all but it's worth checking it every few levels to see which upgrades are available. The workers become much more mobile than they first appear!
This probably isn't the most graphically beautiful game you'll ever come across; it's mostly pretty dull apart from the pink crystal mines. It's kind of old-fashioned looking and won't appeal to people who nowadays want bright colours and fast moving action.
But I like the challenge; it's very easy to take the wrong path or make the wrong decision to upgrade a building, when you might need the resources sooner than you think! It is very slow to start with but patience is a virtue and eventually you can speed things up.
I have all three Royal Roads games; I love them all and replay them often. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
I have all of these Ellie's Farm games and really enjoy playing them. I hope the unicorn is back!
The games are colourful, easy to play and not dark, gloomy, depressing or creepy (try the new 'Halloween: Trick or Treat' for more of that. I loved it!). There's enough of a challenge without being overly difficult and the story is usually quite entertaining.
What annoys me is those reviews that call out BFG for bringing us these sort of games. There is no need to be rude; if you don't like it, try something else. No-one is forcing you to try or buy any game. Referring to this game as 'childish' is insulting to those of us that like these games and the issues they deal with.
We all have different tastes; my opinion may differ from others but it doesn't make it more or less valid. This game has a lot of charm and who doesn't love a unicorn :-)
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I've refrained from posting reviews about these games until now but my heart sinks every time I see another one of these 'search and find' games. The first few were ok but now it's become a tsunami of identical games with slightly different titles. I played maybe 10 minutes before sheer boredom set in.
Once upon a time BFG gave us some amazing HOGS, HOPA's and FROG's. Now we get endless games from DO, with some occasional offers from other developers and the rest are this type of game. Apart from the 'Vacation Adventures' series, nothing about these games tempts me to hit the buy button.
I've seen many question if being a Game Club member is worth it these days. No points to collect and save for a special game (assuming one ever turns up) and not much in the way of sales. I'm disappointed in the selection of games on offer. I used to buy a lot of CE's; my library is over 1500 games but almost none of them from the past couple of years. It's sad to see the decline in quality and my membership probably won't survive past the summer.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I've always been a fan of those games where you have to find the little images taken from a larger picture. Finding that element within this lovely game is a real treat; done in such a unique way, with burnt or torn edges and blended so skilfully. And it's not just one type of game; you get to search for objects listed in an unusual way or find identical stamps (not as easy as it sounds!) and remove the kids stickers! The artwork restorations (or jobs) are introduced by real people, as is the game itself.
You get paid for each job, so are able to buy different implements to help you, like paint brushes, scrapers and inks. It makes the game seem much more realistic and much more fun to play. The artwork is beautiful and the game is just so relaxing to play; time passed so quickly and the trial was over far too soon!
A definite buy for me! All the reviews are positive, apart from one that refers to this game as "junk". Give this game a try and see who you agree with.
I was disappointed with 'Christmas Wonderland' this year. Too easy and too much like the last one. At least with 'Trip to Europe' you learn about other countries' customs and whilst it is similar to the 'Rangers' games it's just different enough with some much better puzzles. I bought it straight away without the trial.
By the way, in British English, 'sledge' is the general term for a land vehicle that slides across a surface (usually of ice or snow). It's more common than 'sled' which is used in the U.S. So it's not a misspelt word, just a British one.
This series is my absolute favourite of all the mosaic games on offer. I replay them all quite often and never tire of them.
The graphics are, as usual, absolutely stunning. When you get to the jigsaw mini-games, you really see the attention to detail the developer bring to this game. A change of scenery this time, as we're underwater, giving a different feel and bringing in a couple of new characters. It seems our heroine and her hero(es) have been watched all this time without being aware of it. Intriguing!
I don't know about anyone else but I really want Juliette and Raven to be together. Will the fact that they're from different worlds mean there's no chance of this happening? I do hope not.
I bought this game without bothering with the trial and it doesn't disappoint. So many levels, 3 different mini-games that pop up now and then, gorgeous graphics and a storyline that draws you in. What more could you ask for.
I've been buying games from BFG since 2007 and can honestly say that in all those years, I've never read reviews like the ones being posted lately. Some of the words being used to describe this game are unnecessarily harsh, which only served to make me want to try it.
So I did and I've been pleasantly surprised by the amount of different choices on offer in what they used to call a 'compendium' (when they were boxed games!) in my early years. From Word Searches to Spot The Difference, from Sliders to Matches, there's a lot to keep you occupied. The 'Layered' Swap the Picture puzzles were excellent and don't expect the usual cut-out pieces in the jigsaws. There must be about 20 different puzzles to chose from and I even tried the ones I'm not usually keen on.
The graphics are nice enough and the whole thing is pleasantly 'Christmas-y'. Maybe not as much as Christmas Wonderland but I'm not feeling very festive this year after losing my Dad, so this game is enough for me.
To describe this game as 'pitiful' 'a repetitious, boring stinker' and a 'crummy little money grabber' is uncalled for and frankly downright cruel and nasty. The developers spend time producing games to keep up with the 'new game every day' ethos of BFG and maybe one or two might not be up to scratch. But why be deliberately cruel? Many developers are based in Ukraine, Russia or the surrounding regions and they have other things to worry about than supplying ungrateful gamers with something they feel is worthy of their attention.
I liked this game and bought it. It isn't 'pitiful' or any of the other harsh words used to describe it; it's actually quite fun and should give hours of entertainment. My mother always said "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all", an old adage some people could do with taking on board..
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I haven't posted a review for ages, simply because mostly the games have been all the same lately and not really to my taste. Finding cats, dogs, 'critters', pups, birds, plants et al; cluttered searches that send you cross-eyed trying to find 2 or 3 of the same objects and of course there's the 'visit every country finding more stuff and doing repetitive puzzles' games. But my mother always said 'if you can't find anything nice to say, don't say anything', an adage some reviewers on here could do with observing. I've read some downright cruel and nasty things on here lately and there's just no need for it. If you don't like a game, delete it and move on.
I'm thoroughly enjoying 'Stephan's Journey'; a different take on the standard HOG that breathes new life into the genre. While essentially you are searching for lists of items, it's done in such a unique way that it doesn't seem like a HOG at all. Graphics are not as crisp as you would normally expect but they suit the game perfectly. Lots of questions with a choice of answers that determine Stephan's path through the game, with puzzles to solve and money to earn to help his hard-up family.
I've only played the demo and based on that, it's a definite buy for me. Hopefully the rest of the game is equally entertaining. I really like it.