Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Come join in the journey to discovery as you try to diagnose what is wrong with a coma patient while you navigate through hidden object scenes and puzzles.
This game was fun, beautifully done and even had some extras along the way. I really appreciated the fact you could set the gamma (light or dark) on the game, which only enhanced the beauty of the graphics. It also had a completely interactive map which took the frustration level out that you find in a lot of these types of game, because you could use your map to not only see where things still needed to be done, but also to just click on the area of the map and be there without having to search around and find the location on your own. It offered game play at three different modes; casual, advanced and hard core. The hint button charged at a nice pace as did the skip button for the puzzles. The music and sounds were lovely and not nerve grating, and matched the games style which was also very nice. There were awards you could win along the way, as well as collecting flowers to purchase items to decorate a room.
The game ran smooth, and was a pleasure to play. In the bonus section of the collector’s edition you can find bonus play which takes right up as well as concept art, screen savers, and extra mini-games to just name a few.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
The storyline for this game was pretty simple and sounded fun. The graphics were not that great, I realize it’s supposed to be designed as though it’s under a veil of mystery; they were blurry in most places which left you having to basically shoot in the dark.
While the nice melody wasn’t bad, the other sounds that accompanied the game weren’t bad either, I was left with a headache and mounting frustration as I attempted to find my way around the game. Since there is no map, and the hint button which isn’t really called a hint button in this game but rather ADD DEVICE. On a couple occasions I did click on it when I couldn’t figure out things, and once it did show what was needed to do the task at hand. Otherwise, it would indicate that there wasn’t any anomaly in the given area. Never mind you haven’t a clue what to do next.
Even after reading back over the note book, I wandered around trying to find items that I knew I needed, namely one final medal.
I broke down and resorted to the strategy guide which was no help either. I read it over and over again, and never did see where this one item was even recorded until you got to the point of where I was in the game and it required said item to continue.
I do not recommend this game, even after trying the strategy guide I was unable to complete the game because of missing items
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I felt this game was pretty good, while there was room for improvement, it did offer up some nice lengthy game play. The story line was easy to follow and was pretty much straight on. The graphics were nice and sharp for the most part, the sound and music was nice. The two kinds of hidden object games offered a nice variety for the hidden object scene lover and were challenging but not impossible to do. The hint button for the HOS worked well. The skip button on games wasn’t the fastest, but far from the slowest I’ve seen to charge.
The game offered up a nice mix of hidden object, adventure and puzzles. The bonus play was a nice addition to the game, and also enjoyable.
The entire game seemed to run smooth without glitches. There were a few things I didn’t like about the game. If you found yourself stuck and needed a hint, the hint button really offered no viable help in those types of situations other than to simply let you know there was nothing you could do in that scene at the time. Since the game also did not have a map, it would have been more enjoyable had the hint button offered a little bit of help, even if it were only in the arrow pointing you in a general area of the game. Because of the fact the hint button really offered no help in some situations, I found myself breaking down and looking at the strategy guide during part of the game just to get playing again. I’d visited every scene and ever scene had clicked the hint button only to be told there was nothing else I could do in that scene at that time, it’s at that point that I resorted to the guide for help so I could then continue on my own.
Overall, it was a nice game, and I would recommend it but only if you are willing to buy the collector’s edition so that you will have some help when the game itself offers none.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
This game looked very promising during the trial game play, and it did come through with a few things. For example the sound and music was lovely, the graphics were okay, some were even very good. The hint button charged rather quickly, as did the skip button. The story line was easy to follow, not much in the way of getting lost which was nice, because the hint button would give you the “nothing here try looking somewhere else” which annoys me. The bonus play in the collector’s edition offered a nice additional bit of game play that was rather nicely done.
One reviewer wrote of the number of spiders, and I find that to be true also, if you are afraid of the eight legged creatures you very well might want to skip this game, because there are a rather large number of them in it.
The game was fun, not super and had a little more thought been given to the hidden object scenes the game would have been even more fun. Some of the items are either too small or, for example; one scene had you hunt for a bird with a worm. There were a couple of birds in the scene, and couple of worms in the scene, after trying each combination, I gave up and clicked on the hint button and out pops a bird that was hidden in something for me to give the worm to. That type of thing ends up just frustrating someone who is trying to enjoy the game. And since you will be penalized if you click too much in the scene, please refrain from hiding the goodies.
Parts of the game, as I said, were clear and beautifully done, and other parts were rather poorly done. Even with all its flaws, I would recommend this game, because it did have some saving grace to it. Parts were very nice.
It’s very rare that I come across a game that is as enjoyable, challenging, well put together and is customizable for those that may want it a little harder. I played on easy mode, because I usually like to enjoy the complete picture and environment of a game.
This game had wonderful hints, an interactive map, extra objects that you could find and puzzles that were well developed and thought out, along with beautiful scenery and music.
The skip button charged almost immediately for any puzzles that you may choose to skip, and the game play was long.
No glitches in the game or the graphics and everything seemed to be named exactly as it was in the hidden object scenes of which there were many, but not to the level of annoyance, more to the level of adding to the enjoyment of this game.
I can’t imagine any game being made better, more enjoyable or well scripted. The bonus play in the collector’s edition was equally as wonderful as the main game play.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The graphics in this game are very nice and clear, the sound is not nerve wracking or stressful. The cut scenes can be skipped, but I rather enjoyed them in this game which is rare for me. The hint button is exactly what I would love to see more games do; you not only can get hints but should you get lost on your way, it will throw up a picture and you just click on the picture and your there. So while the game doesn’t have a map, it doesn’t really require it. The skip button on games was there from the start, which is another touch I wish more games had. You didn’t have to wait and wait for the skip to charge.
The story line of the game was clean and well thought out, as was the words of encouragement along the way.
There are lots of hidden object scenes, and things to put together to make it to the next clue. I overall found this game to be a very delightful and entertaining. The bonus game play was well worth the extra you pay for the collector’s addition.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
I’ll start with the basics here; the graphics were pretty good, the music wasn’t to annoying and did give you breaks during the game. Of course you always have the option to turn off or down the music if one so desires. The hint button charges at a pretty good rate most of the time which, and doesn’t take away your hint if you need to while trying to navigate the rather lengthy maze of hidden object scenes that are in this game. Unlike some games with hidden object scenes, this one actually gets all the objects names right. And while the story plot was pretty much apparent from the start, there was a twist at the end.
The big drawback for me concerning this game was the fact that it really did need a map, and the skip buttons on the puzzles need to charge a lot faster. I found myself going and doing other things while the skip button was charging because it took so long. At one point, I made the mistake of clicking on the instruction sheet after the button had started loading and when I went back to the puzzle, the skip button had disappeared. I backed out of the puzzle and went back in, and the button reappeared.
I recommend this game based on the fact that some people might really love all the wonderful hidden object games that are in this puzzle. While I do enjoy them too, it would have been more fun had there been a map I think to help direct my way between the puzzles and solving the games.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
If you are a die-hard hidden object scene lover then this game has lots to offer you. Lots of hidden object scenes couples with a mystery and thick fog to make things a bit more suspenseful. The hints are pretty good at helping you navigate this expanse of fog covered darkness as you attempt to save the one that was lost.
Graphics were nice; story line was very easy to follow.
Despite all the pluses, I found the game to be too long, and even a bit confusing at times as to which way to go. At several points in the game I was ready to just throw in the towel because I was tired of having to continuously crisscross either the dark fog or the tunnels to gather one item at a time and then try to remember where I was going with an item to solve a puzzle. The skip buttons take what seems like an eternity to charge for the puzzles; I never have understood why designers do this. And the fact that there was no map made things even harder and I was playing on the easy setting. Another thing that I didn’t really care for in this game is you have lots of books to read; not just a page or two, but several pages in each book. I love to read, but when I’m in the middle of trying to solve a mystery in a game I would prefer a page or two at a time.
The bonus game play is where I finally threw in the towel. I never could get one of the puzzles to work, even with all the parts. I kept asking for it to give me hints and it just took me in circles.
All in all I can recommend this game if you really love hidden object scenes, however, that’s about all I can recommend it for.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I found this game to be very enjoyable; not only was the story line easy to follow, but for the most part the game seemed to be a nice balance between adventure and hidden objects. Of course there was your usual sprinkling of puzzles, but not so many that the game was one puzzle right after another.
There was one section that I did have an extremely difficult time navigating through while trying to get in the front gate.
The hints work well and for the most part don’t leave you just to wander about as some games do, but actually offer you advice in which direction you might want to travel. I did encounter a section of the game that it gave the generic phrase that we all hate to see, but then it started back making suggestions.
I did find an item or two that were clearly mislabeled and had to resort to the “hint” button when I kept looking and looking for what it said it wanted and finally gave in and clicked on the hint button and what it circled was clearly not what it had listed that it wanted. But this is nothing new for hidden object games, it’s happens from time to time. The music isn’t constantly droning in your ear which is a wonderful thing and the skip button charges at a very fast rate for the puzzles so if you want to hurry onto your journey and wanted to skip a puzzle you could do so without getting frustrated. I bought the collectors addition, however, I never once checked out the helpful bits. The bonus play was very enjoyable and does add a nice touch to the overall game.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I bought this game for my students to help teach the younger student to focus and follow directions. With the bright graphics, and simple instructions and design, it was a hit. Nothings complex about this game, dark or eerie. It is pretty much a straight forward hidden object game, with lots to find and things to find in an instructed order. It does contain puzzles which adds to it's appeal. I recommend this game for anyone just wanting a relaxed straight forward hidden object game.