The game is based on a woman with amnesia, who's in a coma. You have to explore her past to reveal it, therefore unburdening her heart. It's a mystery to the end, pretty much. I like the game because of it's plot, and if I get annoyed with other games, this is a simple one I can come back to. I bought it in a 6- game pack from Wal*Mart, it was a side game I'd already played and liked. Because of its larger objects in the hidden object scenes, it's a good game for beginners in the hidden object genre.
I made the mistake of buying this game before trying it because it was a Mystery Legends game. I now wish I hadn't bought it. I had to force myself to complete this game. Each time I went to a different person (if you try it, you'll see# I found myself wondering "how many more?". And when I finally did complete it, it was a horrible ending. If you're reading these reviews and thinking it must be like the other ML's, you're wrong. This one is purely hidden object, and the reason I rated it so high on challenge is because it's a pain in some levels to see the objects on the dark background. Also, the music is really annoying, with annoying phrases from the horseman tossed in between. Kind of like Phantom of the Opera #the voice, I mean#. That said, I won't say, "don't bother trying". Some people like this game- look at the reviews.
First off, I played Shadow Town before this. It completely befuddled me with its ending. Well, until I searched the web for someones' reasonable explanation, and even then I was thinking, "what?" This game, once you get into the swing of it, you do figure it out fairly quick- and I'm not going to mention anything else, because it would spoil it. I liked the graphics, the mini-games were good, and the music was okay, I guess. I found this to be a decent game, great compared to it's predecessor. I'd recommend it to the people who like the mind-twist games.
Really, really, really addictive. I mean really. Once you see "the wall" (you'll know what I mean#, you just HAVE to fill it- or at least I did, lol. I was playing this game from noon 'til two a.m., I kid you not. I turned away from the pc merely to have supper and put dishes in dishwasher. By the time I realized it was as, well, early as it was, I DID turn it off- but started up after all housework the next day. Really good graphics, sound is nice #and voice-over as well#, and good mini games and hidden object scenes. One of the first thing I noticed, funnily enough, was when the game was loading in the beginning it had the same load bar as Sacra Terra: Angelic Night, lol.
I definitely liked this game. It had really good graphics, and a great plot- the music wasn't annoying at all, which was also great. I got the collecters' edition on one of the 6 games on one disc, and even though the disc itself was a bargain, I would have bought this game on its own. The basic plot revolved around defeating the seven deadly sins, through way of cunning traps and such. The mini-games were great, and unlike some games they were just right skill level wise. They didn't have you minimizing the game to get at a walkthrough; but they weren't easy either. I'd definitely recommend this one!
The game starts out fairly well, and has a decent plot most the game- well, for the ones who like the kind of one it is, the ol' "find loved one and save" kind- and is really spooky, just like the other Shadow Town. The game leads you to believe that one thing is going on until the end, which twists so much that I really didn't know what was going on. I literally surfed the web to see if anyone could actually tell what happened- or said anything rationally explaining- but most people thought the same as I did. So, sum it up- good game, bad end.
I love the plot in this game- it's eerie, which is my favorite kind. The hidden object scenes are easy to complex, and some areas have puzzles that are hard to figure out. It's fun going into the wives' different "worlds"- all are completely different. A downfall, though, is all the walking.
I'm usually not into time management games, but this one was actually good in my opinion- but then again, it closely verges on the side of hidden object because of how you have to "find" the foods (wickedly fast, mind you). There's different restaurants as well- japanese, pizza, coffee shop, etc.
I recommend this game!
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World of Goo
Drag and drop living, squirming, talking globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues!
I thought this game was really cute because of the talking "goo" balls you build with. It starts easily enough, but gets far more complicated- including grinders to kill your goo. It also has a feature where if you collect excess goo balls on a level they go to a seperate room, where you can build a tower and see in the background if your tower is bigger than someone in your, or another, country. The game's fun for kids as well as adults : )
The game was okay, in my opinion. Instead of jewels, you match discs. But that wasn't my main problem- I didn't like how the discs would match, disappear, then oh-so-slowly shimmer back in. It leaves you with less time to match. Another big difference is that you can match on two sides instead of one, so it may be a smaller board...but you can match okay if you're really quick. I recommend it only for the kind looking for this type of game- otherwise, follow my actual recommendation and just try before buy. I only got it because it came as a deal with one of my games. I wouldn't have paid full price for this on any day.