I am flummoxed as to why this game has 24 GOLD STARS?
I feel as though I have stepped through a time-warp and am playing Christmas Wonderland 8 or 7 or 6 before that not sure how they played.
Time we had teenagers don't you think? A few new Christmas scenes would be nice, like a huge nature park that every year is turned into a winter wonderland. Quite a few places do this you know, even Disney-type scenes would be a step in the right direction.
I'm sorry I really do not recommend this game. I have though, just bought this, as I'm tired of sitting on all these game credits. I would love to be forced away from my other "kill them all" game types but it just isn't happening any time soon now is it?
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Family, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Current Favorite:
Mystery of Neuschwanstein
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
no, no and again no to this game.
If I could find somewhere to turn this Hostess off that would be a step in the right direction. She talks far too much, that you just want to throw the towel at her saying can we just get on with the game ppppppplease!?! The music I did switch off. The scenes are dated, so much so I went and checked and I was right this is not a new game explains why the graphics have become difficult to see clearly.
I really hate doing bad reviews but at same time I can't play bad games my life is stressed enough, thanks, but no thanks.
This is no where near as good as other same type games out there so alas it will not be a buy for me.
We are all not built the same, so try it you might like/love it!
PS You can play relaxed, you can switch screen modes which did help a tad, already said can turn off the music.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Family, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Current Favorite:
Summer Adventure
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
*wow* Where is everybody, only 2 reviews, can’t figure this at all, must be all at Melbourne Cup!
Been a while since I have liked a game of this type. Usually too dark, this one far from it, very clear and in most scenes very bright can find everything, (well nearly everything) game runs smoothly and not slow like some others have been of late. There’s no running around like a chicken with its head cut off, no running forwards and backwards and forwards, you get my drift. It’s really a clean, friendly, fun game. Why I gave this game a 5-star rating.
Nearly forgot the music must be good as I don’t remember it, meaning it’s there but wasn’t annoying me. It really is a different game for a change, really curious as to how this one ends.
Very short review as Stars 4 / 3 / and 2 all echo what I thought about this game. The 1 with the 4 stars rating saying newbies wouldn't understand it, well I'm no newbie and even I didn't understand this one, I had the strong feeling this was a rushed job.
Started off OK then went downhill and the music got on my nerves, turned it off and when you do that the game starts to lose its flavour. Strange that as I love all music usually.
I echo the other review here, why has no one tried this game and REALLY only 1 liked this game?
My excuse been real busy with real life and lots of games are just sitting on the library shelf, slowly reaching for them.
If you ever played Hexagon or similar then this game is very close to them. I wouldn't say it is mindless, its quite maddening at times, take your mind off it for a second and its "get outta here you're not winning this round"!! *BTW* You play against the computer. This game really does not need a story, a lot of times neither do I. It does though have very clear and precise instructions. And the further you move into this game other things come into play. (I don't like giving away what can turn into disappointments when you are starting out with the game first time, what's the point of playing the game when someone else has just told you all about it) There's no bells, whistles, no violence, no Dracula, no run through 6 rooms and do 50 things etc, etc.. This game really is like sitting down at table with coffee (tea in my case) and playing a really great relaxing game.
Have no idea of how long or short this game is, but in my case that won't bother me as I did play Hexagon over and over and over, loved that game and will be same with this one.
Coming to the end of the demo and will be buying this one as it is a very nice filler-in-between those other games we play.
I should be outdoors down at the beach or something similar but still no sign of Spring------instead I read 3 reviews here *wow* They say this is a fun game? Good! Nice day to play a game for half an hour or so - *coughs* Well I finished demo and thanks now definitely need to get out-doors for fresh air to wake up as this boring, dull, ridiculous game very nearly put me to sleep.
Honestly all I did was use the hint umpteen times, kept going back to the cat hoping for something? Clicked everywhere as there really was no sense or rhyme to this game, in other words its the same old, same old.
The hedgie guy got me, hah maybe he's going to spring at me or something, same with the geese maybe they'll honk or hiss but no, these scenes and many of the others just fell flat. Isn't the idea of these games a rescue from scary, kidnapped, etc scenario yet the Hero or Heroine never fall over - give me a break. Can't these Hero(s) at least fall down a hole or something and try and get out like MacGyver? *lol*
PS Recently I have gone back to the good old days of gaming, playing through my previously bought games from here, like the one added here, thank goodness for them.
This game has not been labelled and it should be- Rated PG: Parental Guidance Suggested – some material may not be suitable for children.
Thank you LunaNik I was thinking I have lost the plot but you echoed my thoughts! I don't need to add a thing to what you have said, now that is scary. I really don't understand the 5 Star ratings either, probably because I have tool/garden sheds and don't need to do a super-duper of a think-tank of answers to find a tool/key. *sorry* that's what these games have been doing to me lately, they really are not fun.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Card & Board, Family, Hidden Object, Large File, Mahjong, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
What a delightful game, clean sharp graphics, very smooth playing, which is awesome for us with wins10 O/S
I’m not finding this the slightest bit boring, its notably a fantasy/fairy type game so don’t really need fast paced, blow them sky high type games in this one. Have enough of them already and this is really a refreshing change from those games.
Thank you to you all that brought this game to us, you put a lot of thought and creativity into it and yes bring on more Match 3 – and like another said PUG wins my day and why can’t we name him/her?
First time in a very long while I ran out of time so quick with the demo and had to buy.
Footnote; turn the sound down low and enjoy what I have daily in my life, birds and other delightful sounds out in the bush/forest/etc