I don't mind sitting on the lonesome fence all by myself BUT no, no, alas no, it is another same old, same old.
I was bored after the first 5 minutes and honestly the games music drives me up the wall, some reviewers saying this is #9 well by now they should have learnt how to "loop" the music it is not hard to do. Please quit with telling me you need to use your bombs I will in my own good time thank you very much, that also irked me.
I am going back to the other one you just released it keeps me interested.
Try it out maybe I will still be sitting all on my own-some.
Don't understand the rave reviews, but each to their own.
It's the same as all the others, I became bored within five minutes. proved by my *yawning*. Decided before I deleted this from my hard-drive I will play my previous game being #4 (yes it is still on my Tower) I prefer that game to this supposedly new one.
Like you Pennmom this game is not doing anything for me, it is very dull, feels more like 2D than the 3D and I have nothing against that. When I loaded my other game the music is more chirpy and vibrant, but deep down I just kept feeling dé jà vu with this version.
The one thing that really irked me with this latest version, is each loaded game is taking too long, I really do not have time like that to spare, rather go load a card game least I know I will reach the end patiently and not stressing out looking at the clock like just happened with this new one but didn't with #4 - go figure.
Try it yourself probably leave me all by my own-some sitting on the fence! (if we have any left after all the fires still-on-going)
Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
and buys the game.
It's same old, same old but for some reason I still love this series.
So far same couple, same staff from previous releases would be nice to see new folks ya know!
Same music.
I have the same love hate relationship with finding the garbage, some of them can be tough and I will not move on till I find them all, I close down and come back another day, find them and wonder how the heck did I miss that.
My #1 love of these type games is, I can close them down happy, not frustrated beyond belief. As yet (and I have played ALL the Parks/Christmas as well) I have not become bored with any of them as they have a very varied and interesting puzzles, etc along with a small amount of story intertwined with the game. I do love short versions of story in games not in some I see that is nearly a book, if I want a story I will grab a book and visa versa if I want a game I grab a game.
Go load the demo you will probably end up doing same as me by buying Cruise Director.
---it will be a miracle, cause I can't stop laughing at the voices and antics. Now that's what I call a fun game that has me laughing.
Love that I am not stuck with 1 worker, I don't have to wait for 1 at a time item to be brought to the storage depot, I can queue them chores up. Game itself is not dark and dreary like a few others of late. Didn't notice music(?), shows the game itself has grabbed my attention and not the distractions and for those that always want the story well there's plenty of that too. Stop reading and go load up the demo.
Thanks this will be a great game to play while we are having a nasty heatwave and will take some of our minds off our horrendous drought.
I recommend this game!
38of45voted this as helpful.
Murder, She Wrote
Help the world-renowned author, Jessica Fletcher, solve murders! Piece together the clues to crack cases in Murder, She Wrote!
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
I in 2019 just completed this game - there's hope for me yet to dwindle my 2 do list.
I wish, I really wish we had more games like this. Mind not as old like this one, but with similar format, though it did irk me stopping right in the middle of the "HO" scene for the characters to talk, that did not work for me. A couple of times I had to use the hint as the game is aging and at these times the object has deteriorated, *lol* that last previous word is hilarious. The game played really well and I really enjoyed it.
Happy Birthday (16-10-19) Dame Angela Lansbury 94 Years Young!
PS disappointing that Murder She Wrote 2 is not working with newest machines.
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Current Favorite:
Murder, She Wrote
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
This game is really a case of cheese and chalk. This went flat within the first five minutes of my loading game. I too like another reviewer reloaded "Dreamland Solitaire" to see why I was so against this latest? Sorry but I am now back playing the other one and then worked out what was annoying me, the cards in "Dragon's Fury" game are flat and blend far too much into the background. (yeah I loaded it again) We who do not have hours upon hours to sit playing and are very tired by the time we do sit down looking at a monitor (of all sorts these days) are not seeing your scene very well as they both should be very distinctive. Be in awful trouble if my gate was the same colour as the air now wouldn't I?
Pennmom really says it all so not adding any more, was quite relieved to see another echoing some of my disappointment with this game, I am going to learn to never feel excitement till after playing the demo in future. *sighs*
It is not fair to do review on a game when you don't like them in the first place, those type of reviews unjustly rate these games lower than where they should have been in the ratings in the first place; ((and *ah* it is challenging when you have to use "shuffle'.))
Really this is a beautiful tiled game, very relaxing, smooth as silk background music, lovely lay-outs. These type of games are not meant to be raced through, they are the opposite, intended as a break from stress filled days and meant to get us back up on our feet within roughly 30 minutes and into some real-time active activity. Most of us who play these games are usually eating lunch or it's cuppa time and can't be bogged down in games so thank you to the guys that brought us a unique game.
Sad to say its 2019 now so looks like won't be a #2??
It is now paid for and in my collection as well *grins*
Was there a story line, if so made no sense to me.
Already been said, it is very dark, blurry to the point I had to close this game down as the pics in here were sending my eyes weird, and the beginnings of a headache, (which is a very rare occurrence for me) no game is worth that, especially with the "high end tools we have now-a-days.
It's all really been said BUT I love the humour in this one it is very subtle but it's there. Hooray someone is listening, so far seems to be none of the toing and froing that's a big plus for me. Plenty to do and very different to past games of recent times, games that have left me feeling cold and sad for whomever put them together but this one far from that description. I, like someone else said here, do not like to spoil games so all I am adding, it is very well done you can feel and see a lot of effort and love and thought has gone into this one. (probably a lot of sweat and hair pulling too)
I will buy this one once I am on top of other games along with my real life - just quit giving us so many good games of late will ya! *leaves chuckling*
I am in full agreement with another reviewer here why the gun(s)? Therefore I lowered Star Rating down to 3 and that's a real shame as it is an "out of the box game"!
My curiosity got the better of me as was wondering why such a wide range of high/low reviews? I am, I have to say very confused; I have read over and over in here lately why are the games the same old, same old? Today in comes one that is very different to many of the other releases of late. It has so much variety you can't possibly become bored, I saw in here puzzles I have never seen before and if time permits will play again at a later date to see if I can figure out the game-play instead of skipping them. Then I saw a few of my favourites from other games. Another Fishie also spoke on this and that is a downside by having no real Help on the mini-games. Please believe me I do like to figure things out on my own and that is another huge bonus with this game not having my hand held but would have been nice to have a button to hit that said something like "Click Here For Help". I could write a book today but it's past my dinnertime.
Don't let some of the reviews turn you off as I have a strong feeling they didn't play long enough, I felt the same at the start but game grows on you. And I love the Dragon He is so unobtrusive and at times very helpful. I love nope said I have to go I'll write a book another day and now that I am this far into this review I am changing my Rating to 4 stars as a lot of thought went into this game, not like some others of late.