What would a Haunted Legends be without that horrid little dwarf the Count St. Germaine (SG) and, yes, he is back in game number eleven in the series The Cursed Gift. Just as I was tiring of this series the Cursed Gift seems to hold promise as a game that is a bit different and has a storyline that I happen to find interesting. Although most of the games from this developer seem to be sliding down a slippery slope to darkness, the Cursed Gift isn’t quite as bad as some recent offerings from ERS/AMAX.
You once again play the game as a detective and you receive a letter from Lucas Malloy asking you to save his son Sebastian. It seems that Sebastian has a very rare gift that SG wants. In an effort to save his son, Lucas signed a contract with the dwarf that would transfer Sebastian’s gift to him but then later realizing his error in judgement has spent his life trying to undo the contract and it has now cost him his life. When you arrive at the home, you find Lucas gone and the home is truly haunted with a variety of ghosts, some good and others who are not quite so good at all. SG is out to get Sebastian’s gift and nothing will get in his way, even you detective. As you play through the Cursed Gift you will need to overcome obstacles and work with a pair of ghostly knights to save Sebastian. Are you up to the challenge?
The graphics are excellent, as one would expect from this artistic team even though we are romping through a decrepit haunted house there are still touches of color and the game does not seem overpowered by the dull browns and grays we often find in haunted house types of games. I do have to say though that many of the graphics seem misty or foggy but I believe that is intentional given the nature of the game. The interactive map is present from the beginning of the game and, although I didn’t find any special tools or gimmicks there is a special box that requires seals to open. We will find those seals as we move through the game and I once we open the box there will be something we must do with it later in the game.
The HOPS include variety and some interaction to acquire the items we eventually need to use before moving forward in the game. The do not seem to be quite as many list type scenes as they do vary quite a bit. I happened to enjoy several of the different scenes, particularly the one where we must find objects on a special kaleidoscope using the story presented in the scene. Even the scenes where we find matching pairs were not too bad. The puzzles were nothing new but I did struggle with one where we place colored gems to open a door. Overall I enjoyed the demo enough that I know the Cursed Gift is sure to be quite an entertaining game. At this point I will need to honestly say the game is very easy and there is not a lot of brain-drain involved with the gameplay. I did have to use the hint button once or twice because an item didn’t seem to work as it should but it turned out it was me – lol.
The CE version of the game includes Collectible Amulets to find. You will earn coins for each amulet found and they will be used later to purchase items for your Haunted House. There are the ever-present achievements to earn as well. I don’t generally care for achievements but must admit I liked the pop-up for the first achievement I did earn and now look forward to earning others. Even though I don’t use Screensavers or Wallpapers I might decide to use one of the 9 available Wallpapers as I play the game. Other extras include: 9 Concept Art, 5 Screensavers, 4 Music Tracks, Movies, replay of HOPS and Mini-Games, a Haunted House, the 29-page Strategy Guide, and a Bonus Chapter. This developer is not known for adding a lot of extra content but what is included is enough to entice me to purchase the CE.
After a recent release from this developer, I said I would never purchase another of their games but it seems that promise is short-lived since I added this new Haunted Legends game to my collection. I found the pace of the game to be quite good and there were enough “hooks” along the way to keep me wanting more of the storyline. As soon as the game was released I couldn’t prevent myself from hitting the buy button so now I will shut out the rest of the world (for at least a few hours) and immerse myself in the world of Haunted Legends and that pesky little dwarf who it seems I love to see be thwarted in his efforts to obtain his goals. Happy gaming!
Paris is under siege! Well, at least the Golden Circle is. You receive a letter from your uncle who is living in Paris and he urgently needs your help. He has sent a letter that is rather cryptic letting you know that he is sorry for the lack of communication in the past but he really hopes you will come to Paris and help him. He encloses your father’s medallion as a token of perhaps fence mending or maybe so that you will trust him and come to Paris. Oh and by the way, he will tell you more when you arrive and signs off with “don’t trust anyone.” Brave young American woman that you are, you pack a valise and travel to Paris. However, your arrival in Paris doesn’t start off too well since the friend your uncle sent to meet you is murdered before your very eyes. Now you must find your uncle and pray that you are not too late to save him. Welcome to Paris!
Donna Brave is perhaps the beginning of a new series by Mad Head and if so, it certainly starts off being very interesting with a rather paranormal mystery theme. The graphics are very good and capture the art deco feel of Paris in the 1920s. Even though the game is set in the 1920s I swear I saw what looks like a cell phone when rummaging through a drawer in Uncle Andre’s house. Guess Andre was a bit ahead of his time - lol.
You have several options when setting up the game that include five different modes of gameplay. You will find an interactive map after you meet your uncle. You also have your father’s medallion that will help you focus and see things that are not obvious to the human eye alone.
The HOP scenes are nothing new and follow the Mad Head tradition of including morphing objects in each scene. The puzzles are fairly easy and it doesn’t seem like there is anything new here either. Because things are the same doesn’t mean that they are less enjoyable. I am of the opinion that developers can only do so much and should really always have to come up with something new or different when creating their games.
Even though the HOPS and Puzzles are nothing really new I did enjoy them and enjoyed the gameplay even more. I know some gamers might find the gameplay easy but it was just right for me. I enjoyed each step as the story unfolded and I learned more. When the game first began it had a sort of Adam Wolfe feel to it although it is different. I have to say that Inspector Laroche is a bit of eye candy for some of us. I really hope we get to see more of him in the future. In fact, I think he would be a great spin-off character for his own series.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes the following extras: Collectibles that are once again the Mad Head Swirl logo. IMHO, it would be nice to find something perhaps a bit more creative and enticing rather than always using the same old symbol in every game. There are morphing objects found in the HOPS and, again, I wish that the developer would locate the morphing objects in the gameplay scenes rather than the HOPS. It takes me forever to finish the HOPS because I spend all of my time looking for one tiny thing that morphs. Other extras include Achievements to earn, along with Wallpapers, Concept Art, Soundtracks, Replay of HOPS, Memory Game, Character Gallery, Strategy Guide, and Bonus Game. IMHO, this represents a fairly decent package of extras if these are things you enjoy.
As I mentioned above I found the storyline interesting and this is a mystery I want to solve. Who is this gigantic strangler and why does he only target a select group of people? What are the members of the elite Golden Circle hiding and will I be able to solve the mystery before Uncle Andre meets his end? Oh, and will I get to spend more time with that smoking hot inspector? All of my questions were answered by the end of this very entertaining game and it turned out to be just as excellent in the end as it was in the beginning Happy gaming!
I’ve struggled two days to write this review and it seems like they each become more difficult when so many of the games seem to blend together with each one being almost the same as the last HOPA game I played. So here we are now with another game in an endless cookie cutter series with game number six in the Spirit of Revenge series – Unrecognized Master. When I started to play the game I had to go back and check to see if this game was created by the original developer because it definitely didn't feel anywhere close to the creativity and excellence of the first game – Cursed Castle.
Unrecognized Master begins with the now obligatory scene of blood and murder but despite that I pushed myself to continue playing so that I could at least give the game a fair shot.
One of the first things that frustrated me about this game is that when I selected the custom setting there were very few options available. There were sliders available to set the hint and skip times but the custom option was really a joke. If developers are going to add a Custom setting, why not make it worthwhile for the gamer and offer a variety of options such as choosing map options or, real hint and skip values.
I don’t feel as adamant as other gamers about helpers but I didn’t care for the mechanical Kiwi. Being a “Kiwi” myself somehow it seemed rather wrong to modify this naturally flightless bird so that it could perform the various tasks that I couldn’t possibly handle on my own with a little creativity on my part.
The storyline for Unrecognized Master is basically a rehash of storylines that have been used over and over and over again here at BFG and the gameplay has nothing new or interesting – just a change of characters, and this time with neon green eyes to indicate they have been possessed by some poor apprentice who had been slain by his benefactor 200 years previously.
The only things that really kept me moving forward in the game (one that I haven’t finished by the way because the storyline is simply too boring) are the HOP scenes that I do enjoy and the entertaining puzzles or mini-games. The HOPS were well-designed and, even though most of them are list type (my favorite), the items are not too difficult to find and the scenes are not just dark and web-riddled. The puzzles are creative and some did seem like they were new so I found those quite enjoyable. I am sure there are more to come and another day when I have nothing better to do I might go back and actually finish the game.
The CE version of the game really is nothing more than what we would expect but at least there are morphing objects as well as the collectibles to find. The other extras are the standard fluff and we all know what to expect so I am not going to waste my time letting you know at this point what is included.
In closing I really was not overly impressed with the game because I know this developer can do much better. I suggest they go back to the drawing board and perhaps put an end to this worn out series and come up with something new. I know there are many new gamers here at BFG and you will probably appreciate Unrecognized Master far more than me. It is not a terrible game and it does have some good things to offer. If you are new, you might love this game but for me it is simply a rehash of another cookie cutter game. As always I urge you to try the demo since we all like different things in games. Happy gaming!
This will most likely be one of the shortest reviews I have ever submitted on a game. Others have described the storyline and all of the game’s features so there is no need for me to rehash those. However, what I do need to say is that I am absolutely, totally, and thoroughly sick of games that feature demons and monsters even if they are dressed up in a lovely shade of light purple. A demon, is a demon, is a demon! I am certain that very creative developers can come up with other themes for their games.
Now that I have made it clear that I hate the subject matter of this Rite of Passage game I have one other pet peeve and that is the wretched HOPS in this game. Why do developers feel that it is necessary to make almost every HOP scene nothing more than dark heaps of junk in poorly lit rooms? These types of scenes are nothing more than an exercise in tedium and frustration for most gamers over the age of thirty and I even doubt that younger gamers would have fun searching through piles of rubble to find the items they need. Developers need to realize that many of us who love and PURCHASE HOPA games are over the age of forty. Yes there are younger fans of the genre but many of us have been members here at BFG for many, many years. I remember a time when HOP scenes were fun and items were far easier to identify and find.
Judging by the recent rash of games that have been released by Big Fish Games, if this is the future of HOPA games, I think I will have to close my laptop and take up another hobby.
The only enjoyable part of Rite of Passage the Sword and the Fury were the mini-games, some of which were excellent and fun to solve. I disliked the storyline that could have been so much better if the developer had worked a bit more on the theme and ditched the demons entirely.
Honestly, I hate writing negative reviews but lately I don’t think that the games presented by some very qualified and excellent developers deserve more than one or two-stars for their games. I love HOPA games and I spend most of my entertainment budget on purchasing them here at BFG. If future games are more of the same then I can look forward to saving a lot of money. As for the Sword and the Fury, I think it should get lost in some gaming portal in a faraway land.
Let me start by saying that Phantasmat has never been anywhere close to being my favorite series. After the last Phantasmat game - Mournful Loch, I swore that I would never buy another game in the Phantasmat series. Well here we are it’s another day and for some odd reason I just had to indulge my addiction to purchasing CE games. What a mistake, particularly when I should have known better and shackled myself far from my laptop and that “buy” button.
In the game’s opening video we see a young boy named Kevin being urged by his friends to scale a mountainside and then when they realize he is in danger, they tell him he has gone too far and that he should climb down. Well with the series name being Phantasmat it doesn’t take a genius to know that the boy will slip and fall; and with that we have the beginning of another game in the Phantasmat series.
You play the game as Ashley White (or do you?) who has suffered a severe concussion in a traffic accident and now must recover from a bad case of amnesia. The doctor tells your husband Stan that you must have a quiet environment in which to recover so he takes you to his farm in the country. I guess with a bad case of amnesia you didn’t happen to notice the rain stained pillows or the decaying environment. I doubt I could relax in a dirty and rusty bed but hey anything is possible in game land. At any rate, it isn’t long after you arrive for your relaxing recovery (and yes there is a raging storm approaching just to add to the ambience and make matters a bit worse) when Stan informs you that you must first secure the windows from the storm before going to bed – yep in that filthy bed no less – even though he realizes you are injured and tired. As you are securing the windows you happen to see the reflection of a young boy who seems to beckon you and you have an urge to follow him. Kevin (yes the very same boy who fell from the cliff) leaves some clues and help for you as you find your way through the decaying farmhouse. As we learn bits and pieces of the story we begin to see that loving Stan definitely has another side to his dark personality. So the question for me is do I really want to suffer through the tedium of the game in order to find out more about Stan and our relationship. In my case the answer is no but that is just me.
Where the game falls apart for me is with the HOP scenes that are simply dreadful. There is a progressive scene early in the game where I had to use the hint button several times to simply get started. The scene made no sense and the items were ridiculously difficult to find. I know there has been a huge outcry from some gamers who want more difficult and challenging games but I am not one of them. However, I guess this developer has heard that call because their last several games have been so tedious and boring that I doubt I will ever purchase another. I remember when the Eipix name once equated to awesome, gorgeous, and wonderful games. I found the gameplay to be fun, if not challenging, with HOPS that were creative and where I could actually identify the items to be found. Recently this developer has resorted to using unidentifiable blotches, parts shrouded in glaring light or hidden behind dusty webs, or worse yet – items that are so infinitesimally small it would take a magnifying glass to find them. That is not what I want in a HOPA game. Part of the enjoyment for me is a relaxing search for items that can be found without too much effort. That does not mean that I don’t want some challenge or creativity in the scenes because I certainly do. I just don’t want tedium and frustration when I play since I don’t find that fun.
If this game has any redeeming qualities they turn out to be some excellent mini-games that I actually enjoyed. Unfortunately, the game is so bad that not even the excellent puzzles could get me to stick it out past the game’s demo.
Unfortunately I purchased the game without trying the demo and that was a huge mistake. This is a game that will sit in my purchase history without ever being played. Well maybe one day when I want a dose of punishment I might decide to suffer through the game which might not take too long since the game appears to be very short with only 12 HOPS and 13 min-games and a very short strategy guide. Even though this game was not my cup of tea, I am sure that many out there in Big Fish game land will find the game to be just what they are looking for. As always, please try the demo because you might just be one of those gamers who love the game. Happy gaming!
I was so pleasantly surprised to see another Lost Lands game released today. The series is right at the top of my favorite series and I immediately grabbed the Ice Spell without bothering to try the demo first. This developer puts together some of the best games I have ever played and the Lost Lands games have all been excellent. Other games in the series are the Dark Overlord, the Four Horsemen, the Golden Curse, and the Wanderer.
While working the night shift at a museum, the security guard’s curiosity accidentally sets off a chain of events that finds our heroine, Susan, once again in the Lost Lands. When Susan first arrived in the Lost Lands she learned that she is a Keeper called the Warmaiden. Now whenever trouble rears its head in the Lost Lands, the mage Maaron manages to whisk Susan away from her comfy home to solve whatever mischief might be afoot. Start this new adventure where the lands have overtaken by an icy spell. Could it have anything to do with that huge horn in the museum? Joining Susan on her adventure are Maaron and Folnur the dwarf mechanic who was your companion on another foray into the Lost Lands. Will you and your friends be able to save the Lands once again and find out who, or what is behind the ice that has shrouded the lands in a seemingly endless winter?
Not only Lost Lands but other games from this developer use the progressive silhouette type of HOP scenes and the ones in Ice Spell are excellent. I enjoy finding the silhouette items and then figuring out where to use them in order to complete each scene but I must admit that the silhouette type of HOP is not my favorite and I really wish that there was a bit more variety with the HOPS. Recently this developer presented another game and that one did get away from the silhouette scenes and included more variety, which I would like to see in the Lost Lands series. Even though the HOPS are a bit redundant, the puzzles are excellent and some even seem a bit more challenging – at least for me. I had no trouble with the first puzzle during the first two levels but when it came to the last one I couldn’t seem to get the timing right and ended up skipping it. I loved the puzzle where we need to shovel snow to free a ladder because it is tricky to get it right. I am enjoying the mix of puzzles with some seeming different from those we always see. At least the game has a great mix of difficulty so there is something for everyone.
Okay, I admit that I am a sucker for the CE version of HOPA games not only because of the in game strategy guide but because I love finding the collectibles that are hidden in each scene. The Lost Lands games and other games from this developer always offer a ton of extra goodies and In Ice Spell those collectibles include: 7 stained glass fragments, 8 icicles, 7 mittens, 8 owls, 12 golden horse statues, and 13 manuscripts. There are also 30 morphing objects to locate. While you are busy finding all of those collectibles and morphing objects you can also earn 21 achievements. There are 14 wallpapers, 15 concept art, 17 videos, and 8 soundtracks, replay of 19 mini-games, a 57-page strategy guide, and a bonus game.
I guess I have said it enough times in this review that you get that I really like the Lost Land series. I did buy the game immediately and have no regrets, except that I had to tear myself away from the game to write my review. I own every game from this developer whose offerings include Lost Lands, New York Mysteries, Darkness and Flame, The Legacy Forgotten Gates, and Forbidden Secrets Alien Town. If you are looking for a great game I can recommend some of those listed above as well as today’s game. As always, please try the demo to see if you will enjoy this game as well. Happy Gaming!
Marriage is off to a wild start for newlyweds Sybil and Nigel. The old adage of “beware of strangers bearing gifts” should apply when Sybil receives a gift from a stranger telling her it is a gift is from one of Nigel’s friends. Inside the package is a portrait of Sybil that is indeed “special” but certainly not in a good way. As Sybil takes the portrait in her hands she is overcome and quickly begins a transformation that is sure to unleash the beast within. Who would do such a thing to a kind and lovely young bride? As you play this new game in the Dark Romance series, the Monster Within, you will discover the answer to that question and even more as you find out who is behind this betrayal of friendship.
If you are like me and happen to love the Dark Romance series I think that you will find the Monster Within to be a game that you too will enjoy. Yes, for some, the storyline might seem nonsensical but I love the way the developer uses both characters to tell the story using a back and forth interaction between the lovers. Again there are many who love to analyze a game but I am such a game addict that for me unless a game is horribly dark, I play simply for the joy of playing each game that comes my way.
The graphics are beautiful and excellent as is expected from this developer. There is a custom mode available and the interactive map. There is an option on the map that you can click that will then show when a scene has collectibles not yet found. You also will find your father’s amulet that will grant you a useful power. Again, I don’t like to give away all of the details of a game because discovery is the most fun. A unique feature from this developer is the inclusion of little circles on the inventory bar that will be open or closed to show when there are collectibles or morphing objects to find in a scene.
The Monster Within has an equal distribution of 19 HOPS and 19 Mini-games. IMHO, the HOPS are very creative and interactive but if you would rather not hunt for objects, there is a Match-3 game. Some of the HOPS do have mini-games included and the one in the first scene is fun. There is good variety in the style of HOPS included in the game with silhouette, list, and storybook types to keep you entertained. The mini-games or puzzles are a lot of fun and many are included in the HOPS as well. The mini-games are familiar but that is not a big deal to me. This developer offers a choice between Easy and Hard when you play a mini-game, with Hard being the default. If you get stuck you can always reset the mini-game by selecting Easy.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes 6 Chapters plus a Bonus Chapter and a 50-Page Strategy Guide. There are Morphing Objects, Collectible Brushes, and Paintings to find. Of course we have Achievements to earn, all with creative names. Other extras include Wallpapers, Concept Art, Music, Movies, and a Menagerie. IMHO, this developer always adds a lot of extra content making the CE version a great value.
Since I am a huge fan of fairy tales (I kept several of my favorite collections from childhood) and I love the Dark Romance series. I am a romantic at heart so I really want to bring Nigel and Sybil the happy ending they need to live happily ever after. Even though the game was an instant buy for me, I recommend that you try the demo to see if Dark Romance the Monster Within is a game you will enjoy. Other games in the series include Vampire in Love, Heart of the Beast, the Swan Sonata, Kingdom of Death, Curse of Bluebeard, Romeo and Juliet. Happy Gaming!
The long-awaited second game in the Dawn of Hope series has finally arrived and it looks as if Daughter of Thunder just might surpass the excitement found in the first game Skyline Adventure. The game is once again set in a post-apocalyptic world (giving meaning to the series title Dawn of Hope) and in Daughter of Thunder you play the game as Astrid. As a huge storm approaches your sister, Lynne, awakens you so that you can escape your home before it is destroyed by the massive storm. Lynne asks you to be sure to bring her amulet and it’s a good thing that you were able to grab it as you fall from what is left of the house. As Lynne tries to save you she is struck by lightning that unleashes a power that she never knew she had. When you use her amulet it only magnifies that power and she is able to save you. Unfortunately Lynne’s power is drained and now you must somehow manage to get both of you to safety at the Mayor’s home where he will surely have something to restore Lynne.
Saving Lynne and finding shelter is only the beginning of Daughter of Thunder where you step into a world of family secrets and betrayal. Will you be able to unravel the truth and learn the secrets of the Stormborne? Play this amazing new Dawn of Hope to see where the storm will lead you.
The game has excellent graphics that depict the post-apocalyptic world with a sound track to match. You find a map early in the game that will allow you to travel quickly between scenes. You also will use Lynne’s Amulet to help you out in situations where you might need a bit of extra help but you will also need to play a mini-game before the amulet can help you out. I actually happen to like the mini-game that requires you to fill the squares on a grid with different colors.
The HOP scenes include the standard variety but the scenes are very creative and well-designed with some also being multi-level. The multi-level HOS include a variety of styles such as silhouette combined with the list type. I found the items fairly easy to spot although some of the scenes were filled with a lot of junk and were quite crowded. The puzzles were fairly easy and enjoyable with no brain-drain required to solve them. I am certain that there will be a few more challenging puzzles thrown into the mix as the game progresses so there should be something for everyone to enjoy.
The gameplay was fun and did seem quite linear without a lot of going back and forth so the game moved forward at a good pace. In many games the back and forth seems to be mainly a time-filler but that is not the case with Daughter of Thunder.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes finding Mad Head symbols and morphing objects that are found in the HO scenes. There are also achievements to earn with some being multi-level. Other extras include Hop Gallery, Bonus Puzzle, Wallpapers, Soundtracks,, a Jigsaw Puzzle, an Alternate Ending, a Character Gallery, Profile Icons, a Bonus Chapter, and Strategy Guide.
Since playing the beta for Daughter of Thunder almost five months ago I have been eagerly awaiting the full release of the game so I could grab it. Well that day is finally here and I am looking forward to finding out how the storyline plays out. Lynne has an interesting family and family dynamic so it is anyone’s guess as to how the story will end. I also want to find out exactly what will happen to the mayor. Although he seems a bit ruthless I am sure there is probably more to that story as well. I already know that I love the game and am sure it will be even better than Skyline Adventure which is an excellent. As always, please try the demo to see if Daughter of Thunder is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Grandma is back with game number seven in the Whispered Secrets series – Forgotten Sins. How exciting! You and your friend Carol have been invited by your former college professor, Dr. Lomonosov to visit the excavation site of an ancient city that has recently been discovered near Agora. As soon as you arrive at the hotel where you are staying, a young woman races into the lobby asking for your help just before she collapses. It turns out that Emma is a collector of rare antiquities and when she revives she asks you to help her identify the strange parcel she is holding. Well, this is your first big mistake and only the beginning of your trouble-filled adventure because when you open the parcel you find that it contains a cube that is a powerful artifact called the Cube of Sins. I don’t want to give away more of the story because it will be far more fun if you discover it for yourself as you play the full game or even further into the demo. Let’s just say there is lots of excitement ahead.
The graphics are very colorful and although at times they seem washed out some scenes are very vivid. At first the graphics did seem a bit cartoonish but as I played the game I enjoyed the overall visual effect. I am a gamer who always plays with the sound on and I love the Middle Eastern style of music in the soundtrack. Your tools include an interactive map that you find very early in the game. Other tools include the mysterious box that Emma gives you ( will let you discover its use for yourself), and as in other games in the Whispered Secrets series you will have pictures or photos that help you identify hidden areas in some scenes.
The HOPs are varied in style and some are well-designed so they don’t seem like the same old scenes. Early in the game there is a HOP where we gather herbs and it took me a minute to figure out how to place some items. I found the scenes better than those in some recent games and very enjoyable. The puzzles seem to be very easy but maybe that is because I play so many HOPA games that I am familiar with how to solve them. Nevertheless, I did enjoy the puzzles as well because sometimes I prefer the easier puzzles to those that require a brain-drain. For those of you who aren’t as familiar with the puzzles this developer offers either a “Casual” or “Hard” setting on some puzzles. I wish more developers would offer this setting so that gamers who are not into the puzzles and generally skip them might be enticed to actually give them a try.
The CE version of the game includes 74 collectible crystals hidden in the scenes. There is a pop out box on the top right side of each scene that will indicate how many crystals are to be found in that particular scene. Yes, there are achievements to earn but I couldn’t figure out exactly how many there are available. Other extras include 10 – Wallpapers, a Workshop that has 10 concept art scenes, 8 Music Tracks, Replay of Movies, Replay of HOPs and Mini-games, a 61-page Strategy Guide, a Bonus Chapter and a Hidden Chapter. With seven chapters plus the two bonus chapters the game might be a bit longer.
What I love about this game is the overall visual appeal and the soundtrack. Those two things always increase my enjoyment of a game and the mystique of the Middle East is very appealing. The downside of the game for me is that we have yet another evil spirit that is eager to take over the body of someone and wreak havoc. I am really very tired of this trend or theme in HOPA games. Come on developers there are so many other possibilities for developing interesting games without having some dark and evil entity attempt to rule the world! So even though the premise of the game is flogged to death, I still found it very enjoyable, and by the time the demo ended I was sucked into the storyline. As always I recommend that you try the demo to see if this is a game you will enjoy.
When her Uncle Paul retired as a member of the Secret Order of Keepers, Alexandra stepped in to fill his shoes and now she is a full-fledged member of the order. In Keeper of Antiques: The Last Will, you will take on the role of Alexandra and believe me you are certainly going to have your hands full recovering an Artifact that is causing a whole lot of trouble in the town of Netville.
The story begins as Uncle Paul is returning from a journey and gets a call telling him that a powerful artifact has been activated in the town of Netville, so he gets home as quickly as possible, stopping only to pack the car with the necessities that you will need as you travel to Netville to find the artifact. Locating the disruption is fairly easy but finding and retrieving the artifact is the hard part. I certainly hope that you are up to the challenge because there is a lot at stake in this case. Of course, Uncle Paul has a few tricks up his sleeve and he has armed you with some special tools to help you during your adventure.
The graphics are the same style as in the other games in the series. The voiceovers are okay but Uncle Paul seems to have undergone a change as his style and tone are much different. He seems rather nervous and almost wimpy compared to past games. Your tools include the customary transporter type map that provides a gold star when you have located all of the collectibles and morphing objects in a scene. As in other games in the series you have the special Keeper’s Tool that will help you find and neutralize dangerous artifacts. Of course, it is one of those tools that will need to be periodically recharged by playing a mini-game.
The HOPS are varied and interactive. Some of the scenes are quite creative and seem a bit different than the usual old fare. If you are familiar with other games from this developer I am sure you have seen the types of HOPS they include in their games. I happen to love the games from this developer and find their HOPS creative and, most importantly, fun to play. However, if you don’t want to hunt for items in a HOP scene there is an alternate mahjong style matching game to play.
The puzzles or mini-games are not difficult even though there is one early in the game that was tricky and had me stumped until I finally got it. I am happy to find a game with bit more balance between HOPS and puzzles. The puzzles in The Last Will are enjoyable and none of them seemed frustrating to solve.
If you prefer the CE version of games this one includes morphing objects, collectible items, and puzzle pieces to find located in the various scenes in the game. If you love earning the achievements then you will be happy that there are 12 of them in this game with many of them being multi-part. Other extras include the standard fluff such as wallpapers, artwork, screensavers and soundtrack, a bonus chapter, and a 45-page strategy guide. This developer always includes a ton of extras in their CE games so they are a very good value if you happen to love finding extra goodies and taking advantage of the in-game strategy guide. One thing I find lacking in the game is that I can’t see where we can replay any HOPS or Mini-games. Maybe I am tired and missed it but it looks like there is not that option included as an extra.
I happen to enjoy most games from this developer and Keeper of Antiques is a good series. At least we are not always battling dark evil beings. There is more a sense of mystery and even though there is a sense of people being controlled it is generally by an artifact and not some truly despicable dark entity. I am so sick of those horrible dark games and it is refreshing to see a game with a lighter feel. Yes, The Last Will is another game that I will be adding to my library and I fully expect to immerse myself in the game all day. Even though this game is perfect for me and the way I like to play, as always, please try the demo to see if The Keeper of Antiques: The Last Will is a game you will enjoy.