After Shaban's sheep are stolen by thieves, he sets off on an epic adventure to get back what belongs to him. Help Shaban on his journey in this intriguing hidden object adventure game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This game has the cutest story line. Someone said they did not like it because there were no words. Just noises. The cut scenes were like a comic book with sound effects. The drawings were beyond amazing, detailed, and visually... stunning! With little words added afterwards, like one would put on a comic strip if they were bored.
The guy just wants to get his sheep back. He meets some great characters on the way.
The music was fitting. It was beautifully scored.
The challenge never ended. From beginning to end, it did not get tougher or easier. Was just delightful play.
There were only a few types of mini games, but many different styles. You get a sample of each during the trial.
Someone said it was similar to Tiny Bang Story. If you did not like that one you will NOT like this either.
There are skips. The icon changes on hot spots. There are helps, but in an extremely creative way. This is not a game for people that play the hidden object/puzzle/adventure games on easy. It is not terribly hard, just very creative.
I have no clue what this game is about- but I love it!
PostedApril 25, 2012
fromPittsburgh PA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
As my review title says- I still have no clue what this game is about but I cannot stop playing it. In fact, I find myself saying that every time I go to play it!
The game is pretty standard- if you play the demo, you will see that the rest of the game is the same. exactly the same. Some might find this boring.
The object is to raise dragons, expand your dragon area (I have no clue what to call it) and collect gems to make object from.
Each area has their own dragons, but they are actually the same- the third dragon on each area has two heads... Each dragon grows up and drops gems based on their age. The sound it makes is very cute.
Each area has helpers/workers. They are the same helpers for each area. Once you unlock one, they will be unlocked for each area after that. The backgrounds change somewhat. The little guys change somewhat. They are also very cute.
Actually, the whole game is cute! I would not say it is extremely challenging, but it is extremely fun. At some point there will be so much chaos on your screen you have no idea what is going on. But chaos can be fun right?
I listened to the story (between each area and at the beginning of the game- assuming the end too- have not gotten there yet) each time. The narrator makes it worthwhile. The story line makes it not! But there is a skip. It sort of works.
I wish there was slightly more help for what the goal was- build 6 bracelets. Well it turns out not just any bracelet. But other times the goal will be any 6 bracelets. I wish they were clearer. Maybe it was and I just got click happy...
You either get a star or do not get a star. I wish it was like other games were you get bronze (for completing), silver (for completing within a time), and gold (for completing in record time). This just has complete- you get a star | not complete- you do not get a star. Sadly I did not get many stars.
I do not believe I gave away any story line as I have no idea what this story is about- but the game is fun and cute and a nice way to kill time.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Everything about this game is fun. I admit at first I thought it was lame- just click and click? but I really enjoyed it.
I have since installed and uninstalled several times. Mostly to free up HD space (uninstall) and because it is so fun (install).
I love games where I strive for highest rating and EXPERT. It makes it even more challenging. I also feel it lengthens playing time.
The characters are funny and unique. Some are super picky! The graphics are clear and that is important to me. The sound is fun (and I rarely play with sound on - on any game).
The game goes fast. I found myself stuck with one silver? board on expert. I just cannot get perfect on that board!
If you enjoy the demo- the full version will be just as if not more enjoyable. But only if you like a fast paced game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
My rating is OKAY.
The game was cute. I thought it would be more interesting- taking on that ecological aspect. Maybe I did not play long enough to see exactly where the story/game went with the theme.
I play with the music low and sound effects medium-medium high. There were two sliders for changing sounds- only one was labeled "music" I assume the other slider was for sound effects?
Again, maybe it was me.
I did not get far with the game- I left with about 10 minutes left of the demo (my game sputtered, sputtered, finally stopped) which was okay, since I was not overly thrilled whilst playing.
The game uses this ecology theme. The only thing I noticed about it was the need to build gardens. It was kind of confusing for me- I think I am becoming a pickier player.
One point of confusion- and maybe this was cleared up later, was why would the goods factory or the seeds store not bring down the overall ecology factor? I would think that building one of these in a real situation would bring down the value. Maybe I am over thinking it.
So recommendation? I would recommend this game to those who made it through the demo (if you read the boards, some had trouble with the actual game play as I did) and I would recommend it at regular bfg club price. Only because it has been a while since we got a time management game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
As my title says- I had a lot of trouble seeing the objects in the HOG parts. It was very dark and shadow-y. I set my computer for full brightness and that only helped a little. FYI "lace" really means "laces"
I set the game to the expert level. This level only allows hints during the HO parts. The hint level also took longer to charge. I thought this would be a challenge this way. I was wrong.
The mini games gave directions and were relatively easy to complete. Typical games.
Your cursor changed when hovered over an item to pick up. Several times more than one item was found in the exact same location. Next to each other! If you still needed a part to complete a puzzle or item, it would tell you almost exactly what you needed. I did not see that as a challenge.
I was disappointed as it is the end of the month and I have one more game to buy. But I would not recommend paying anything other than 99c for this game (unless you like easier HOG and do not mind the blurry shadow-y parts)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I just did not get this game.
The animations were weak. The skip story button did not work and I was desperate to get through the story. The kid was pointless. The story in general was dumb. I rarely use such general "mean" words but I have to in this case. The actual graphics were attractive.
The hidden objects were super simple. Too simple. The mini games were either easy or impossible. It was annoying to gather the items. I am guessing that is something that makes this game unique and others will like that extra challenge. I just found it irritating.
For me, this would only be a 99c purchase. Others I think will like it better, but expert HOG people will not.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Overall my thoughts was this was only okay. I would buy this game but only if they are running a sale (less than bigfishgame member price).
Reasons this game was only okay... (1) My computer disliked the graphics. Everytime that creepy robot appeared my computer stuttered. and by computer, I really mean the game. But I say computer because it is possible it was just me. (2) The game had so much potential. There were mini games and sparkles and a lot of back and forth collecting objects (A lot of reviewers do not like that aspect- but me- I love it!) I always select the harder method for these games, but I still felt there was either TOO much hand holding (hints charged too quickly, skips appeared too soon, the mini games took less insight and more random clicking to pass) or TOO little (I never use more than a couple of hints/skips for an entire game, I used more than a couple in this trial alone!) For me I used hints because I just did not see the item (record player under bird?) The good qualities about the game- The story line was good. I would have liked to find out what the rest of the story was through the curtains. I especially liked the HOG part because instead of images or words- it was a category you had to find. I have seen that in only one other HOG game.
Overall- sure I recommend it- but I would not say for full/discounted price. I will be saving this one for a super coupon code.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I already submitted a review for the best HOG game, but this one... This one beats all others.
This game has a demo mode- It took me 55 minutes to play the demo. Afterwards I checked how much further the game is (on the walkthrough) and realized that there is a lot more left!
This game not only is a hidden object, but it is also the kind that requires you to complete an item (during the sparkles), use the items around the "set", go back and forth between sets as you gather more items, and this game has one special other feature in the sparkles. I am not going to tell you what that feature it- but I have seen it in other games but never in this way.
Often the HOG games use words that are not common in the USA or words that do not match up with the item. This game had none of that!
The mini games were challenging but not insanely challenging. I skipped 2 mini games- I was getting upset with them. The mini games were not repetitive either.
I tend to keep the music very low and the effects low. I also played this game in the harder mode. I am not sure if the differences in modes is the refill length or sparkle hints, but I found in the hard mode, the help refilled quickly. The mini game skip also filled quickly.
The only complaints I can think of is that there was A LOT of story. Thankfully there was a skip button for the story. I would have freaked otherwise.
I am going so far as to say it is worth full full price! This game has all of the awesome elements I crave in a HOG.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I like both road building and time management games. I like this game because it does both of those, and does them well. (sometimes the games that are solely road building or time management gets repetitious and boring after some point)
This game has a cute story line and cute characters. The game plays smoothly and goes quickly.
I am one of those players that does not "just finish" but will strive to finish with gold every time. If I can't, I just keep replaying until it happens. This game is great for those that enjoy doing that. You can get "best time" but then there is that little sign that required to to go beyond "best time". This was the real challenge!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This was my ultimate favorite HOG! It was perfect length, challenge, and attractive. The only thing that could have made this better was if they had a couple of hidden objects that you had to put 2 items together to create the wanted object. I did not get all of the hidden past objects.