I LOVE adventure games and this one was an instant buy after the demo. I love the dialogue that moves the story along (and sometimes Tiny, as I, may know what I need to do but cannot figure out just how to accomplish it..lol). The humor is great and double-clicking Tiny to a location does speed him up a wee bit it seems. After sitting on monthly game credits and PCCs for a while lately (I've been buying OLD games since nothing new has really been worth it) I have almost used them all up this week and this game was one for sure.
If you do not like dialogue to advance the story (and hardcore adventure games often have MUCH more dialogue than this one) you may not care for this. But give the demo a try. This is SE-priced and that is more than half the price of the game on Steam.
I can't believe the low star reviews. I have trouble seeing and although some items were hard to find, yes even those "aha" moments when it was right there in front of me, I loved the challenge presented by this classic HOG, which I never thought I'd enjoy going back to after HOPAs. And the music was so relaxing. With all the slim pickings for great games here lately, this is definitely a buy for me. The word scrambles and find the difference scenes were such a nice change of pace; even the puzzles were so different and only slightly challenging. Please try the demo and see if you agree.
Despite some of my favorite reviewers not liking this installment in the series, I actually, for the 1st time, bought it before playing the demo, as I love this series and developer. The cut scenes are like watching a movie...they are so good, and despite only one scene hinting at the "darkness" I also loved the storyline. Even though the puzzles are sometimes so hard that even the walkthrough didn't help, I loved the HOS and the puzzles because that is why I play these games...trying to keep the old brain sharp. I seldom write reviews, but didn't want a newcomer to see low stars and not try out this fantastic game. It literally made me go download the last 3 in the series to play again.
I can't believe the level of fun and intrigue this game exhibited. Not only were the HOS different and challenging, but the puzzles....oh the puzzles. Never before seen types and so challenging. I bought the SE because I had a free game I needed to find an SE for. So glad I did. This was like a mystery and it didn't turn out the way I expected. Kudos to the developer and I will be watching for more of this type.
I usually finish demos well before the 90 minutes but had to keep leaving the game for other duties so I did not quite finish. Graphics and VOs were excellent and I liked that I could skip through dialogue (I read much faster than they talk..lol).
Collectibles were pretty easy to find and the mini-games I played were nothing new, but also pretty easy.
The storyline, as much as I advanced into it, is probably something repeated in several such games. Nothing exceptional, but I will probably wait for the SE and play it to see where the story ends.
Playing through the demo, I found this is NOT a supernatural enigma...but like another reviewer said, "Why can't I get that cat?!!" Ridiculous. You might enjoy it, specifically if you have not been playing HOPAs on bfg for 10 years or more. The only reason I wish to continue this game would be to confirm my logical suspicion of who is really behind all this. And it's not really worth the money at this point.
Although I get tired of all the demons, magic, etc. themed games, this one was a definite buy after completing the demo. Great graphics Challenging puzzles and objectives No running needlessly back and forth to fulfill tasks Good voice acting
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman's promise to the man she loves.
I absolutely loved this game. There were so many puzzles and HOS and without all the distractions of morphing objects and collectibles that fills so many CEs. The storyline was great. There were so many locations and things to do all the way to the end. I used a punch card credit to purchase this because I played another game by this DEV and loved it so much I googled the dev to find more games by them. You cannot go wrong on this one.
Seeing the review for this game made me have to try it. First let me say I never buy a game without playing the demo.all the way through (unless I lose interest halfway through, then I know I don't want this game) and even with strategy guides, I never resort to them unless absolutely necessary. I prefer using the map if I'm stuck. That said, the strategy guide in this game was at the upper l.h. side of the screen, so I almost missed it at first. I also tend to have to demo any title where there is great conflicts of ratings or if a review states it was dark and too realistic for them, it's probably right up my alley.
The opening scene hooked me right in with the storyline. The entire game was more like a large file adventure which I LOVE but often get stuck a lot. This one was either easier or I've gotten better. LOL. I loved the cut scenes watching her travel via car, train, whatever.
Now when reviewers complain about grainy graphics, etc., I expect this may have much to do with individual systems the game is being played on. For my laptop, the graphics were great, they just had a sort of "fuzziness" at times that leant to the atmosphere of the scene.
Also, probably due to the high quality of this game, it was very freezy in certain situations: the 1st time a congrats message showed upon finding a collectible, etc.; clicking in the scene before the banner showing your collectibles removed itself from the screen; if I minimized the game to check something else on my laptop, when I returned to the game from the taskbar, there was no pause/continue as with others, but it would freeze up for a few seconds, then resume normal operation.
The puzzles were a welcome change for me. Not to tough, but I only played the demo so far. The HOP I played was wonderful.
I liked that the map showed if I missed any of those collectibles cause I have been really disappointed in previous games where I got to the end and hadn't got them all and was not allowed to do the extras due to that.
I also liked that you weren't sent needlessly worlds away to retrieve an item needed in one place. Items were in the same locale or nearby.
All in all, this is just my type of game and I was just complaining I'm over the whole power-hungry demons taking over the world. This storyline keeps you engaged.
After reading the reviews (couldn't believe any bfg would only rate 2 stars) my curiosity was piqued by the positive reviews so I downloaded and played the entire demo. This was a refreshing change of pace. While I love the new HOS and puzzles in my normal fare of HOA games, this felt a lot more like the large file adventure games I've played and enjoyed. Without getting in to the storyline, here are the wonderful things I found in this game:
Play on words in the names and places Excellent voice overs You actually start out with several items already in inventory Nice music No hint system (this makes for a challenging gameplay)
Despite the bad reviews here (maybe check for a walkthrough if you need a little handholding; I would have to for some of the puzzles, but I skipped them in demo mode when I couldn't figure them out quickly) this was exactly what I needed as a change of pace and hope the devs continue this line of games.