I started out liking this game; I kept waiting for an HO & what did I get instead, pick & place! I don't like those & they weren't very easy to find. Also, whenever anyone talked on the phone, you couldn't hear them. When the detective got off the phone, she would tell you the gist of the conversation. Consequently, I for one am not going to be buying this game.
I LOVED this game! I never heard of the company that put it out, but I was very impressed. The graphics, the music, everything was put together well. I really liked the mini- games; not real hard & fun. All in all, a better then average game. I would highly recommend it.
I love this game ! As in the other grim tales games, this one is good too. The graphics, music, storyline, everything is very well done. I love the hint button; not only does it tell you where to go next, but it also tells you what to do when you get there! I highly recommend this game;if you liked the other grim tales games, you're going to love this one!
I LOVED this game! There isn't anything about it I didn't like. The graphics, the music, the storyline; everything was done very well. The game makers put out a really well made game. Three cheers! I would most definitely buy this game!
I went into this game with high hopes. Wrong! I played maybe 15 minutes of my hour & I'd had enough. Back & forth in the taxi, go here then back to there; very confusing. The music was really bad; very monotonous. I figured since it required so many MB's, that it would be pretty good. The graphics were so-so, although I prefer cartoon-like graphics. I know the game designers have made other games, so what's up with this one?? NOT a buy for me!
Well, this game maker has done it again! The last final cut was superb, as was this one. I own the last one & I will definitely be buying this latest installment. The graphics, music, voice-overs, everything was put together really well. The people that put this together deserve a round of applause. I can't find anything negative to say, so I won't!!!
The Emperor’s son has a mysterious illness. As legendary healer Daiyu, you’re called to the palace to save him, but you end up having to save yourself!
This game is extremely well done! It is the first one of it's kind that I have played. Since there are more like it coming, you'd have to play them all to know what's next. I will probably buy it & I will recommend it. The cranes are rather hard to find as they are very small.The HO's are pretty easy & there are just enough to keep it interesting. The graphics & music are well done. All in all, a well thought up game!
I really liked & enjoyed this game. It was different then most of the others that I like. I like games that are dark & scary; although this wasn't really scary, but I still enjoyed it. The graphics were really good & I rather enjoyed the music. I will most definitely be buying it & can't wait to get into it!
Didn't know whether I was going to like this game or not. I really don't like "nothing to do here right now" & there was a lot of it. You just have to move around to different locations & eventually you'll find something else to do. The graphics are outstanding as was the music. Good mystery & storyline & I would highly recommend this game.
I LOVE this game! Everything about it is fantastic! The graphics, the music: It is well worth the money for a CE, except this weekend, it's half price. What a deal! The game makers really scored with this one; I would highly recommend this game.