i really like this game! I am really into dark, scary, spooky games & this one hits the nail right on the head! I'm going to buy it so I can finish it & I will probably play it again. I have liked all of the Haunted Legend games so far. Keep up the good work!
I really, really, really love this game! I can't think of anything I don't like about it! The graphics, the music, the storyline, everything was put together very well. I will most definitely be buying it.
I couldn't wait til I finished the demo, so I could purchase this game! I love it! Everything about it, the graphics, music, storyline, everything. It was different then any other game I've played. You really do get to be a Detective in this game!
I went into this game thinking how good I thought it would be. WRONG!! It took me 20 minutes just to do the first HO scene! The game has really good graphics, but the HO's are impossible to do. Everything is so small, you need a magnifying glass ! Who wants to play a game doing that? Not me!! I most definitely will not buy this game.
I LOVE this game! I didn't find anything about it that I didn't like. The graphics are gorgeous, it's very colorful, the music was nice, & it wasn't confusing. I did find something I didn't like, it wasn't long enough. I would most definitely recommend this game. I will definitely buy it.
To start, I would have really liked this game, if not for the timer. There should be an option, off or on. Games should be enjoyed at your leisure, not make you feel like pulling your hair out! I'm sure that a lot more people would've bought this game if not for the timer. I, for one, would have. This is most definitely not a buy for me.
I LOVE this game! Since I've been collecting unicorns for many years, I had bought the 1st unicorn castle quite a while ago. I never thought they would come out with a second one. I like the hint button; just catch the little ball of fire & make the hint button recharge faster. Everything about this game is right on; the music, graphics, hint button, everything. This is definitely a buy for me!
I LOVE this game! Quite a bit different then the first Bluebeard; as it was hard for me to get thru. No hints to speak of, & it seemed like all you did was try to open various doors. This game had really good hints, even tho you had to wait a little. Good graphics & I loved the music. It's a buy for me!
I love this game! I've been waiting for another vampire game & it looks like I got my wish! The graphics, the music; there isn't anything I don't like about this game; it's a keeper! I like the fact that you don't have to play an HO, There's always match 3. Also, the hint button tells you where to go next & doesn't take too long to warm up again. I recommend this game!!
I loved this game! I've been waiting for a cartoonlike game to come along & Big Fish came thru as usual. There isn't anything I didn't like about this game except maybe the music. It was a little same old, same old,but that was easily remedied. I wish there were more HO's like this one.