I agree with many others ; its a great game but it ISN'T a MCF game. At one point I thought Alistair was amongst the characters in this game but no... I am not even half way through but felt that I needed to comment. So yes , it's a beautifully crafted game but in no way deserves the MCF moniker. Those are loved for their wit, CHALLENGE and fantastic original stories. No wonder we re play the older ones . Newer members will probably love this but those of us who have been around for a while will again, feel a bit cheated.
I am an avid adventure (point and click) gamer. This is a classic but I totally understand that it wouldn't be for everyone. I have played this many times and have it on another platform as well. I have a nihilistic streak so rather enjoyed the gore(But there are MANY ways to play this game(and MANY endings) and you do NOT have to go through it in a gory, horrible fashion) Think outside the box and you will be rewarded. WORTH trying . Yes it isn't a casual HOG, but it IS a treasure.
This is one of my favourite types of puzzles. This particular one is wonderful; great graphics and well designed. The game play is so nice; many customisations of which I have not explored all, yet. It does get challenging quickly , which I love . I have many mosaic games and I really think that this one excels....
I am a bit surprised at the low ratings. I have all the MCF games(and have been a bigfish member forever) I've seen excellent games (yes Ravenhearst 2 and 3 were amazing, as were DireGrove and the 13th Skull. ) But this offering is every bit as good ; it has amazing graphics (MUCH better than the past few years) excellent voice overs, super puzzles(which I don't skip as I love the challenge) I take my time playing and my objective is not to see how fast I can race through to the end. I am not finished the game and have been playing off and on for at least 5 hours. Grandma studios, you are to be congratulated; MCF games are big shoes to fill and you have more than met the challenge.
For players who recognize a charming nod to old school point and click games, this is a real treasure . For those who are newer to the gaming world, give it a try, be patient. The joy of finding a solution is immense and your brain will thank you too. I really am loving this (haven't finished it yet, am taking my time) and hope that this developer will realise that there are many who appreciate all the hard work you have gone through to bring it to the gaming world .
Several have mentioned this "new developer" ; they are NOT new. Tell Tale has been around for years, just not on Bigfish( and not with casual hog games) I applaud their entry into a relationship with Bigfish;that is new. Hope it continues. I enjoyed the game, and see no need to add any details as others have done that.
I am saddened by the reaction to this timeless game. I personally think that it is BRILLIANT ! Yeah though, if you are not used to figuring things out for yourself I can see why you might not like it. It's older but that does NOT mean it isn't a well executed and interesting game. I own this game on two other platforms but am still purchasing it here. Open your minds folks, maybe you will learn something new and challenging today.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Large File, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I am hoping that Bigfish will obtain more adventure games like this. There are many that are perhaps not made by big name developers but are worth investigating. I have this game on another platform but am purchasing it here too; nice to have a backup. I love the game; the plot is tight and well developed the characters well fleshed out with excellent voice acting and yes, there is NO HAND HOLDING. There are no morphing items to find, no hog piles, no cute helpers. It is an adventure game and I am so pleased to see it here. There are about three others by this same company that would be amazing to see here as well. The actifX is really a non issue, I have this game and many others like it as I said and my computer is still running well after many years. I recommend this game whole heartedly; give it a try!
A point and click adventure ! Yay! This is a game that prompted me to (although I own it on another platform) purchase and enjoy it all over again. It is this developers creating of a good story that make it so worth while. Others have given reviews so I will just say this; It's old school, so no hand holding. There is lots of dialogue which I personally enjoy as it helps one become more invested in the game It is produced not in North America so sometimes words maybe be wrong but I personally adore European produced games. It's not in fantasy land colours of purple and pink (I prefer this) In short try it and decide for yourselves; don't rely on others opinion, even mine!
I am thrilled to see this game; I love the style and humour and although am only about 1/4 of the way through, I had to stop and express my gratitude. This is like an adventure game and so far it has been really fun. Not a hog game and the puzzles I have come across are innovative and fun. There are other, more comprehensive reviews here so I will simply say, Great great great! Please can we get more game like this??? Many thanks...