Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I have played only a part of the trial time but I have played all the previous games in the series and I am not sure I like this one. This has become one of "those" games where you go through a path and just pick up resources you find there. No need to think about searching or picking food or looking for trees and cutting them. Just that annoying kind of game where things are thrown in your path exactly the way you need them and there's very little to do about it. There is no need to think too much, not too much looking around and - ah, yes - buildings that produce things do it really slowly while your only alternative is just wait - or, well, still wait for the resources you need to appear on magical stumps without any intervention/decision/choice/creativity/game play; where are the news?. I am sorry, I loved things like the Adelantado series, where you had actually to look for things and some previous Roads of Rome, which were way more linear but still offered something... then the first Portals was just fine, but not so much, and now this one has very little to do. Not really fun. It may be your game, though, it is nice looking as usual from this editor, but not for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Mahjong, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
The game would be fine but promises a world full of... and then it's just a very small game where there are a few things to be done by collecting wood, leaves, stones and not too much else, then going to and from to cook or put those things together and four patches of land to grow three types of plants. There are also some match-3 levels to defeat monsters but just 3 or 4 of those (sorry, I did not count them because I expected LOTS of them, which is NOT the case). The environment is nice, but the character`s motions are not too precise, they sometimes seem to be doing something somewhere while the character stays elsewhere, and clicking on things does not always work properly (it took me quite a while to manage to select one of the plants available for growing, just because there was no way to click on it). There are little instructions and this is just fine if you have experience with similar games but once this one starts, it's suddenly over without anything else to do. I just thought that something was wrong with the game but no, it is just over; the game does not even bother to tell you it's over. I have the impression that some demos last more than that and all of them ended more gracefully. I thought I had been lucky to find a bit different game after a while, but it has been a real disappointment.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I usually like these sort of games but this one seems to have been really poorly planned. There is little variation between levels and most of the time you are just waiting for resources to slooooooowly create. Since there is little else to do, finally there is absolutely nothing you can do while you just wait. Therefore, I played a few levels until it was more annoying than relaxing and uninstalled it. A real pity, because the graphics are detailed and nice... what a wasted talent.
This is a multicolored mosaic game. It is beautiful, but there are too many symmetrical (or almost), repetitive and predictable models, which makes it boring and, in my opinion, not worth the price.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Match 3, Puzzle, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This is a memory game where you have to uncover pairs of shells and find pairs of images hidden under them.
This could have been even fun, but for the 7-8 levels I played I only got the same (1) fish and the same (1) diver cut in halves and exactly the same gems with exactly the same shape and only different colors (but, don't worry, always exactly the same set of colors), repeated with almost the same distribution on screen forever.
I guess little or very little love went into this game. Come on, even my children thought it would have been fun to use different shapes for the gems and different image sets between levels, not to mention some variation to the game layout or something, come on!
No volume control, so either sound or no sound, quite unbelievable nowadays...
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Match 3, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This is an excellent game, very well done in every aspect. The options to play timed or untimed are very helpful and I have enjoyed it very much.
BUT there is nothing REALLY new in the game, so if you played the previous Moai games, it's also ok to replay another one and wait for a CE or something else.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
This is an excellent Match-3 game that reminded me quite a lot of Vesuvia, but with a lighter story. It is a very well done game, with excellent graphics, sound, music and behavior. It takes a bit to get used to the different power ups and tools, but the interface is quite "newbie"-proof. The extendible boards give the opportunity to break tiles by thousands.
With the resources you get, you can build items and get new challenges, power ups, tools... and when you complete the challenges, you get more of that in exchange :)
I really loved it so far (1 hour trial and waiting for the subcription credit to purchase it).
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
This is a match-3 game with a nice design and lots of different quests to accomplish. It has a huge problem with planning from the programming point of view. These are the issues (1) limited moves, and no way to skip a level or exchange it for something (2) virtually impossible to get enough money or enough crystals to purchase any power ups during game, so power-ups are basically useless, (3) levels are not enough to accomplish all quests, so they start to repeat once and again and again and!!! To me, it looks like the punctuation and purchasing processes are extremely badly planned. The story is convoluted and confusing so it ends up to being nothing, and I understand that the store can be confusing to many people. Could be a good game but it definitely is NOT.
Could be good, but you cannot advance when everything is not gold
PostedAugust 6, 2014
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Match 3, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
This could be an enjoyable game. You have several bombs to blow away sticky monsters in different settings. You get a medal if you can complete a level with a minimum amount of bombs. Levels are grouped in sets and, apparently, you cannot move onto a new set of levels if you don't get a medal for all levels in the previous set. Therefore the fun factor drastically disappears if you pass all levels but 2 out of 10 are not "gold". This is an ABSURD AND ANNOYING way to destroy what could be an enjoyable game!