No fairies or portals to other dimensions, just a well done mystery. Not difficult gaming, but the story moves along in a logical manner. Thank you Eipix!
As an agent of the Alliance, you’ve been given a mission to destroy an ancient artifact known as the Spear of Destiny. In the wrong hands, it could help conquer the world.
Great story line, there is not a deranged ballerina or a pink and purple fairy anywhere! Elephant games should hire the writers. There are enough in game extras to make this a collector's edition. Love this game.
The story is stale. Madman terrorizing theatre for revenge. Elephant needs some new writers. But if you like well done routine this is the game for you.
After the terror of the two latest Ravenhearsts, this game is a good antidote. Like the other Christmas Stories games, it's a cheerful mish mash of holiday related tales, good graphics and music, and the cats are adorable. I have all the prior entries, they are great to play with children and adults alike, no one could possibly be offended...
The original Ravenhearst the first game I played over and over and over. Eipix did a good job with Ravenhearst Unlocked, but this one is a step too far. The original storyline was of repressive domesticity, this storyline is more into fantasy. Still, it's well done, the puzzles are just hard enough to be interesting, and as always with Eipix, the music and graphics are great.
I was a beta tester on this, and it turned out better than I thought it would. The story is routine, but well done. Excellent graphics, good music, the mini games are easy which makes the story hang together. I just finished playing for the third time, thus my review title!
My very first BigFish game was Ravenhearst, and it set a high bar for all that followed. After the disappointment of Return to Dire Grove (Elephant Games) the franchise is continued by Eipix, who has done their best to recapture the brooding insanity which underlies the Ravenhearst saga. The puzzles are delightfully devious, and I appreciate having a choice of timing on the hint renewal, otherwise I would never get through the game.
Seems like statues come to life and turn people to stone with amazing regularity, especially in towns which greatly resemble eastern European villages. However, the graphics are good, the puzzles easy, and the ability to make inanimate objects respond is amusing. A good effort within a tired genre.
If you like to read "cozy" mysteries (think Agatha Christie) then this is the game for you. Adult story line, no fairies or elves, and no talking frogs to give advice. There are a couple of weak points in the plot, and the music tends to be portentous for no reason, but overall a good game for people who think....
Good storyline, a refreshing change from rescuing siblings and parents from ghosts and evil queens. Game play is a bit slow and jerky, and I had to adjust DPI to the smallest font, but it's an okay game, but only if bought at half price.