Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I was really happy to see this release (and still am, to a point). I always play expert or hard mode because I love the challenge to try and obtain 3 stars. Up until level 29, I was truly challenged and found I had to replay several levels more than once to obtain the 3 stars. Then came level 29 and 30. Seriously?? I don't care how many times I try, how many different strategies, I contend there is no way to obtain 3 stars under the expert/hard level.
The strategy guide was no help, if anything, it made it even more impossible to reach 3 stars. I love TM games, but when I have to give up because there is no way to beat the clock, the game loses it luster.
I have always given New Yankee 5 stars but cannot on this release. I love a challenge but this is ridiculous! Maybe someone can give me advise on how they got 3 stars on those two levels. If so, I'll change my rating.
If you don't care about getting 3 stars, then you will love the game. I still like it and recommend it.
I always read the reviews before purchasing a game. When this release first came out, I read a review that said it was too easy. Seriously?? Obviously, they didn't make it to the billiard room or the garden. I struggled through many attempts to get 3 stars and the diamonds. I am happy I believed the other reviews and purchased this game!
I love the challenge to this game. Yes, it can be frustrating, but it is worth it once you have the satisfaction of finally beating the level.
If you liked the earlier versions of the series, I content you will like this one as well.
I love Art by Numbers, have since the beginning. After playing time management or HOG, I find these releases relaxing at the end of the day. No, there is no challenge (except finding the minute spaces hidden in the most unlikely places). Sometimes, I will need to enlarge the screen quite a bit to find them, sometimes I just use the hint. Depends on my mood and how tired I am.
Anyway, I was really happy to see this release of Art by Numbers. The developer is already up to release 58. Not sure why BFG is so far behind, but hopefully, more releases will be forthcoming soon.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
I am pretty good with time management games. This game is challenging for sure. Made it all the way to level 30 with 3 stars on each previous levels, and that is when the frustration started.
There is no way anyone could get 3 stars on this level, I don't care what they do. I even played it in "normal" mode. IMPOSSIBLE! So, I just moved on to level 31 and 32 (got 3 stars on each).
On to level 33. Here we go again! No way to get 3 stars but cannot progress any further into the game!!
I was actually enjoying this game and thought I would go back and buy previous versions. Not on a bet would I do that now. Nor will I pay for future versions.
I am reluctantly starting to agree previous posters in this game and other games about the bugs that get through on games from BFG. Oh, BFG will give you a credit points but not that cover the original cost of a collector's edition.
I was really enjoying this game, and the level of challenge is definitely challenging, thus the higher rating except for overall rating.
As I said, I WAS enjoying this game until level 48. There is a glitch on that level. I was not able to "pick up" the last needle and thread to complete the level. The guy that has to be clear to get that item was clear, and I was able to pick up the other needle/thread items, but not the one on the left near the food tree.
This infuriates me as I only had that level and two more to go. I had 3 stars on all previous levels and needed the remaining puzzle pieces to complete that. I cannot believe that no one else has had this problem.
BFG gave me a credit of $9.99 because of the glitch, but I paid $13.99. Something is better than nothing, I guess. Still fuming about not being able to complete this game!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I enjoy Art by Numbers mostly because it is relaxing and most of the pictures are colorful. This release doesn't have a lot of the really colorful pictures, but I still enjoy it.
Previous poster mentioned there are holiday pictures here in a very hot summer. The developer is already at Art by Numbers 50, so this release was probably originally released during the holiday season some years ago.
BFG stopped releasing Art by Numbers for quite a while, so it appears they are just catching up. I hope they do continue to release Art by Numbers.
I love this series! This new release does not disappoint. The same characters are back with a new story line. There are new additions such as obtaining "gears" to use to enhance different abilities of John, Mary and Gremlin. The gears can be switched to a different ability depending on what needs to be done to complete the level.
For example, John's gear can be switched from allowing him to open gates for free to enhancing his fighting skeletons and wolves.
I found completing levels was challenging. I decided to try the normal level first, and I can't imagine how one could get gold at the expert level but will try once I complete the game at normal level.
This game is not for everyone, but couldn't the same thing be said about any game provided by BFG? Someone says it is too dark. I say the same thing about games about the supernatural. To each his own. Someone said there are no instructions. I contend that the pop-ups give some level of what to do. I guess if one has never played New Yankee, it would be confusing. As one who has played ever release, I can tell you this one is as good, if not better, than former releases.
I love this game and look forward to the next release!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
As previous poster said, once the explosion booster is used twice, it cannot be used again because no more bags are available. Same with the missing pearl for another booster. What I find most frustrating is no matter how many times one plays certain levels, beating the clock, finding all the coins and some of the extra coins (clicking on groundhogs/running animal, you can't get 100% of the coins. Why??? 4 stars only but still enjoyed the game. Quality Assurance peeps, someone missed the boat.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
You have got to be kidding me! I love a challenge but this is ridiculous! A number of the extra levels were impossible to get the 3 stars. Those stupid minigames are terrible. The one where you have to put trash into the different bins is frustrating beyond belief! I didn't even finish the game. What is the point if one doesn't have a chance of getting the 3 stars? Won't buy anymore of this series if they include that crap!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
I love when another Art by Numbers is released. I find completing the pictures relaxing. No stress trying to figure out the strategy, no trying to find a missing key to open a chest that doesn't appear in the room where I found the key, no time limit (btw, I also love time management); just picking the color that matches the numbers and eventually, a picture is completed. Some are weird, some are funny, some are right pretty.
A previous reviewer indicated there are a number of Christmas scenes in this release. I respectfully point out that Art by Numbers is now at release 47 which indicates to me that 22 was released a number of years ago probably during the holiday season. BFG, for some reason, stopped releasing Art by Numbers for a period of time and are now providing past releases.
I am happy they have decided to bring it back. I look forward to the next releases!