. What a lovely, interesting game. The music is very calming, the artwork is excellent, special effects are very well done, with great attention to detail. Each scene is a masterpiece, and the clues are very challenging to find. The trial hour went by very quickly. Its been a while since I needed the strategy guide for help, but I will buy the collectors addition, as I found I referred to it a couple of times. The Hidden Object items were findable and cleaver. The story is fun, and the animation scenes blend will with the game. There is a lot of artful thought that has gone into making this game, and as there is a "first day special offer" for it, I am going to buy it now instead of waiting till next month.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Spirit Walkers: This game is very simple, with poor graphics, and cartoonish artwork. It has some challenges to it if you never played an adventure game before, or were under the age of 12,though I think most 12 year olds would roll their eyes at the dialog and story line. While the story wants you to go back in time to rescue the witch from her evil father in law, I think the game has itself gone back in time to the level of games being created 6 years ago. We have seen it all before. There is just one level of play, and I can honestly say, that this type of game is so outdated it cannot stand up to the wonderful games we see every month being offered to players. Sorry, I am spoiled by excellence and would not buy this game if it were half the price.
Journey into the world of imagination and recreate sumptuous Japanese woodblock prints by moving the shadows in this innovative puzzle game for players all ages!
This game gets a plus for being different, that being said however, different is not always better. I played for about 20 minutes, and could see where this could get very frustrating, very quickly. As an artist some of these puzzles probably made more since to me, and I enjoyed the music and complex thought behind the puzzles. If you used up your hint buttons, there was no where else to go for help. You would be stuck till you figured it out. The titles for the puzzels were Japanese so while the word BIRD might have been helpful, the title of the puzzle was of no help. I think a literal translation should have been included. When the hint showed you the entire puzzle, it was so fast that it might as well of not shown it to you at all. Also because the artwork was in the sumi ink style of painting, someone not familiar with those images would need a good imagination to figure out what they were. If the easy levels were like this than I can just imagine how annoying the hard ones would be. I might have bought this game if a walk through page was included.
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
What I like about this game is that it was a great puzzle from beginning to end. I bought it after one hour of play as I was utterly entertained by the challenging but logical sequence of game play. The mini games are unique, and have varying degrees of difficulty. There are lots of small stuff cleverly hidden in the scenes, that are easy to miss if not paying close attention. I enjoyed the attention to detail, in the scenes and the art work. Good use of the dialoged of the characters, yet not overdone. Nice not to have hidden objects. So kudos to the folks that came up with this one. My only real preference would be to have the same kind of game, but not so dark and gloomy.
I recommend this game!
9of12voted this as helpful.
Gardenscapes: Mansion Makeover™
Welcome back to Gardenscapes! Turn the hall into a masterpiece!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
If it were not for some of the other reviews, I would not have tried and bought this game. However, it is captivating, fun, and full of surprises. Its hard to top clever, and this game has got clever in spades. I think from the pictures on the big Fish Web site, you might overlook this one,as it lacks the refined artwork we see in some of the more elaborate collector games, but don't let that fool you. The story line is fantastic, the game keeps you guessing with out being overwhelming, and the puzzles are plentiful, and fun. I usually save five stars for collector editions, but not this time, as I have gotten such a bang out of playing this. I look forward to future games of this quality, from this publisher, though I might suggest some hidden object finds with shapes as well. .
I recommend this game!
5of8voted this as helpful.
Solitaire Mystery: Stolen Power
The oldest deck of cards in the world has been stolen from the Museum of Ancient History. Find the magical cards and save the world!
This game is just behind the times in what we have now come to expect in new games. While the idea of mixing playing cards and finding stuff was fun, it felt very outdated to play. I found dusting off the cards and spraying mold very annoying, and felt more thought could have been done in making prettier playing cards. The explanation in the guide book about what each card meant was very nice, it did not fit into the game story as far as incorporating it into the game. I was hoping for more types of card games in the first hour of play, and when I had to start unlocking cards with a key, that was enough for me.
.This really does deserve 6 stars ......I have been playing it for some hours and it just keeps going. What a beautiful, cleaver, entertaining game, with lots of beautiful graphics, and cleaver twists and turns. I like the map, and story line is fun, and the characters are well drawn. The hidden objects are findable and not boring, and in most of HO games is another cleaver game inside with different tasks. It has its own strategy guide, and I have loved all the terrific colors, and patterns, and things to do. I will gift this game to friends as is really great.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
I was pleasantly surprised with this game for entertainment value. It is fast paced with lots of small puzzle games dispersed in the scenes, that actually take a bit of thought to do. While the creators skipped some frills, like animated drawers opening and extra tasks to get the hidden objects to work, you don't miss them, as so much else is going on. You no sooner finish one challenge then three more appear immediately and I found myself playing for an hour completely engaged in the game. So this will be one I buy, just because it was fun and caught my attention. It does not have the artwork of some of the "collector games", but I really liked playing it.
For me the question to ask was this game fun to play, engaging, and did it hold my interest the entire time? I have to say it did. I liked the puzzles, the music was nice, and I did not mind wandering around the town looking for clues. The hint button would tell you where to go it you got stuck and there was some tricky bits of needed items hidden among other more obvious ones.I think it can enhance the challenge when you need to remember where certain stuff needs to go.' Would I have like the art work to be better. Sure, however in many places the art was outstanding. I think that these kinds of adventure and hidden object games have progressed enough over the years where the bar has been raised and players expect professional artwork in any Collectors game. I would have enjoyed a larger surprise factor and more of the kind of cleaver animation displayed in some of the more recent 'COLLECTORS EDITIONS" we have seen. The story was ok, and there was some humor showed by the developers with the hint cat batting a butterfly occasionally. If I buy it at all, I will likely wait to buy this game when it comes out as a regular edition, because of interesting way I felt it played and like the cats in the game, I am curious to see what comes next. If this game had not been first released as a collectors edition I would have given it 4 stars.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
This was such a great game I bought it immediately after the trial was up. I was going to wait till next month, but so enjoyed playing it I could not resist. It has a really good story line, and instead of finding random hidden objects you look for say 20 spiders hidden in the picture, or find different hidden bottles. The puzzles are all varied, well thought out, but solvable if you think about it a little. It is a long game with rewards for not using hints or playing for an hour. The surprise factor is ongoing and the art work really lovely. , After the first chapter there is a map that makes it easier to go between scenes by clicking on it. and past scenes close if they have no bearing on what ever is needed now, I am thinking this is my favorite game of the year and right up where what I loved in games last season. I am really happy I bought it,