ok lets start with the game it might knot be every bodys cup of tea. but i bought it for my doughter and she loves it to me that all that counts.i help her a bit shes only 7, the game has bright coulors and and a family that you have to help them out.watch out for the granny ho shes a bad one, with out giving to mutch away i think theres 5 people in the game that you must help out i would say about this game if your older then 12 then you might wont some thing a bit more harder.if your under that age then you will enjoy this little game.as i said my little girl loves this game.i hope that help some one to buy this game if knot download it for your self and see,please dont be like sheep make your own mind up.i would recommend this game for the young ones or young at heart.
I recommend this game!
9of11voted this as helpful.
Peggle Nights
Get to know the headmasters of the Peggle Institute and their thrilling curriculum of bouncing, banking, ball-blasting excitement!
This is part 2 of the first Peggle games this is one i play know and again. its more harder but the joy you get playing it is great. every time trying to go beat your score its a great game from 5 years to 100 years your never to old to play Peggle.some one asked if you do a part 3 maybe one day,but i dont thnk so,
I recommend this game!
87of106voted this as helpful.
Peggle Deluxe
Do you have what it takes to become a Peggle Master? Take your best shot! Ready, aim... bounce!
Yes that right this is a very old game on Bigfish but it one of the best games i have played. the Graphics might be showing its age but the game play is great i played this when it first came out and am still playing it to day. that just shows you how good it is. go on have a bit of fun your love it.
Well i played this game its ok for young Ladys/Girls. but for me a man i think ill past on it. the graphics are pretty if you like this sort off game your in this magical world filled with bright colours to save a pretty young girl. if your a very young girl you love this game.hope that helped you abit.know please download it for 1 hour if you like it buy it if knot keep your coupan for something you like better.
i played one hour of this game it very good,the same game came out about a month ago it was a Collectors one so i waited for the standed one i bought that one instead if you read all the other comments theres knot mutch more that i can say about this game.if you like creepy games you love this one.its one of the better games that big fish has done.there been lots of Collectores games out so far too many if you ask me from know one ill just stick to the standered one its the same game but you do get extra from a collectores one but you pay more as well.it a good game but i woudent pay any more then the standered one.but thats up to you hope that helped you.
I played both the Collectors and this Standered one theres no diffrence there both the same game you do get a bit more if you buy the Collectors one but there all the same so i bought the standered one.know to the game the graphics and sound on this game are great when i started the game i found it a bit hard but thats just me.i played the game for 1 hour i was hooked on it theres plenty to do in the game the mini games are tricky for me you might find them easy i didnt,if you wont a good game to play then buy this one if you need a lot of help buy the Collectors one if knot save a bit of money and buy the standered one hope that help you. i wont tell you any more about the game download it and make your own mine up.i would recommend this game to evey one.
is it just me.we have had alot of collectors editions this month.this is a good game but knot the best i found it a bit of the mark.good graphic and game play but for me there where no sparkle to it.i just coudnt get into the game at all.looking at other revuews give it 2 stars same gave it 5 stars i wont be buying this game dosent come up to my standerd to pay more then its worth.. maybe i will what till it come out on standerd one,
you know some time there comes a game that stand out from the rest,well this game dose that.the game has it all from game play to art work and sound.ive played lots of HOG but this is one of the best so far.if you wont a good game that will last for your money then get this one i did and its a great game to play.
I play this game for 1 hour.found it very good HOG must say that it did sparkle a wee bit too much.but ones you get into it,became more fun to play.i would say this game is for young childen to play or if your just starting on HOG.Games theres nothing to hard in it.the graphics are nice.if you dont know what HOG stands for Hidden objects game.give it a try you may like it.