Mr H.Poirot is at it again this time hes at Dead Mans Folly. he has to use all his skills to find a this game and all the rest theres a list to find of H.O. and some puzzles to do. you have a short time to find them like all of the Agatha Christie Games they try to copy her books.still great fun to play.
I recommend this game!
7of10voted this as helpful.
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House
Hercule Poirot is at it again Mon dieu! - in another Hidden Object mystery of murderous proportions.
Onces again its time for a Murder this time it takes place in Peril end House. you are Hercule Poirot an French Detective your job is once again to fined a Murderer in this game theres 5 people that could of killed some one fine the person before he or she strikes again.
I recommend this game!
5of9voted this as helpful.
Agatha Christie - Death on the Nile
Hercule Poirot investigates a thrilling murder mystery and must find hidden clues, interrogate suspects, and much more.
This was one of the first games i got from bigfish. yes i know the grahics look a bit old but saying that it still a good game finding thing trying to find the killer still a good game.
This is a good game but ive played bettter ones alot of you like this game. i have played both the CE and the SE i wont be buying this game there is a small bit of voice over the graphic are ok the H.O are diffrent then then the normal way they do it that to me is the best bit of the game maybe if bigfish do other game they may keep that in,it like find 12 round things 12 sillver thinks that to me is the best bit of this i all ways say dont just take my word try it out you may like it better them me we have all got diffent taste in i said this one ill pass on.hope that help some one,
Hello There. I gave this 4 STARS becouse its for the Childern no Adults allowed on this game only joking.but as you can see the game is set up for 4 to 8 year olds please download it if you have kides let them have lots of fun playing this game for a change, the level of challenge i put down is 3 that all depends on your child some may find this easy some may find it harder then others if you wont to see a happy kids playing this Easter give them this better then Eater eggs or buy this and Easter Eggs for them.I will Recommed this for the kides.
I played this last night, the game is very good great graphics and sound.there is about 4 sec of black screen that just the game loading to the next scene i think, yes theres lots of bug in the game i like that it a great storie to it. i think it set in world war 2 maybe knot, any way if your looking for somthing diffrent get this game i think i wait till the SE come out but its one of the best games out there.its knote for every one we all have diffrent taste in games well done Bigfish more of the same please next time even more bugs.
This was a good game when it came out. the graphics may knot be as good as some games there a bit small but i bought it when it first came out i dont buy games just for the graphics i bye them becouse i enjoy them.
This is more like it i bought this game it is a realy good game The sound and graphics are tops.I have part 1 and 2 of this game all of them are great to if your looking for a realy good game try this. one of the best games ive played so far Highly Recommended.(if you havent tryed parts 1 and 2 then give them ago they go with this is part 3)
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Hidden Object, Brain Teaser, Puzzle
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
the is one of the games you love or hate.I didnt like this game the graphics where poor for a CE game they was i wee bit of a storie line to it. i wont be buying this even when it come out on SE.