I wasn't even able to get more than 10 minutes into the game because I noticed something right off the bat that I absolutely, positively, unequivocally dislike in a game. The graphics can be amazing - full of colors, bright butterflies, blue skies, running brooks and blasting fireworks - oh, it was none of that.
The sound could be soothing, relaxing, or sound effects so good you could hear a pin drop - oh, it was none of that either.
There could be a storyline so good that the opening scene just runs right into the game play without you even noticing because you were so immersed in the game - you won't find that here either.
What you WILL find? 3 hints. An HOG that had items that were, if not impossible, very difficult to find, and only 3 hints. I dislike ANY game that has a limited number of hints. If you can more, great, if you can't - awful. But even if you could earn more, find more, whatever. It's taking you away from the game's story and interest in the game play.
This Glam-ma lasted 10 minutes - until her 3rd hint was gone. Please feel free to give the free trial a go - you may really enjoy it but it definitely wasn't for me.
This review is based on my unbiased opinion of the game. My opinion - only mine. Therefore, it you found it to be helpful, just click on the "yes" button below, if not, there is also a "no" button.
Happy Gaming.
I recommend this game!
14of21voted this as helpful.
Monkey Money
Explore a jungle full of Wildcard surprises and a mischevious monkey, now with two new symbols.
Don't like slots so I don't play them. However, it appeared there was at least a roulette game (or something similar to it) and even perhaps another game the description referred.
Couldn't figure anything out that wasn't related to the Slots game.
Can't review something I couldn't figure out how to play.
Reading a tutorial is ever so much more fun and captivating and informative than having a tutorial take you through every aspect of a game (as in an HOG or an HOPA). NOT. Don't make me read an instruction manual. I have a car, cell phone and a coffee machine that I have to do that for to know how each functions to it's beat ability. It's a game, take 5 minutes and walk me through it - trust me when I say I'll understand it a LOT better.
"nuff said.
Money Monkey made a BIG MONKEY out of me.
This Glam-ma cannot in good conscience recommend a game she couldn't play, even for a few minutes.
This review is meant to reflect my unbiased opinion of game play - mine and mine alone. However, if this review was helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. If not, likewise for the "no" button. Seriously? You would give your own Glam-ma a "no"? Just kidding?
Happy Gaming.
I don't recommend this game.
17of27voted this as helpful.
Monkey Money 2
The monkey is back, and he's brought a tuxedo! Experience different game modes, and try to unlock all the special achievements!
As of today's date there are only 2 reviews about this game. I don't know if it's because it wasn't a much advertised game or people just didn't get it or didn't like it and those same people then weren't interested in leaving reviews - because it really is a lot of hard work, especially if you don't care for a game.
So saying, I couldn't like the game because I didn't understand it. I don't like slots because I've never understood it. So, we'll just overlook that completely.
I do, however, like roulette and the other game that was offered but this is what I ran into:
First, "auto gameplay". Just click on that little button and walk away from the computer for an hour, come back, your free demo will be over but, believe it or not, the game has continuously played itself over and over and over until you either ran out of "cash" or time - all without you needing to be anywhere need the computer. You could have gone on a grocery run or a trip to the moon, that free demo was taking care of business without you - didn't even need you for company.
No, thanks all the same.
I truly believe I would have enjoyed the other 2 out of 3 games offered. But, didn't get the chance to find out because as much as I clicked, clacked, punched down on, swore, prayed and begged over the keyboard and mouse, I could not get anything other than the slots game to come up. Could it be that those other games are not "unlocked" until you purchase the entire game? If that's so, it should be written in the game's description.
I have handheld casino games that work better and are more fun than this game.
Money Monkey 2 certainly made a monkey out of me.
In all good conscience, this Glam-ma cannot recommend a game I was unable to play.
Happy Gaming.
If this review was helpful, please click on the "yes" button below; if not, there is also a "no" button. Seriously? Would you give YOUR Glam-ma a "no" - just kidding.
You may wonder why all my ratings are 1 star but my Overall Rating is 2 stars. Wave your cursor over over the 1 Star area at Overall Rating - it reads "Hated It". Hate is an awful word that shouldn't even be in our dictionary. So "awful" is the worst I can ever give a game because it's a thing with me.
Storyline: You are apparently a Detective who has been given the task of finding a kidnapper (you see this Black-Cloaked figure dragging a girl away who has apparently kidnapped several girls before. I keep saying apparently because nothing was factual, everything seemed to be implied. Quite frankly, as the game started out I thought the main character, you, was a psychic brought in to help find these kidnapped children. Not. In any case, off you go, in the dead of night to begin your search, weaving across 2 lanes - yes, weaving - what is THAT all about? Thank goodness there was no other traffic around, especially oncoming.
Graphics: Very old-fashioned looking. Grainy. Very sepia-toned. Everything seemed very monochromatic in color. As if this were a world with no color at all. Not the trees, not the animals, not gold coins. Nothing. I wondered if this game had been w-a-a-y back in the BF vault, forgotten and now brought out - years after it's time.
Sound: Awful. The music was so repetitious I had to turn down the volume after 10 minutes. I like sound effects so I didn't turn the volume off. Unfortunately, sound effects were slim to none as well. As far as voiceovers, there really weren't any after the opening scene when you narrated the storyline. After that it was read, read and read. No ones' lips even moved. Do you even have any idea how outdated that is in games?
Gameplay: I tried, I really, really tried to finish the hour demo. I already knew not long into the game (15 minutes?) that I would NEVER purchase it - not even with a free coupon - not even if BF filled up my coupon card for me - NEVER. Nothing makes sense. Beginning with your thought (?) when you arrive at the "crime scene" and say you need to be careful BECAUSE it is a crime scene - and then your next move is to take possession of a handkerchief. If this were obviously in a foreign country, I could understand things like totally wrong words for objects - all ..... the.......time. For instance, the broken ladder (it's obvious it's a ladder) is called a ramp, the butterfly net is called a dipper, and the list goes on and on. I guess you're looking - oops, wrong word - searching, on an island since you come across a river. The flying finger of fate which is your cursor (don't freak out it's the index finger) is annoying and you have no clue where anything is that you can actually pick up - so let's call this the "hunt and peck" format of game play. Except for the HOGs, they sparkle.
The HOGs are also awful. The ones I played (and I did have to go back to the same areas/ones several times) were very dark, very monochromatic, sepia-toned in color. You had to search threw a miasma of items to find yours. Again, another part of the "hunt and peck" aspect of the game. Some items are interactive (perhaps 2 in an HOG). Other than not being able to find anything, they weren't particularly difficult.
Mini Games: I believe I played one in the 40 minutes I lasted in this game. It was placing animals where they belonged on the "features" of the lunchbox. For instance, a wolf, an otter, a bat, a fish and several others. Not particularly difficult to do but very difficult to know WHEN you placed them in the right area. If you looked really, really, really hard you would see that when an animal was placed in the correct location the outline of said animal would have a glow - the lightest glow possible without being no glow at all. So, once again, "hunt and peck".
There are 2 levels of difficulty - casual and expert. You get a hint button in the form of a "radio" and it takes a full minute to recharge. On "expert" level it takes 2 full minutes. You have a "diary" which contains a "journal" and "notes". Forgive me, but isn't a diary and journal basically the same thing and isn't what is contained therein notes? If I'm wrong about that, forgive me. You also eventually get a map which shows the area you are investigating, where you are located and where something needs to be done. At first, I thought -- oh, lots of spaces on the map, fairly long game. Not. Unless the map moves off to another area completely, I went through at least 1/4 of the "spaces" in my 40 minutes of game play. Your map is denoted as a compass. You also will eventually get a flashlight that you will use several times. It's on the right side of your screen with the compass and journal/diary so it's a permanent item. Just try to remember to turn it off when you're finished using it. It tends to aggravate the eyes after a while if you don't turn it off.
I tried so hard to finish this demo but just couldn't. Forty minutes into it, I had returned for the 3rd time to a shed for another HOG and just couldn't go through that door and submit myself to that agony again.
This game has everything - awful. Everything that could make a game unplayable, not entertaining, not enjoyable - this game has. I don't remember who the devs were, but if I were them I would climb under a rock and never come out. Well, I'd come out if I developed a better game. I truly believe there is hope for everyone on this Earth.
I have NEVER in all my years of reviewing, EVER not had something positive or nice to say about a game - regardless of how much I "disliked" it. ALWAYS. This, well, it's a first time for me and I really feel badly about it.
This Glam-ma says try it before you buy it. Just because I had a negative experience doesn't mean you will. You may truthfully enjoy it. It just really wasn't for me. Therefore, in good conscience, I cannot recommend it.
This review is based upon my experiences of the game. And only mine. I am not trying to influence your opinion. Obviously, as I pointed out above, you have the opportunity to try it for a free hour - and you should. That being said, if this review was helpful in any way, please click on the "yes" button below. If not, walk away - kidding - there is also a "no" button. I tried to be nice - so should you - LOL.
I always open my Luxor reviews with the following: I have played shooter games before, I am quite good at them, I just don't like them. However, the Luxor series is the best shooter game I've come across thus far.
Storyline: And there is one which I LOVE about any M3 game. Nefertiti's husband's (Akhuneaten) burying place has been invaded. Artifacts have been stole and broken into pieces. Because they were found broken, it cannot be the work of mere mortals. Nefertiti needs her eternal Akh. Only then may she resurrect her beloved husband (Akten). Until the jars and put back to together and the artifacts found, she will not be able to return to her eternal soul. She will be forever bound to Earth. You job is to find the artifacts, travel city to city and have endless battles on her behalf. As a reward, she will bestow upon you great powers. So, of you go.
Graphics: Pretty good as far as Ancient Egypt goes. The desert is fairly monochromatic, the icons for the Cities slightly above the color of the desert. The balls bright enough that you can see all the colors.
Sound: Music was fine - didn't need to tune it out. Sound effects were constantly going on.
Gameplay: As in any shooter game and Luxor series game, premise of the game is to shoot your colored ball (at the bottom of the screen) into a string of multi-colored balls and try to match a string of 3 or more of the same color. The more colored balls you destroy, the better the riches that rain down upon you. I don't much pay attention to the jewels, etc. but I DO always make sure I catch the runes - because that is where all the power is. For instance, reverse, slow, stop, remove colors, lightning shot, and more and more and more.
Bonus Levels: Tons upon tons upon tons of them. Every 3 levels you play, you will have a bonus level to play. It may be as simple as put the broken artifacts' pieces back together to as long as a flowing river of colored balls is all that separates you from the level on shore that you need to dispose of. Sounds easy? Not so much. Because that 5 level deep of multi-colored balls keep coming and coming and coming and coming. And it NEVER stops but your need is to concentrate on the string of balls on the opposite shore and dispose of those. And they don't disappear until the last colored ball is gone. THAT string of balls just goes back and forth and back and forth, while you are trying to get a good, clean shot through multiple layers of strings. You may be lucky and do it in a few shots or you may be not so lucky and have this level take upwards of 15 minutes or more. There were other bonus levels, some I enjoyed, some not so much, And, then, there's the "BOSS" level. I totally did not understand what was going on but kept shooting and shooting and shooting and eventually Nefertiti told me I had won. Had no clue how.
Cons (mine): Not getting a clearer explanation of how to certain levels. Some I could figure out - at least one I could not.
The map confused me. As the game play progressed you could enter any city behind you (that you had passed all the levels of) and, I thought, the next City. But. apparently, different roads would unlock so you could go in either of at least 2 directions - hmmm, would have been nice to know and --- why? What is the benefit or detriment to going one way vs. the other.
Nefertiti's instructions - and you got a lot of them. Spoken, with no reading to follow along. Could be why I didn't understand some of the gameplay.
I truly loved playing this game and it's only because of the above CONS that I could not in good conscience give it 5 stars. I especially loved that the storyline just didn't die out when the game started - with every level that you passed (or was it at the 3 level mark?) the storyline continued, recited to you by Nefertiti herself.
This Glam-ma says this is almost the best Luxor game of the series that there is. I am playing through them all - I think I have found MY 5 star BEST game but this isn't it. I still have a few Luxor games to go through yet - and may find one that knocks my current fav off the top of the pyramid (HAH - Egypt - pyramid - I slay me - lol).
In any case, Glam-ma says please do try this game. It's fun and has a great story going on. All you have to lose is an hour. But, you may gain a new genre of game you never thought you'd like or a better shooter game than one you already own.
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I've played shooter games before. In fact, I'm actually pretty good at them, but I dislike them. Go figure.
Having said that, I am not biased against this game at all. So, let's NOT go there.
Storyline: There is an amazing story that starts at the beginning of your game play. I thought it would continue between levels - NOT.
Graphics: Ok. Nothing amazing.
Sound: Music was ok - relaxing - I fell asleep twice. Seriously. I can hear you thinking - it's been a rough day, ok? The sound effects were spot on as well.
Game Play: I'm sure everyone knows the premise of the game is to shoot your colored ball into a string of various colored balls and make a match 3 or better. You MAY be rewarded when that string is finished, with gems and what look like mini gold bracelets but DURING game play - that's a whole different story. You may get gems showered upon you, as well as gold trinkets, but what you really want to catch are those winged runes. They are the elements that contain the real power in the game. From stop, to reverse to color bomb to lightning bolt.
So, there you have it, the logistics of the game. I was not impressed. I remember the first time I played a Luxor game - it was recently. Then, I was greatly impressed. I keep hoping I will stumble across that game, Luxor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I think I will purchase it - now, however, is not the right time for me.
Glam-ma says always try it before you buy it - you have nothing to lose but an hour of your time. And, it may be just the game you've been looking for.
Please take a moment and click on "yes" below if my review was helpful. Click "no" if it was not. If you don't want to hurt Glam-ma's feelings then just don't click anything. LOL Just kidding.
I LOVED this game. This is a bundle pack consisting of the ORIGINAL Luxor game (and that's going w-a-a-a-y back there, and Luxor Amun Rising. I was so enthralled with the Original Luxor game I did not get to Amun Rising before my hour of power was up. I call it the Hour of Power (wasn't there a game show that used that phrase?) because it certainly was. Even though it was an older game without all the bells and whistles of the newer games, it was old school fun. Without a doubt.
Storyline: There is none.
Graphics: Considering how far back we had to go to dust the cobwebs off this game, I was impressed with how bright the colors were. This is especially necessary when the game your playing relies heavily on you breaking strings of the same colored balls.
Sound: Background music was ok. Sound effects were incredible.
GamePlay: The premise of the game is to destroy strings of similarly colored balls by shooting a ball (exact color) at a string of 2 or more balls. For instance, if I have a red ball in my shooter, I would strive to shoot it at a string of 2 or more red balls. You need a minimum of 3 balls for them to disappear. Or explode, as the case may be.
Pay close attention when the runes fall. That means you have succeeded in doing something wonderful. Also, these runes are more powerful than the gems, gold coins and Ankhs that fall, because they have marvelous powers, such as reverse, stop, stop and reverse, lightning bolt and all sorts of magical wonders.
I've played shooter ball games before and I'm pretty good at it. They've just never appealed to me. Until I discovered the Luxor series of games. Now, it's just a matter of trying them all until I find the one that suits me the most.
This Glam-ma says give it a whirl - all you have to lose is an hour of your time. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sorry I didn't get to play Luxor Amun Rising.
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BF does not know what it's doing by not marketing this little gem of a game better. I stumbled upon it and decided, what the heck, I'll try it.
Storyline: You (Natalie) receive a cryptic note from a long ago schoolmate named Chad. You find a cache with a secret note from way back when that instructs you how to read a hidden message. Steam the letter. So, you find Grandma's old iron (and I mean seriously old) and steam the letter. Hidden there is a cry for help and an address to an art gallery. You get to the art gallery and meet someone who looks like Chad - but doesn't act like him. That's because he's a doppelganger and the real Chad is being kidnapped. But you're too late to stop it! Ultimately, you find your way to Kitty's boat - is she his friend or girlfriend? Possibly only her hairdresser knows for sure - LOL. Y'all are probably too young to remember that commercial. In any case, you get to the boat and Kitty has been locked in the .... whatever you call the downstairs of a boat .... sorry, I am not a nautical person. You rescue Kitty, explain who you are and that Chad has been kidnapped. But, there's been a bomb planted on the boat. You find all the scuba gear and off you go down deep in the ocean to find the bomb. Now, you are both ready to get to the lighthouse and rescue Chad - but another bomb blows up and you have to put out the fire and pump the water out of the boat. Then, you're off. And, finally, you get to the lighthouse where something else has happened (another explosion?) and Kitty is hurt. End of demo.
Graphics: Not cartoony, per se, perhaps a bit comic bookish? Difficult to describe but the colors are amazing and the atmosphere is totally on the spot whether you're on the boat or at the art gallery.
Sound: No voiceovers, you have to read everything. Background music was ok - I'm a grandma and have learned to tune things out a long time ago. Sorry. Sound effects, however, were perfect.
HOGs: Aplenty - everywhere and for everything. Sometimes the items were difficult to find (either too small, in too monochromatic an area or "hiding"). Other times, easy peasy.
Mini Games: Yes, they abound almost as much as the HOGs do. The only one I found difficult was fishing. But the, I don't camp and I don't fish and I don't do windows - lol.
There is a notebook but it only opens when you've finished a "chapter" and it basically retells everything you've seen, done, fixed or whatever.
I was confused at the boat because it was Kitty's boat but you/Natalie were the one she relied on heavily to find the bomb, fix the robot, get the keys from the birds, put out fires and drive the boat. ??????
I didn't expect to enjoy this game but it is a thoroughly likeable gem of a game. I would purchase but my Game Manager already groans from all the games I've purchased and have yet to play. It will definitely go on my wish list.
This Glam-ma says you HAVE to try the free demo. All you have to lose is an hour of your time. I really hope you enjoy it.
If you found this review to be helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. If not, there is a "no" button. But before you click on "no", remember I am a kind, nice old Grandma (did I say old?) who loves to cook and bake with her little grandbabies. How could you say "no" to that? LOL.
Storyline: Nick Chase is in his favorite bar, an obviously run-down bar - just sayin'. The bartender gives him a package someone left for our Mr. Chase. He opens the package with an artifact in it and thus goes the hunt to find out what the curse of the Deadly Diamond,
Graphics: Very old-school. Could be hand-painted. Could add more color than to have everything sepia-toned.
Sound: Sound effects were ok. Especially when the hint/gun goes off. I was shot before so that kind of unnerved me and, therefore, I tried very hard NOT to use it. There were no voiceovers - you have to read everything.
There is a hint button in the form of an old revolver's ammo case - which will hold 6 bullets (or hints). You have to find these bullets/hints wherever you go. Sometimes even in an HOG, but not always. There is a random click penalty. Having said that, I detest, absolutely dislike, ANY game that has a limited number of hints and makes you find more or get more in some other fashion (i.e., shoot the burglar or shoot the ghost or find the bullets). I believe it takes away from the game play and what happens when you're stuck and no bullets/hints are available? Tough luck, sonny.
You have a diary of sorts. Really, a notepad that you click on to find out your current objective.
On the main menu bar there is a wallet - click on it and you will see that there are extras. Surprising for an SE. They comprise: 1. A strategy guide - although I didn't see it in game play, nor did I find any way to access it during game play. I did not need it. 2. Nick Chase, A Detective Story. Self-explanatory. 3. Game credits.
This was an interesting game that had LOTS and LOTS to do in every scene. There were no sparkles indicating HOGs.
HOGs: Yes, there were several types - from find "x" number of such and such an item (such as fuses), to silhouettes of items to a written list of items. I found these especially difficult because either items were lost in a miasma of other items or the color was monochromatic.
Mini Games: Yes, quite a few and not only fresh and innovative but also quite fun and not difficult at all.
Clearly, this Glam-ma enjoyed to a degree the free demo; however, as mentioned above, I dislike having a limited number of hints - irks me. Between that issue and the loud BANG when the gun/hint goes off, I will not be purchasing this game. But, please do try the free trial - it may just be a mystery you can sink your teeth into.
If this review was helpful, please click on the "yes" button below. If not, walk away - kidding! There is also a "no" button. Just remember - I am a kind, sweet, grandma who loves to bake cookies with her grandchildren - do you REALLY want to click "no"? LOL.
Please forgive any typos, my eyes are bothering me today.
Opening Scene: There is a cloaked figure stealthily making their way in the dark museum, they get around the many laser rays (how I don't know) and cut a circle out of a well-guarded exhibit and steal an artifact.
Storyline: You are a seasoned journalist preparing to go to Venice for a well deserved vacation when who should call - your boss. And why should he call? Because there has been a robbery. In of all places, your vacation destination. The culprit left behind his calling card. LA VOLPE (the fox). But he's been retired these past 5 years. What would bring him out of retirement. You arrive in the spectacular city of Venice and go to meet your contact, who apparently cannot say much but gives you a box his boss left for you. Inside, among other things, an invitation to the opening of the new museum. On your way to the museum a cloaked woman attacks you on the street and warns you that "you are being played just as I was". Curious. You meet a sad young man who was stood up by his girlfriend. You meet a souvenir kiosk owner who gives you the keys to her ice cream kiosk as a thank you for returning what was thought to be a stolen souvenir. You fix an ice cream (mini game) and give it to the sad young man who, in return, gives you his unused ticket to the museum. Several mini games later, you are on the top floor of the museum and meet a (ladies - this is obviously for us - a ruggedly handsome, young man) who asks if you need help. You turn over the invitation left by the elusive "boss" of your initial contact and all is revealed. You are in the presence of the inimitable and infamous LA VOLPE himself. He tells you he has indeed been retired but his ex-partner, a woman named Gabrielle, committed the crime and is framing him. He wants your help in clearing his name because, as accused, he did have Robin Hood ways - stealing from the rich and helping the poor, and still gives to the poor and charities. For your help, La Volpe will grant you a one-on-one exclusive interview, which has never been given before. Of course, you jump at the chance!
Graphics: The devs at EIPIX really know how to up the ante regarding graphics. Colors are bright and, I believe, HD. The atmosphere is very much Venice, right down to the cobbled sidewalk, sunny skies and gondolas.
Sound: I apologize but as a Grandma I have learned to automatically tune out well......everything. LOL
HOGs: Yes, there are HOGs. Just kidding. The HOGs that stand out in my mind primarily were silhouettes that you had to find the item for - and it spanned several areas. Not difficult at all. However, as this is an SE vs. a CE, there are no achievements to be earned so if you need to use the hint button feel free.
Mini Games: Everywhere. I enjoyed them immensely. Fun, new and innovative. Also, not difficult. Again, as this is not the CE version of the game, feel free to use the skip button as there are no achievements to be earned. Just the satisfaction of completing a mini game. That means a lot in my book.
You have a diary which contains notes, pictures and objectives. Your current objective, when completed, will flash on the left side of your screen with an "x" through it and a new objective will be given to you. Above your inventory screen is a place where cards will be kept (i.e., your ID, a business card). There is also a jumpable map. The hint button recharges fairly quickly.
There are several options of difficulty to choose from - can't right now remember exactly how many or what their names were - I sincerely apologize. However, there is a "custom" mode that has a LOT you can customize. PLEASE NOTE: unlike every other game I've played, in "custom" mode, the "lit" buttons DO NOT mean that item is in play (i.e., casual mode) but that it is NOT in play. For example, if the "casual" button is lit that means you do not want the casual mode. If the tutorial button is lit, that means you do not want the tutorial as opposed to yes, you do want the tutorial. I know this is confusing. I've notified BF of it and if it is a glitch in the game you will either get a "notice of update" in your Game Manager or a notice will be in the Forum (which I have never gone to in 7 years). So, if you DO go to the "custom" mode, think backwards.
This Glam-ma really enjoyed this game. I have the CE version with all the bells and whistles. I haven't played it yet because my Game Manager fairly groans with the weight of all my unplayed games - and I just keep on buying - LOL. However, feel free to keep a lookout for my CE review.
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