THis game which I was looking forward to, having loved the 1st in the series is totally unplayable as it is. It's next to impossible to even get to level 1 the way game play or rather game NOT play stands right now.. 1.Customers leave w/o paying even tho u get the order right. 2.Half the time when u get the order right the customer says it is wrong. 3.Can't purchase requiered equipment to advance to level 1. I can't believe it was released this way. If the glitches are worked out I will rebuy but as it stands right now it is totally unplayable and not worth a one red cent.
If you expect things to happen fast this is NOT a game for you.BUT if you like the idea of watching over a family, & helping guide their decisions, will enjoy this game. It runs continuously unless you pause it. I love now you can have a cat & dog if you want. Love the bigger house that each generation can help renovate. Love all the new stuff you can get for the house.
Suggestions for next version - 1. When the new spouse arrives have friends show up ala the construction crew & throw some confetti & pop some champagne! 2. Let players put stuff at an angle if they want to. 3. Let us name the pets 4. Have a postman drop off mail. 5. Have at least a joint Birthday party for Kids & an anniversary party every decade the parents are married!
Grabs you from the start.The end really surprised me. This game is a TRUE thriller in every sense of the word w/o being disgusting.The Villain is unique and extremely well thought out & the storyline is the best I have come across; I dare say it would make a great movie plot! The game is huge & there is alot of going B&F, but it is totally in keeping with the Villain's Plans. The voice over of the bad guy is PERFECT! I hope the creator's consider making a game on the Book by Gaston Leroux, 'The Phantom of the Opera' the villain in this game reminds me of the REAL Phantom in the storyline,not a Byronic anti-hero...but a true evil would be awesome! If you want to know what happen's to the villain ( and you will) don't hesitate to buy the is so worth it! MORE LIKE THIS PLEASE!!!
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Dracula: Love Kills Collector's Edition
The Queen of Vampires is back and is determined to destroy the world! Help Van Helsing and Dracula as they team up to stop her!
Overall rating
5/ 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Highly Entertaining & Deliciously Funny! A Must Have!
PostedJanuary 18, 2013
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Dracula: Love Kills Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I bought the Ce after 20 minutes of the SE Demo cos I knew I was gonna want the extended version! While this is NOT the same game play as the Large File Dracula the charactors & voice overs are the same and you know what?... it does'nt matter cos this is every bit as engrossing & greatbut different game play. I don't like to give away plot etc. in a review but I found 'Igor' extremely funny & laffed out loud at some of the banter between the charactors..:D The writers did an excellent job with PLOT & Voice overs are very high quality acting! This is one of the best HOGS/ADVENTURE games here IMHO!
Music is perfect for the game Puzzles are different and not frustratingly hard HOGS are perfect-clear but can be challenging Very LITTLE back and forth.- YAY! Graphics were great! All in all perfect all around! If you want an adventure/HOG that is entertaining AND different this is it! Oh 'Igor' you crack me up...:D
I loved this fairytale game! Graphics- Gorgeous Storyline- best Beauty and the Beast Storyline Hogs & puzzles- .Delightfully Different & you have to use your head Length- nice and long Voice Overs - extremely well done Music - hauntingly beautiful... really sets the tone of the game for me...good back ground music is a must for me!
Complaint - There isn't a CE! i would have definately bought a CE after 20 minutes of play.....only disappointment with this game....:D
Question for artists tho....why in 3 of the fairytale games Ive played here they refer to the enchanted person as a 'werewolf' when they so obviously look like a Lion!....:D
I was really ready to love this game based on the reviews;but I found it rather boring.It just didn't draw me as other games such as Eternal Journey or Dire Grove did.I actually used the Hint Button A LOT as I wanted to 'get if over with' and move on to another, more interesting game.
I HATE, absolutely HATE IT, it when the game maker has you looking for objects elsewhere to complete the HOS! Not just one HOS at a time either...but several...and what you are searching for to complete the HOS has nothing whatsoever to do with the storyline. I feel it is a BIG COP OUT when game makers do this as you are running all over the place to find 'thread to sew a bears arm' in the HOS! UGH!I WISH they would quit making HOS like these! Other than the puzzles in this game,I was just plain bored.No great music to build atmosphere...the storyline was different and could have been great if fleshed out some more. Visuals-average Atmosphere-missing Puzzles-excellent HOS-Hated them! Interest Factor-Boring
Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
Everything about this game was EXCELLENT! Storyline-differently delicious!(Tho if you're a sci-fi fan you will notice somethings I will not give away here as they mesh nicely in this out of this world storyline!) Graphics-Gorgeous! Music- Beautifully Suspenseful! Voice overs- extremely well done! DAZZLING! I wish I had gotten the CE...this was so Excellent! Out of all the 5 star games I have played here...Eternal Journey surpasses them all! If I could recommend only ONE game to Adventure/HOS game players...Eternal Journey is IT! Gamemakers...MORE SCI-FANTASY Adventure games like this one PLEASE! *I Loved the Map....:D Kudos to the Game makers!
My new FAVORITE! A perfect marriage of HOG and ADVENTURE games. - Awesome,gorgeous graphics! - Fantastic musical score..just like a great movie! - Wonderful storyline! - Great game play...LOADS of stuff to do...figure out...and solve! - Long game..a plus!Even if I hadn't gotten the CE, the game was long! - LOVE the extras in the CE....great bonus play and concept art...screensavers scores...etc! I don't usually replay HOGs, but as this was also an adventure game I definately WILL replay!
Flawless,Exceptional Game!PLEASE MAKE MORE LIKE THIS! In fact a SEQUEL would be cool!
YAWN I am a BIG FAN of ROR 1 & 2...but this one was boring and ugly...I hated the constant fires and the vikings are boring... big disappointment after loving 1&2....:>(
One of the best adventure/Hog ever! As others have stated...Compelling storyline....variety of puzzles...great graphics and one of my fav awesome soundtrack to set the mood! Yes there is 'back & forth travel' but it is logical as are the items acquired. I absolutely LOVED this game!!!! PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL!!!! KUDOS TO The Game makers! Oh did I mention...SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!