In regard to the paint by number games, I don't like most of them because we don't have the option of selecting the colors we want. Where is the enjoyment in that? In the future, please add the option of selecting the colors the player wants
I like solitaire and have several. When I saw this one, it looked like fun and the reviews made me really interested so, since I had a coupon, I decided to get it. The graphics are great and really colorful but the game play was disappointing. At first, I was really loving the game but it wasn't long before I discovered that it was pretty difficult to win with the cards dealt. I lost so many that it was no longer fun. Maybe, I'm missing something. If so, someone please let me know.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
4/ 5
Are there no games like this or Luxor that have a relaxed mode? I couldn't even get all the birds in the first round before the rest of them disappeared from view. The storyline was good and the graphics were good but that's about all I can say for it.
I would like to be able to play this type of game so, if anyone knows of any with a relaxed mode (slower pace), please let me know.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Card & Board, Hidden Object, Match 3, Word
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Maybe I'm missing something, here, but I kind of like this game. I remember a game of several years ago called Bubble Shooter and I really liked that one. This one is quite a bit like it, I think. I played this one for about 25 minutes.
There was only one thing I didn't care for. When you take out all of one color, I thought it would be eliminated and you wouldn't see it again but this game doesn't work that way. That same color is still repeated a few more times. Other than that I thought the game was fun-certainly not the worst game I ever played.
My advice is give it a try and decide for yourself. Don't just go by what the reviewers say. :)
Follow a mad killer in Night In The Opera, a thrilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. An envious alchemist devises a mystical musical instrument capable of drawing the last breath of his victims.
A bit different than other match 3/hidden object games
PostedJuly 6, 2012
fromClearwater, Florida
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I actually liked this game. I suppose one of the reasons is because I love classical music and the selections in the music room appealed to me. I liked it that I can select one and listen to it anytime. Another plus were the nice, clear, and colorful graphics and very important to me, the game had no occult themes at all. I didn't recall any voice-overs, though, which I would have liked.
My only real complaint was that the match 3 games far out numbered the hidden object scenes and had to be completed in order to progress in the game. At least, they weren't timed! If they had been-with no relaxed option-I never would have purchased it. I like some match 3 games but I would have liked to see more of an even balance of them with the hidden object scenes. Over all, I enjoyed the game and would reccommened that you at least play the trial.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Hi Ajish and Bijish,
Thank you for requesting my opinion of your "Antique Mysteries" game. I did purchase it and wanted to play beyond the trial before giving you my opinion. Overall, I like the game quite a lot. The graphics are clear and colorful and I especially enjoyed the audible voice which I thought was well done. The hint button was pretty good and re-filled relatively fast enough. Some of the puzzles were a bit difficult for me but some were really enjoyable. I appreciated the skip button for those I had trouble with. One of the biggest plusses of the game was that there are NO occult themes and that is VERY important to me. I won't buy a game with occult themes-I won't even play the trial if I know such themes are present.
I did have a few cons with one of them being some of the hidden objects are quite small and, therefore, difficult for my aging eyes to see so, in that regard, I suggest that you make the objects a bit larger in future games. Also, I had quite a bit of difficulty with the figuring out how to move the stage coach and car from the secret room and finally had to use the walkthrough in order to progress in the game.
All in all, though, I was glad I bought the game and I feel you did a very good job with your first game. I will be looking for your next one and, as long as your games do not contain any occult and, preferably, have audible voices, I will, in all probability be one of your customers. I wish you success on your future endeavors and want to thank you for an interesting, and fun, first game.
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Based solely on the trial, I enjoyed the game for the most part. I am a }:-X lover and I loved the cat as the hint that meowed whenever you clicked on it. Overall, the game is fun to play, although, there is more going back and forth than I care for and the the graphics aren't as clear as I'd like but they're okay. The hidden object scenes could be clearer. I did have a bit of trouble finding some of the items, as some of them are well hidden-all but concealed by other items-and I had to use the the cat to show me where they were. I'm leaning toward adding this one to my collection but I may wait for the SE. The subject being cats is the main thing that won me over. :)
I recommend this game!
3of4voted this as helpful.
Christmas Tales: Fellina's Journey
Find Santa’s magic star and stop the gruesome Icy Elf from ruining Christmas for everyone on the planet in Christmas Tales: Fellina’s Journey!
Overall rating
3/ 5
1 of 9 found this review helpful
Beautiful game, but.......
PostedDecember 20, 2011
fromClearwater, Florida
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I can well understand seeing potions, amulets and pentagrams in "dark and eerie" games but in a Christmas game that seems to be geared toward families?? Even though the game is quite easy and probably more for beginners, I was really enjoying not only the beautiful music but the brightly colored and cheerful scenes with falling snow, as well as the game-play. The hidden objects weren't too difficult to find. I was wanting to buy it even though many of you said it was a very short game but.....I am so disappointed. Please, don't bash me but I just don't understand the seeming need some developers have for incorporating occult-type themes--even in games that have nothing to do with the "dark side". Aside from that, I think it's a wonderful and beautiful game and, if it weren't for the occult type aspect, I would recommend it.
I played the trial and, based on that, I love this game! The graphics are good as are the voice-overs and the hints are very helpful and re-fills plenty fast for me. The objects aren't too difficult to find, either. As many have said, this game is better than some of the CEs offered and I agree. Another plus for me is it doesn't appear to have any occult themes. I will probably wait until next month and get it with a coupon code from the sale we just had but this game is definitely on my "to buy" list. I suggest you at least try it. I give it 5 (*) and a :thumbup:
Favorite Genre(s):Family, Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I enjoyed the trial of this game a lot. It has bright and colorful graphics that are clear and it is a fun game for all ages. I am especially pleased to find a game that included both themes that are associated with Christmas-Santa Claus and wonder of wonders-The Nativity Scene! I am so pleased that the developers didn't shy away from including ALL things Christmas and for that reason, among others, is why I will use a credit to add this game to my collection.