I enjoyed this game as I really like the developers, but the game play is very stuttery and slow. I think it needs an update to sort this out. Otherwise, a pretty good game. Much the same tasks as most HOG games nowadays, but there are some different things to do in it. I like the storyline and the colours are fine, if a bit garish at times. Try for yourselves
This game was a major disappointment. The other games in this series were really good and I play them all occasionally. I was looking forward to this one and bought it without testing the trial. That's a mistake I won't make again. Looks like this series has run it's course and the developers, (one of my favourites) are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this game.
This must be the slowest game in a long time. Took me almost 30 minutes to get to the bridge and that was with skipping all the dialogue. Gave up after that and deleted. I didn't come across anything that would make me pay for it. It was like trying to walk through treacle and getting nowhere fast
This is one of the worst MT games. I can't get my head round the 5 star reviews!! The gameplay is slow and ponderous and mouse movements just drag. It seemed like an old game, (which I wouldn't mind so much because I've gone back to playing some old ones as a lot of the new ones are rubbish), but honestly, most of the old games I own are better than this one. I tried it for 30 minutes until one of the hops crashed and I had to quit. Not interested enough to try again so just deleted it. Try for yourselves, but it's definitely not for me.
This game is really disappointing after the previous ones of this series. Game play is really slow and tedious. I tried to finish the demo, but gave up and deleted it. As usual, try for yourselves.
Slow, boring game. Very disappointed as I was looking forward to a game without demons and witches. Think I'll just go back to them. This game has such slow, tedious, jerky movement. It was driving me nuts.
Only played the demo for 10 minutes and had to give up. YAWN, YAWN!! I was losing the will to live with the tediousness of this game. Game play was really slow and when I collected a safety pin, my heart sank as I knew what was coming. Why does there always have to be a broken zipper? Maybe I've played too many of these type of games over the years and have become really bored with the sameness of them now. I can't understand the high ratings from other reviewers, unless they haven't played these type of games very often. As always, try for yourselves, but don't say you haven't been warned.
This is definitely not the best in this series of games. I love Mr Jenkins but that is not enough reason to buy it. In fact, I probably won't even buy the SE. The game play was really slow and jerky and to be quite honest, the story didn't really make an awful lot of sense. I only played about 30 minutes and by then, I had had enough. Morphing objects, which I love, were really hard to find, so I'm passing on this one. I can't recommend a game I won't buy.
I love this game. I downloaded the demo weeks ago but only recently tried it, and within minutes I bought it. It's such a refreshing change from all the dross we've been offered for the past few months. It's very old fashioned in a way, but I'm loving it. There is no jump map, but as there are only a few locations per chapter, with not a great deal of things to do, that is not an issue. It certainly has a good level of challenge, (something that recent offerings have sadly lacked), because you have to really think about what to do with the stuff you've collected. Really enjoying playing this game, but it might not appeal to everyone. I've been playing some old games from 2008 recently because the recent offerings have been so poor. They've all been so samey and this one, for me, is a joy to play. Try before you buy. You may be pleasantly surprised. I was.