I agree with the fact that the last game's of Monument Bulders where not as fun - hard to play - and a bit disappointing. this one makes it all better ;)
the second is just as cute as the first -- really enjoy these games.... play it and I hope you love them as well ;) If you have not played the first ... maybe you start there.
if you played and loved the first and second one - you will love the 3 as well. I saw it this morning and was so thrilled and stardet playing this game and after just a few minutes - bought it ! It is fun as the others and even better. Now you have gold mines and well I just love it - play for yourself :)
I love the Farm Frenzy Games but I do like by far the old versions better. Like 2 and 3 even madagaskar etc. but the new once... sorry not so much. I liked the way the grafic is and how you see the transport etc. This one is better then the ice age or hurricane -- did not like them at all I still play them but not over and over like the old versions ;)
I love that game - already played it all the way thru several times and just love it ! keeps you busy and it is great for beginners. Deffinetly worth buying it ! Hopefully they will make sequals :):)
The legendary hero Hercules and his wife Megara are back, ready to embark on their next adventure! Restore the world's beauty and save Mother Nature from destruction!
so I have been playing this game and I do love the farm ferenzy games very much but this one - i dont like. to much blah blah and to much clicking here and there to get new upgrades .... I am not a fan of the new version - hope you like that one better then me. the story is cute and the levels are ok - have fun.
I love the stories but honestly ... The game is always the same and a bit boring after awhile. Not sure if one needs the same game over and over just different stories. But other then that ....enjoy ;)