after playing the game all the way thru I have to say I liked the water world the best. Only 4 stars because it is not one of my absolute favorite it seems to be a bit the same over and over. That's why I loved the water world. Other then this good game. Enjoy
YES I already saw a preview and I was psyched and now playing it.... so much fun !! I love it !!! The only thing I am not a huge fan of is that you have to wait for your workers to get sick before you can finish a level-- that is a bit crazy.... because just waiting while everyhting else is finished well it gets boring. I also think the backpack upgrades are a bit confusing but that could be me. Enjoy :):) !! Hope soooo much there is a 5 and even 6 coming PLEAAAAAAASE
finally there is another game that is not only super fun but has a good challenge as well and tons of levels. :):):) I was hooked the moment i started - that is the way I love games.....when you start and you want go away from your pc. I really hope ther will be more of them coming :):) AWSOME enjoy the many different stages the charakters and all the things you've got to do before your timne runs out ;)
so there is another one with pretty much all the same stuff as the other monument builders. It is cute and a great story the game itself is awesome but I will not buy it - I've got bored already with the last 2 of them. But for some of you what have never played or only one or 2-- this one is better. you dont have to click on every little thing. But that is not enough to keep me playing it. I wish there would be more like my kingdom for the princess or northern tale --- with every new game there comes a new gameplay different homes to build different ghosts to chase etc. on the monument builders it is for me just to much one like the other with a different story no new buildings really no new things what feed the dogs or I dont know... nothing but the story is different. If there is different things and I missed it I apologize It took me 2 starts to even get myself to play it for half an hour and I am always always excited and can't wait to play these kind of games. But the last 2 I still bought but honestly never played to the end, they don't keep my interest. so I am not even buy that one. Like I said it is not the game itself it is me because it is way to alike the others in what you have to do. cut the trees feed the dogs same backround pretty much to me only the story changed and I don't really read them. I recommend this game only for newbies ;)
I am not a big fan of the gardens inc games but this one I did not even buy... I played a few minutes got thru a few levels and thought -- it is cute but for some reason I am not hooked. My interest was not there. I thought for a few $ I buy it and give it a longer shot but then I saw it was like $13 or so and I was like -- nope not happening. That don't mean you want like it... so if you are a fan of gardens inc before... I am sure you enjoy it.
The evil witch Mortessa has destroyed the Elven Kingdom and it's up to princess Aerin to restore her homeland. Help her defeat the witch in this time management adventure!
it is so cute I thought but i do not like that you get these interraptuions all the time. It takes away from your concentration itself and I am skipping all of that. But overall it is a super cute game. Have fun
ok so it seemed to be one of these fun games at first but it turns out to be very impossible to get 3 stars and I am no beginner. It is cute though and fun even though it is a bit simple yet the time is running very fast and that is a big challenge even for me. not one of my faves but will keep playing - see what develops
I want lots more of these PLEASE but one thing I dont understand is that the collectors edition is been out for weeks and with that said...that game is not new - actually. So if you dont have the C.E. already - go ahead this one is so fun I like it more then 2 ! some new stuff added and some old stuff still there. perfect ENJOY
I just love these games !! Love that there is snow areas and the game it self is fast and changes up. I stardet playing and so far have not stopped. That is awesome ! enjoy
I have played numerous times the prior 3 roads of rome games and was sad that the last one was not totally my fave- loved the second one the most. But this one here seems to be right up my alley. I am buying it now and will keep on playing :) If you like this one check out the others --- they're FUN