I expected much from this game but so much more than I bargained for in the end. This is really challenging and a mental workout. I definitely recommend all these variations on this game. Eat your brain food for breakfast!
Take a break after about 5 screens or start a different variation, to give the brain a break. But really enjoy this game to its fullest. Dianne
This caught my attention immediately. Graphics are great! I enjoyed the extra puzzles to be solved; morphing, fear pics, and phobias. Along with the story line and the hidden objects this will certainly be in my collection. Again, one has a choice as how difficult to make the game. I chose the hardest level this time around. A great challenge for all players. Dianne, South Bend, IN.
If you want a very short story line and love hidden objects this is game for you. One has to find singles, doubles and even triples of objects in this game. Of course there is a timer to find items. But if you get stuck go to the easiest level for harder versions. You will not be bored but it is an extreme challenge. Have fun!
First of all I had to laugh at the irony of the story line when they receive an award for conservation. Now mind you, this is in the Chief's office, when I still had to find trash. Sort of an oxymoron. We love these games and they are challenging and great for kids to learn many things. But if one does not think outside the box, they won't realize that the Rangers and Chief have trash in their headquarters. LOL Nevertheless my husband loves these games, and there is reason that he and the grandkids challenge one another. It is an excellent tool for learning and if you are in the Scouts, or just go camping this makes them all the more fun. Enjoy!!!! Now i have to download and purchase a few of these I missed.
I saw that this would be a challenge just because it was a Mystery Case File's game. I did play the trial through to it's end and I really liked it. Sometimes the word, "frustrating enters the picture" but if we are not challenged with new puzzles each time, what is the point. I will definitely get this collector's game and my husband is a puzzle nut, so I know it will make a great gift for him. I would recommend the series of games from MCF.
Oh yeah, this is the game! I thought of all characters on The Vikings, not to mention a few of the G.O.T. scenes and actors. And don't forget the Hobbit, it has a little of everything but most of all it has many differences and it truly is challenging. I'm in awe of the scenes and the diversity. This is a must have for the weekend. Buy it and enjoy.
I am a fond player of Redemption Cemetery Games but this one is different and I love the variation. It is not the standard hidden objects, but a new trend to them. I like the challenge of such games and the darkness, it keeps me guessing. I played my trial but definitely going to purchase this game. Many new challenges await me in the game. So far there is nothing I have not liked about the game.
Free the frog princes from the clutches of an evil witch! Return them to their princess brides, and find out if the kiss of love can break the witch’s curse!
Too many of the HOGs have gotten too similar, monotonous, and they are beginning to blur. I'd rather have fewer that were of sensational quality and challenge than so many that are alike. We either have real people in videos, or great CGI humans but usually way, too much talking in some instances. Some of the written info is helpful to the plot of the game and the storyline. In this game both my husband and I concurred that the game was Novel and More Difficult than it first appeared. I also thought it was going to be juvenile and a child's game. Once I played the trial, I said, "I have to buy this game!" I was rushing my husband to play the trial and then he couldn't stop playing the game after I purchased it. I have not finished the game and he has. He loves challenges and even admitted to the game being great. I SUGGEST YOU PURCHASE THIS GAME JUST FOR THE NOVEL, FUN FACTOR. All challenges are present.
When your daughter, Emily, is taken over by a mysterious force, you must travel to the Nightmare Realm to search for a cure. But nothing could have prepared you for what you find there…