I've only played the demo and I'm going to buy it now. I cant wait to play more of it! Absolutely try it first to see if it's your cup of tea. ;)
I don't know if it's just the trial version that does this but the screen did not widen for my wide screen, nor did it give me the option to do so. Also within the beginning options I could not get it to register that I'd hit the back button in the top left but the ESC key to the rescue.
You play as cheeky Brit Captain English. You and Sub-lieutenant Aled are on this ship in a voyage through the stars. There are lots of objects to interact with, humorous items from "back in my day" like floppy disks you flip and such, as well as the absolutely hilarious banter. You choose the conversations in the order you wish, you can save later in the game once you get downstairs too even though it autosaves for you.
The only real thing I didn't necessarily like (aside from the minimal menu options I was able to access...again might not be an issue in the full game) was that some things you interact with seems to require a controller. English gets onto a couple of objects in the game and you click the left and right mouse buttons to move because you can't use the Y or A shown. Getting around is a bit tedious as you have to find and click the little white dots/arrows and that doesn't always flow well but totally worth it for the little jabs and jibes.
I hated to see the first hour end. I am going now to get the full game! Truly enjoyable and something different than your average adventure game. I only hate that this has been out two years and we're only just getting it.
MadHead Games has done it again! Beyond is my absolute favorite series! They have the most innovative puzzles anywhere. Almost every puzzle is either new entirely or changed in ways that it's SO much fun! I wish it were the CE but I'm still crazy excited. I couldn't stop playing it.
There are, of course, small things that unless you're paying close attention to small details you wouldn't notice. Like in the beginning there's a picture of you and your "brother". You talk about being twins but the photo shows a toddler and a preschooler. You also don't find it strange that you guys had a pretty high tech tree house.
However, it's still a really new storyline. It seems in the last few years everything HOG is about ghosts, asylums, demons or detectives. As with the other Beyond games you are helping to protect Earth from attack by hostile aliens. Even though they all have that same basic plot, each one is different with new games, puzzles and stories. New characters that are not related to the last game's characters and if you don't get every single one in the series you don't feel like you HAVE to go buy it to understand where the story is going but you'll WANT to just to have them all!!!
I can't wait for the CE to come out so I can get that too! Thanks MadHead Games for another in this series!
Prepare for a mind-bending journey into the realm of the weird in Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr. Blackmore! Brace yourself for the unexpected in this exciting Hidden Object adventure!
I played the first Haunted Hills CE, Loved it & wrote a glowing review. Played 2nd and enjoyed it enough to want to know where it was going but not CE so there were unanswered questions. Wrote a review but i think they said there were spoilers. ugh. Bought the CE of this one thinking it would have a spectacular ending worthy of a 3 game series that never ended but led you to the next game... I wasted.so.much.money.
You do NOT get to see the "end" of the game unless you buy the CE. It ended and I thought...but what about...but nothing was... wait, what?! And in the extras was the rest of it. How was "the rest of it?", you may ask. In a word. Awful. There was a new game with mosquitoes that was cute and I would play a memory game based on just that but wasn't worth the game or the ending. Do yourself a favor...if you've played any of these games and you're wondering if you should buy this...watch the CE played on youtube and pretend you did it. It's free.
I know, I know. They leave you with a cliffhanger to get you to purchase the next in the series, but come on...you have to give us some answers.
I completed this one in about 4-5 hours. It was easier than the previous one as I knew how things went, multiple tokens open one door sort of thing. The puzzles are interesting and somewhat complicated to keep you working at them but not overly frustrating.
Storyline: This jerkface still has your man! We end up in some weird virtual fantasy world where books open doors to help you save children who are now abducted by the Dr to absorb their fears. 5 Children. +1. Sort of. In the beginning, right off the bat, they tease you about Tim's little sister whom you've never met. Later you see a photo of her on a wall. The game ends and you still don't know what happened to her. For whatever reason we don't mention it to Tim at all. Tim goes through the portal, it seems to close...did we leave too? Don't know, game ends and they thank you for playing.
Wait. What? Did we get him? Where's Tim? Where's his sister? Who is his sister? How did the Dr get her? What's going on?
I didn't get CE this time because despite buying it last time I didn't think it would be worth the token. The forum appears locked down and no one else mentioned it that I noticed so I have no idea. I may or may not buy the 4th in the series. It's been a good couple of games but the next is the last in the series and has been out 6 years. I honestly don't think I could handle the anxiety it would give me if I got to the end and it was ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER. sigh.
The game is old but it's still a really good series. I don't regret the purchase, just the open ended questions.
There's no need for me to copy and paste more about the game than what you've read in other reviews, so I won't.
First of all I was not aware this is the second in the Haunted Halls series. Honestly I saw it in my list, purchased 3 years ago and I didn't remember playing it. Not even sure how I got the CE. Secondly, the music had to go, the ambiance sounds were good and just creepy enough to have me on edge (which doesn't usually happen in these games) buuuut I didn't like the video size put me at something like 800x600. I run two monitors so while the graphics were really good, all things considered...not stunning, I didn't like that it messed with my resolution and couldn't be changed. Still nothing to lose a star over. Lastly, NO MAP. Be aware of that going into it.
The storyline : Your boyfriend went to the sanitarium and never came back so you have to find him. Going into it I thought immediately it was the ole dark halls, spooky spirit in every mirror trying to jumpscare you bs you get with almost every game in every asylum. This wasn't the case. The intro with the spirits is weird and hokey but don't let that detract you from the game.
You not only have to find Tim but you find out that others are being held captive by their fears and it is up to you to release them. I believe there were 10 different ones to save and each were different and interesting.
Typical HOG, you have to find keys to open the car door, etc. I liked that the difficulty was high enough that you had to search thoroughly. Except for the first time when you find Tim, when you are complete in an area, you are done. No sparkles to distract you when you've completed something. Several things you THINK you're done with but you're not. Some things you think couldn't possibly go together but when you're at your wits end, have gone to every single room/area in the realm and think you've tried everything, all of a sudden you get something to click that you thought you'd tried several times already.
I only had to skip one puzzle. Toward the end there's a Simon Says kind of light puzzle and if you miss a couple it bumps you back to the beginning. There's about 9 light series (4-6 flashes in the series) you have to remember and after the 3rd time at near the end I got so frustrated I skipped it.
The CE gives you no achievements, no finding morphing objects or anything. You do get to find the kid you've chased, you get to return to only portions of the sanitarium but not all of them and you do get a new area. It's worth it for that. You also get music and wallpapers but I never care about those.
The game leaves you with a cliffhanger that makes you want the next in the series...so I bought that as soon as I finished. I hope it lives up to the expectation I have from this one. :)
As far as time management games go, even thought this is more strategy aimed, this is my absolute favorite. Any time you see anything with "witches" they are evil, ugly and are out to get you. This is the exact opposite. It's done so well, and SO CUTE! You spend your time fixing houses, shielding them from enemies, etc. The story is great and draws you in enough that you don't realize so much time has passed. I've replayed it several times from beginning to end and since I've not found any I've loved quite as much as this one...I think I might start it again :D
My favorite Time Management / Strategy game would have to be Wonderburg. I've searched high and low for something I might enjoy as much in that genre but to no avail. This one is not the one... but it's close.
I love that I can go through the different levels. The stars you earn can later be used for purchasing helpful items and things to speed up the process. The biggest downsides are : 1) The story is kind of ...well ...I read Karen Kepplewhite Is the World's Best Kisser growing up and I barely remember it but somehow think little Karen kissing her hand was a better "love story" than the Pharaoh taking a foreign woman for a bride. 2) The dialog is slow. Not just that they give you forever to read it but you can't click through most of it, just skip. The Pharaoh speaking you can click but nothing else. And there's SO much of it! It's not that riveting either. 3) I have a decent running computer. I hardly lag. Somehow just attempting to load the first area and during the dialog between Shu-Shu and the Architect slows me to a halt momentarily. 4) I played for an hour and still feel like I'm in the learning phases. I'm at level 10, which took forever because they're still teaching you how to construct things. I feel like if I ever get out of the "this is how you build it and why" phase, the game will be over and I'll feel I accomplished nothing.
On second thought, now that I've written all this out, I may not get the game just yet. It's decent, I liked it...it's just really slow. As, nearly, always though I recommend the game but try before you buy.
I like the Darkness and Flame games a lot. I own the first ones and will probably eventually get this one. After the demo I see no rush. I read the only 4 reviews given so far on this game and I went into it with eyes wide open. I have to say that very early in the game you notice the graphics are still pretty good but nothing at all about the voice or character body language matches up. There are very awkward character poses that if it were any other game I'd have laughed at and just quit early because I'd know it wouldn't get more impressive from there.
There are some new puzzles, which is great. The storyline, honestly, doesn't make a lot of sense. ***Spoiler, but again it's the demo so you have to expect it a little*** A tornado flings everyone apart, only one of you is hurt. You end up in a "village" of two people in a cave who are "hidden" yet you find them pretty easily and they're excited to help you though they are supposed to live in terror of the Dark. You find your uncle and friend...and the Darkness. No one screams, no sign anything is happening, everyone is calm like "this happens all the time...oh well" and moves along.
It doesn't draw you in like the others in the series. Born of Fire and Missing Memories had things to draw you in early in the game and keep you there. At this point you don't even care about Uncle and the other friend (who I literally care so little about I don't remember his name), you just want to know who the new guy is. That's not enough for me to pay for.
The graphics are decent but get rather blurry in motion scenes, as if they zoom but don't redo the graphics and just let them look dumpy...rush job in post sort of thing. The audio just feels weird. Nothing even remotely syncs up like I'm watching poorly done anime dubs. Scenes like reuniting with Uncle and you hear something like, "I'm so glad you are okay, I was so worried" but what you see is them standing 40 feet apart and she's got her hand on her hip like a snarky teenager thinking "whatever, dude". Just doesn't engage you. I'm not 100% certain what the "storyline" is in this one, just get away from the Darkness. I didn't have things to look for on the side, just pieces that later fit into puzzles. At least the map takes you back and forth several scenes so you don't have to run it. And the cut scenes are long and hardly worth watching, except the last in the demo.
I don't want anyone to read my review and make that the deciding factor in whether or not you buy it. Try the demo first and see if it's something you enjoy. It wasn't up to my standards for a game in a series I enjoyed but that doesn't mean you'll feel the same. I recommend the game but only the demo until you decide YOU like it.
**I will not share much more in the way of "spoilers" than what you can see in the demo for yourself. I did read some of the 1-2 star reviews and am giving you my take on their complaints as well.** You are a young dark skinned Louisiana maiden (which in and of itself is refreshing), you've been proposed to in a weird and awkward manner but now you're planning a wedding. Some drunk looking fellow throws himself on your tent and instead of checking on him, you finish what you're doing. This mysterious guy attacks your hubby to be, he says you'll talk about it later and leaves. Obviously in the real world you'd be more concerned and expect some answers but instead you're cool with it and after some more drama you go to the club. Skip to the club, only maybe 20 minutes has passed and this huge gig your fiance has done as a favor is already over and he's gone somewhere. Anyone with a musician hubby knows they get there hours early, sets last a couple of hours and they're are always easy ways to find them. Again, this is a fantasy story so they had to make it fit the game. It still keeps you engaged with puzzles and has you on the end of your seat a bit wanting to protect/find your fiance.
That's about all the major stuff I'll give up but will go on to tell you that the puzzles do get better as the story goes on. I was a bit peeved at the rear of the van door and finding a box at the front of a fan boat later in the game so I had to look those up. Once you're in the van, however, it's a showcase of why MadHeadGames RULES the HOG genre. It's not your standard point and click, as you have 3 items to find and each gives you a part to something else. Once you gather three more things you're given a map of stars on the drum (which if you just look at it you will see that in the exact places on the drum, in the exact shape, are the stars you click). You move on to another 3 items, click all 3 on the finished ring and you get the handle to get into the front of the van. In ordinary HOG you may still have to put two things together or move an area around to find items. Several times you will point and click to match two items or find 3 of the same mushroom before continuing.
If you are a completionist, like myself, you'll spend the whole day playing this. Finding every ticket (and some are in the second side to the same area) to open the bonus level, finding every morph in the HOG scenes, trying to figure out the mystery, etc. The bonus game was..meh. Again, completionist wanted me to finish up and get the remaining badges. The best part in the Extras was getting it all done and going into a match 3 game or going into an area where you could replay the HOGs to get 100% or 3 stars.
Sure, there are parts of the game that's completely unbelievable. At one point a doctor has you not only help with a body to discover a kiss mark but also lets you use her equipment to match the two samples chemically. Because THAT happens in reality. Also someone mentioned the punching scene. 1)Only one time in the beginning do you have to slap/punch someone and he's an attacker who clearly states he's going to kill you. Yes, you'd slap and punch that person. Sorry if that's a little real and not to your liking. 2)If you've played other HOGs you know that they always have some hokey shoot at someone, cause rocks to fall onto them, have whatever mystical pet following you attack/distract the bad guy...this is really no different but is more realistic.
I, personally, found this to be one of their better CEs. I played Beyond:Light Advent as a tester and immediately bought the CE the day it came out. No regrets. The second in the series I thought the CE was a colossal waste of time but may go back and revisit it. I did not play the first one of this series but may go get that today. Yes there are quite a few cut scenes but not so many I banged my head on the desk. Some of the puzzles are terribly easy, especially in the beginning, but are well worth sticking with to the end. It had its moments where I rolled my eyes but good graphics, interesting and hardly used storyline (not ooo I'm chasing ghosts...again) and while I usually can't stomach most jazz, even that was good. I didn't keep going because the puzzles where compelling but to find out where the story went. I LOVE a good murder mystery and that was a GOOOOOD murder mystery.
The most you get with the CE is a bonus game that lasts maybe half an hour if you're not completely frustrated at the lack of being able to access things you're supposed to use to carry on. I, however, tried numerous times to click keys that were apparently not working until I broke down and clicked the only hint I used in all of the game. sigh.
I gave the game 4 Stars instead of 5 because a few things did bother me. I absolutely love Mad Head Games. I love seeing new things come out because they don't have the usual boring game ideas others have and their graphics are amazing. BUT I gave this one a 4 because 1)Even if you go with minimal tips, they should tell you that the only morph object stuff you will find is in the HO areas, not the storyline. The storyline has rockets that you find but they don't tell you that either. I don't need or want sparkles on every single thing in the game but I do want a basic "HOPs have morphs, storyline has rockets". 2)Again, the CE isn't worth it. Sure you get bonus play but you don't get anything from getting achievements and you go back and see a bit of storyline that they pretty much walked you through in the story anyway. 3)Okay, this one may be a Big Fish issue but the image along with the game is that of a young blonde woman. Yep, she's in the game...for about 2 minutes, when she fusses on a parrot and shoots at you. She is NOT a main character, a playable character or anyone you know or need to know anything about. It's a pretty face to sell a game.
I greatly applaud, standing ovation kind of applause, that the storyline is a mom saving her son and the world. Heck yeah! As a mom, even kinda a neighborhood foster mom to their friends, I would absolutely cross the galaxy for them. So for that alone I would have given a 5 star but the rest of it just didn't make it worth it for this one. I'd love to see more Beyond storylines and I still can't wait until their next game. I just don't know if I'll be going the CE route again.