I liked this game. I played it twice in a row because I wasn't paying attention to the clovers and finished without getting all of them (I was only missing one!).
Most of the mini-games were very rewarding to play, some so-so but that is the way it goes with games. Not everyone will love all of the games. I liked most of them.
The music was okay, not tedious and not an accordion within hearing. I give a game extra consideration if there is no accordion music. The background sounds were all right. They were game appropriate and not annoying in the least. The developer is to be congratulated.
The bonus game and secret mission game were pretty fine. You definitely get your money's worth. I like leaving one scene and going to another to look for items that you need for the first scene.
This game had it all, acceptable music (no accordions), nifty mini-games, and a plausible story line.
After I discovered the facts the villainess became a somewhat sympathetic figure although murder for revenge's sake is just plain wrong.
You gotta admit, the little mechanical spider in the bonus section was kinda cute.
As for the human actors, they did drag things out a bit but what the hey. It looks like they were very pleased with themselves and happy to have an acting job. Campy, that's my take on it.
The games were up to standards. I only skipped a couple of the more aggregating ones such as the one with the bee and the hornet.
In one of the HOS a "spike" turned out to be a crutch. Come on, guys, let's label things correctly. I had to use a hint for that one since the so-called spike was not in the Strategy Guide sample.
And then there is the music. Accordions! What is so special about accordion music that it shows up in so many games these days? It was not appropriate for this game. I expected something better. There are plenty of classical pieces that would have hit the spot. Please remember that we gamers have to listen to it all through the game unless we completely silence the music and that's no fun because every now and then there was a small bit of "good" music.
What is with the sultry sigh every time something is added to the inventory? It was very annoying after a time. I silenced it but that was no fun either and later turned it back on. I hate paying big bucks for a bummer of a game.
I don't know whether to recommend this game or not. After all, some of you out there may love accordion music. As for the sultry sighing - maybe it would not bother anyone else. OK, I have answered my own question. I am recommending the game but with reservations.
Music was great and went well with the theme of the game. There was no accordion music, which I hate.
I was happy to see that the animals were treated with respect.
Not too crazy about the beheaded people though.
Thankfully, not a hidden object scene in sight.
The hockey game was a turn off since I don't know much about hockey although I know the players are rough and usually missing teeth. Please! No more hockey.
I favor the games where you have to use arrows and put colored marbles into slots of the same color, that sort of thing. I was sorry to see there were no slider games; would have liked that much more than the hockey.
Wonder where the juice went after the head took a swallow. Gee, don't you need a body to process juice? I'm just askin . . .
This is not a run of the mill game. No missing kids to find, no husbands stolen by wolves, no cures to find, etc. The creators were original in their design.
My biggest complaint is over the "one-eye" business. I winced every time I looked at the creatures with one eye. Otherwise, the game was just okay.
I don't recommend this game.
7of22voted this as helpful.
The Otherside: Realm of Eons
Travel back and forth between mysterious worlds and help to unravel the mystery of a brother and sister torn apart!
Overall rating
5/ 5
7 of 7 found this review helpful
PostedAugust 29, 2012
fromSalinas, CA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I only needed to play it for a few minutes and I was sold. It is unique in a way that leaves some of the Collector's Editions in the dust. The HOS are not the usual (finding useless junk). You have to find stuff you are going to use and have fun doing it. The mini-games are very original too, just challenging enough without being annoying. I can't believe my good luck in getting this for only $2.99.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
The mini-games were annoying and repetitive so I skipped most of them. The creators are still using bad grammar and that ticked me off too. I am at the bonus game now and gritting my teeth to finish it. Having said all of this I loved the earlier games. This one just wasn't my cup of tea.
Help Lillian discover Titanic’s mysteries and get closer to unveiling the truth behind the disaster that took her great- grandmother’s life 100 years ago.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Some folks may like this game, some not. I sort of liked it but decided that it is "run-of-the-mill" and not worth using a game credit on it.
I was happy with the choice of playing "match 3" in lieu of the silly games offered. Maybe there are better ones down the line but I only played an hour.
I wish there was a button that was in between "recommend" or "not recommend". I am hesitant to choose either one but have to so I shall.
Once upon a time in the small, undistinguished town of Silentville people started disappearing. Help uncover the mystery behind these disappearances and save the town from a curse!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This game was not routine. The hidden object scenes were unusual and made you work hard but in a good way. The hint system was nearly like the guide that comes with collector's editions and the journal helped too. The game was long but not too long and I am quite satisfied with this game. It was worth the money!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I really enjoyed playing this game. It was fun, original, and I could tell the developers had worked very hard on it.
I had one tiny complaint and that was the lack of articles when awarded something. "You have an apple" is preferable to "You have apple" or "You have a turtle." instead of "You have turtle". It took me awhile to stop gnashing my teeth over this.
Otherwise there were no misspelled words that I noticed but one of the items described as "anti-stapler" had me going until I thought about a staple pull. Yes, that was what it was.
The hint system worked beyond the HOGs so that was a nice touch. I appreciate all the help I can get and only use it if I am really stumped.
Please! Keep the snakes out of the HOGs if you can. They are very creepy.
I hope these developers read the reviews about their creations and come up with other charming and fun games such as "Book of Desires". Bravo!