Based on the completed game: This is a game I got back when I was new to playing HO games; if I looked at a game like this today, I would quit it very shortly into the demo, as the junk heaps are unrelenting. It's too bad, because I enjoy the lion's share the mini-games, & I personally think the story is well told. That said, when I pulled this game up about a half hour ago to give it a go, I didn't last long. Each HO scene involves a list of 15 items to find, some of which are tiny, the majority of which are out of scale, & perhaps 2-4 of which require mild interaction. Most scenes are very cluttered, & the graphics in them are among the worst I've seen (the graphics outside of the HO scenes, aside from the character art, are quite good). It's also worth noting that there's no map (& a LOT of running around), & only two settings to choose from (casual or expert); also, while there is a bonus chapter, there's no collectibles or ability to replay anything, so there's not a lot of value here for a CE. Based on other reviews, there are obviously people who liked this game, so of course, I recommend doing the demo, but for myself, I can't see wanting to play this game again anytime soon.
Based on the demo (played through twice, as it only required about 45" to complete): If this game follows the course laid out in the demo, it will, indeed, be perfectly average. I found it interesting that many other reviewers made detailed observations about the graphics, as they made no impression on me one way or another...which means that to me, at least, they were neither outstandingly good nor bad. Gameplay thus far has been fairly straightforward, moderately pleasant w/o being challenging. I personally think the HO scenes in the demo are quite well done, although a bit on the small/short side; they show a degree of cleverness that would have been above average, were it not for their brevity. Of the mini-games presented thus far, some have been so simplistic as to be exasperating, others have required some thought a/o a bit of trial & error so, at least some range of difficulty, but nothing at the upper end of the spectrum as yet, & for me, none that I found particularly fun. The "helper" in this game has so far only served to zap away magic barriers for you, w/ no mini-game or any such involved; she also appears to save you from a dire fate at the end of the demo, although one would have to play further to learn what exactly it was she did. The storyline thus far has been nothing to write home about, but that may improve if there's an interesting use of characters going forward, something that can't be judged based on the demo alone (unless you, yourself, are a seer O.O). ;) Lastly, the collectible "furbies" are very easy to spot, & there is a pull tab that lets you know when you've collected all of them in any given area. In summary: I will probably purchase the SE version of this game w/ a coupon, or on a BOGO sale, expecting only a pleasant enough way to while away a few hours, & therefore not to be disappointed. ;) As always, I recommend doing the demo yourself, & seeing what YOU think. Happy gaming! :)
For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Based on completing the game twice: Part of me was very tempted to rate this game four stars based on the range & quality of the mini-games alone (go, GrandMA!), but unfortunately, this game is also saturated w/ junk heap style HO scenes (all of which are visited twice), & this significantly diminished my pleasure in playing this game. Graphics are mostly excellent throughout; the storyline is on the thin side, but it made a good enough starting point for the series, I think. You have a helper in the form of an owl that I would invite to come live w/ me if I could, & I'm not a big fan of helpers, so that's saying something. It took me about six hours to play this through the first time, & the second time, skipping most of the "story time stuff", about this is a good length game. Overall, unless you really just can't stomach either mini-games or junk heaps (which it's worth mentioning get progressively more cluttered as you go), I highly recommend doing the demo, & seeing what you think; as for myself, I'll probably invest in the CE version, as I understand there's a match 3 option available. ;) Happy gaming! :)
I recommend this game!
3of4voted this as helpful.
Eventide: Slavic Fable
Experience an authentic Slavic legend! Save the creatures from destruction!
Based on the demo: I was hoping to like this game, as the fact that the storyline is apparently rooted in Slavic folk tales sounded very appealing to me. Unfortunately, the painfully bad graphics of the mythical creatures + mini-games I'm inclined to think a fairly bright lab rat could solve killed this for me. I honestly don't think this game would even appeal to children (which the level of challenge seems geared toward) very much, as it simply didn't strike me as being very fun. I always recommend a person do the demo themselves if they think a game may appeal to them; as for me, this will sadly be a pass.
Based on the completed game: THIS GAME IS AMAZING. It took me two sittings & I don't know how long to get through it, because I lost track of time the first time I sat down w/ it, & even as I type this review, I'm anticipated turning around & playing it again first chance I get (along w/ tons of other good stuff, there's a mini-game I had to skip before my brain shorted out, but I know I was getting back to the fray I go!). There's tons of locations, all w/ excellent graphics. The HO scenes are mostly par for the course, but there are a handful that include quite clever twists, not to mention some interesting lists. The mini-games are one of the highlights of this game, as they are varied & plentiful, & offer an excellent range of difficulty. The storyline is nothing new, but there are a wide range of well-rendered characters associated w/ it, which is more what I look for in that regard, anyway. There's a device you utilize which involves detecting hidden runes, something I normally detest, but they gave it a "you're getting warmer" facet, so even that was all good. Top to bottom, this is simply one of the most enjoyable games I've played. Needless to say, I highly recommend doing the demo, & seeing what you think...if you're an intermediate level gamer like myself, even in casual mode, this game will take you for one HECK of a ride. :D Happy gaming! :)
Based on the demo: I'm not a follower of this series; the only one I've purchased to date is "Legacy of the Guardians". That said, it would still be nice to see this series go out w/ a bang, as opposed to...? (Of course, if Eve gets stuck this time, that would be SOMETHING of a bang :D). All I can really say is, for a CE, this under-performed for me. Do the demo, & see what YOU think. Happy gaming. :)
Based on the demo: Didn't care for this as a CE; thought at the time I'd revisit it as an SE, then forgot all about it. Finally got back to it today, & played for about thirty minutes before I decided I'd had enough, & deleted it. I had thought the plethora of mini-games might at least equal a coupons'-worth of everything else this game lacks. Sadly, they didn't.
Based on the demo: This game incorporates two things I just loath: (1) an abundance of "random" type mini-games (ie, just randomly click on stuff until you get lucky); & (2) a journal that starts flapping every time there's a cut scene, which you have to open, then close, to make it stop. (Also, another pet peeve: A mini-game where the owl helper was front & center, flapping his blessed little wings off, all the while you were solving it. Is there a justifiable reason for this? While the mini-game at hand wasn't taxing, I still see no excuse for incorporating a "distraction factor" which is nothing but annoying.) This demo also, in my opinion, incorporated far too many cut scenes. That may slack off as the game progresses, but there's no way of knowing that, & if not, this game may run short on actual gameplay. The one thing I actually unabashedly adored about this demo was the funky collectible; if it weren't for the plethora of those random-type mini-games, I would have forsworn my other objections, & bought this game, at least half on account of those (I'm strange like that O.O). Devs: Quit w/ the cr@ppy mini-games. It may not lose you the sale this time, but over the long haul, it will.
Based on completed game & bonus chapter: As this review is coming in quite late, I'll forego the blow-by-blow. All I really want to say is that if you've played the Lost Lands series, you've played this game; only the window dressing has changed. While it's true this dev has produced some of my favorite games, I'm getting tired of seeing the same mini-games used over & over again. Also, the graphics on the characters, both on this game & other recent efforts, have fallen off significantly; whereas they used to be excellent, they now leave MUCH to be desired. I give it three stars because it still incorporates good features, but there's too much been there, done that for me to rate it any higher.
Based on the completed game: I never expected to be saying this about a Five-BN game at this point, but the production values for this game are all-around low. Some of the graphics (primarily those featured in the demo portion of the game) are fine, but the majority are simply substandard. This isn't attributable to the fact that the game takes place, for the most part, in a post-apocalyptic setting, as I've played other games set along the same lines where the graphics were still quite appealing; this is just shoddy work. The collectibles, more often than not, stand out like a sore thumb, so the only real challenge along those lines lies w/ the morphing objects. The storyline is threadbare, & padded w/ time-consuming activities (such as curing the healer in the demo) that do virtually nothing to advance it. There are a few good mini-games, but there are far too many of the "random" sort (example, click on the crystals 'til they all light up). The HO scenes are mostly of the progressive type, which I normally enjoy a great deal, but a number of them in this game are marred by (a) shoddy graphics, &/or (b) Uncle or some other character popping in to draw your attention to something you stood 0% chance of overlooking if left to your own devices. Lastly, as per usual before reviewing on a full game, I did play this through a second time, & found that skipping only the cut scenes, dialogue, & a couple of the more random mini-games reduced my playtime to just shy of two hours, which is about one-two hours less than I would expect (which won't actually matter going forward, as even the first time I played this, I was ready to be done w/ it by about 2/3-3/4 of the way through). As always, I suggest doing the demo, & seeing what you yourself think, but I personally don't recommend this game, & will be a hard sell if there's another to come in this series.