I played the time limited one and liked it so I purchased the game. It is awesome. Some said it was to busy - I didn't find that at all. Everything was bright & colorful and it was easy to find the items you needed. All the things you needed for the game were readily available. I thought it was a lot of fun. I love most of Alawar's games.
I have not bought any of the New Yankee games since I played New Yankee in King Arthur's Court 4 & New Yankee in Santa's Service. I disliked both those games immensely. I love New Yankee 7, so I went back and bought the others. I love them all. I still do not like the 2 listed above, I cannot get enough resources to keep the monsters at bay. I went back and tried them after playing the new ones I bought. Still hated New Yankee in Santa's Service but could at least finish the New Yankee in King Arthur's Court 4.
I really thought the graphics were excellent on this game. It is very similar to the other Rescue Teams but they are always fun to play. I think each new release gets easier to play. I turned off the hints and don't have the game telling me what to do. I really like this game. I love all the Rescue Team games.
I played this game before buying it after reading the reviews. It is actually very fun to play. I do play the no time limit option. It was challenging enough and very fun to play. I do not love the stories in the games. This is not as fun as my favorites which are Northern Tales & Rescue Teams. But it was an all around fun game.
This game was just a story telling me to pick this up - move this here. There is no building in this game, no thinking. I don't love the stories on Time Management games and this one is all story. Wow this game was a total waste of money
I loved this game. It isn't easy, you really have to use the brain. By the upper levels you kinda have it figured out how to make the bombs and such. It is a really fun time management game. It does take a while to get through the levels. I am sure the 2nd time through it will be much faster.