I really liked this game. I like playing in relaxed mode so I can do other things like listening to audio books at the same time, or just gabbing with family. This game fits the bill perfectly. Keeps me busy, but does not have to keep my full attention. Graphics are very good, larger and easy to see, and as the game progresses, the game gets harder, so not a simple game. Lots of power ups. I liked the story line. I don't listen to sound. so can't judge that. But try it, you might like it.
I was almost put off by the reviews, but tried the game anyway. It did start off super easy, but as you go along, it does get harder. The larger tiles are a big plus for us with vision problems. Try it, you just might like it, but try the complete demo before you make your decision.
This is actually my first review of a game. I just had to though, because of the low reviews on here so far. I have really enjoyed playing this game. I play untimed games just to relax and this is really fun and there is lots to do. I think everyone should try it and decide for themselves. There is challenge to it, even untimed, the visual is very good, easy to see tiles, I don't use sound, so I don't know about that. There are three levels of play, not just untimed. Nice game to relax with for me.