Disappointed doesn't even start to describe me now
PostedMarch 9, 2024
Fun Factor
1/ 5
I own several in this series and like them all. This was the first one I could not play. It seemed to load ok and finding the first two crows went smoothly. That is where I was stuck. It gave me the little "Look on the desk from things found in Norway" line, but I couldn't get near the desk, or the bulletin board or the sofa. I used the tattoo. Nothing. I uninstalled and deleted and downloaded again but to no avail. Looks like a good game and the reviews were good. Wish I could have played it. Hope others can do better than I did.
You are a detective tasked with solving a murder. Ok. Not the first game with this premise. I just wanted something to play. I was so pleasantly surprised. This game kept me interested from start to finish. It is a long game and covers several cases. But they aren't tedious boring cases. There was a couple of times I got an 'access denied' message and got booted, but only a couple of times. The bonus game is long and I was surprised at the ending. Did not see that coming. There is a match 3 if you don't like the hidden object games. I love those being offered. Looking forward to the next game from this developer. Great job with it!
This game was interesting and not a bit like what I have been playing lately. It wasn't impossible to figure out but I didn't already know what I was doing from the items I found. I was scratching my head a few times and had to quit a few times because I got frustrated not being able to figure out what to do or, sometimes, how to do what I knew should be done. Over all, I loved the game. It made me think. And made me figure out solutions without holding my hand a bit. I will be playing this one again. Only not right away. I think I will replay an 'easier' one next time.
I liked this game. I have recently played several older games and found a couple sooo boring I simply went on to something else before the end. This game wasn't overly challenging nor was it boring. It didn't bother me that some characters weren't the same. Other than a small dog named Elf and a rather mangy cat in other games, I don't really get into the characters but rather the flow of the game itself. I am on the fence a little with Anastasia though. This game ended quicker than I had hoped. I'm happy I purchased it even with such scant reviews. Try it for yourself and see what you think.
I loved this game. You, detective, must go to help with some missing collectors but, surprise surprise, the case isn't exactly what you thought it would be. Help didn't come from where you thought it would. Ok. No big deal. You still must rescue collectors from traps they brought on themselves. The game graphics in the game are gorgeous. I can't comment on the music because I had it muted. I really enjoyed the storyline although it or something close has been done a few times. Gameplay was smooth and had a nice flow once I got into it. I turn off all helpful hints and texts for me so a couple of times I scratched my head wondering "Ok, now what?" and I did use the hint button a total of three times. It was very helpful. All in all this was a really good game and I will play it again and probably another 'again'.
Will the real Children of the Forest please stand up!
PostedMarch 16, 2022
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This game was a very good one. The graphics and sound were nice. The characters were likable, the animals were adorable. The full story play by play has been reviewed already so I will just say the game is well worth a buy. It kept me interested and occupied for quite a while so the length is good. The only, and I mean only, thing I didn't care for was the ecological commentary that is throughout the game. Unless they live in a cave somewhere, everyone knows about deforestation and the impact it is having on animal habitats as well as the environment. I buy games for entertainment. Developers, please don't hit your players over the head with your cause. I will check reviews and previews better in the future. Still loved the game itself though.
After playing a lot of games that weren't as good as others I can say this game is definitely one I will be replaying. The premise of the game, saving a family member from an evil critter, has been done before, and will likely be done again. But then, don't we have movies that are all about Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl again and happy ever after? Sure we do. And we still watch them again and again. Good for movies, good for games. Now this game has a few twists though that set it apart from any I have played recently. At first, I was concerned that it forgot to ask me for a user name. And then, I thought it had started the game over again. But, it was just to make sure the game grabbed my attention and boy did it ever. I found the scary level to be very good. More hideously creepy than jump scare scary. But not too much. Graphics, voice overs, sounds, all very well done. There was a lot of cut scenes and my cursor would disappear until the scene was over, which frustrated me a bit, but only because I was so caught up in the game! And I skipped several of the mini games because I could not figure out how to make them work. Plus my mouse has a low battery and was too slow for me to get past some of the games. Next time I will be ready to take them on though. Great job on bringing back games that are top of the line, not just sliding quickly along an assembly line. I am anxiously awaiting the next one and hoping it is as good as this one.
As the title to my review states, it felt nice to play this game again since it had been so long since playing the first one. The game play kept me on my toes because it didn't walk me through much at all. In fact, I took breaks when I would feel like screaming "just tell me what you want me to do!". I was wary of the reviews but pretty happy I decided to give the game a try. It is a beautiful game and the quest to find the little girl before something terrible happened to her made me really want to keep going. The music and voices were very nice. Not intrusive. Well, when we hear from the little girl she does sound a bit emo compared to all the other characters. There was only one issue I had with this game and that is that when it ends, it ends. Don't expect any explanations. Don't expect to have any questions answered. The end means the end with this one. That being said, I will still play it again later on.
I only played the demo of this game. And I quit soon into it. It is rare I play the demos preferring to base my choice to buy or not on the reviews, good or bad. Glad I tried the demo on this one.The graphics were beautiful and the voices fit, as well as a talking dog's voice would fit. But the game became tedious before I ever even got to the train station. Far too much talking. I am not one who has to be reminded of the actions of other characters. I see them. I understand them. Move on. I will not be buying this one, or even using a game credit on it. I will look forward to what this developer offers next, however. I usually like most of the games. This one simply missed the mark for me. Please try the demo and see if it is a great one to you. Could be.
I wouldn't give 5 stars unless I found a game to be so fantastic I couldn't imagine ever playing one better. This one wasn't that fantastic but it came close for me. A group of friends gather to watch a scary movie and it doesn't turn out as they expected. I found the game to be very enjoyable. I liked the idea of getting pulled into a scary movie instead of just campers afraid because of something evil lurking around. And not one evil witch or wizard trying to resurrect a dead loved one. Refreshing I must say! I almost passed on it due to the low reviews, but it was well worth my time and I will be replaying it again I am certain. As always, if you are on the fence, play the demo.