Upon start-up, the "music" was an amateurishly dated electronic mish-mash, and the visuals were like something from a free bundle of cheap games sold on CD's in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart in the late 2000's. I am not convinced the gameplay would have raised any of my expectations, if the game had been able to run on my MAC. Game had trouble starting, and when it did it was in a mini box in the lower corner of my screen. Then it became non-responsive after the story ran and a button popped up to start gameplay. I had to restart my Mac and force-quit the app to remove it. I understand there has been some difficulty at BF with MAC games. But more than half of the MAC games I play from BF glitch up, and all of them are games developed years, even decades, ago and being passed off as new now. Do better.
Difference between a challenge and an impossibility
PostedAugust 30, 2020
fromWashington, D.C.
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
I played the demo for the whole period and was not able to progress beyond about the 5th level. It's a typical match-3 game- make matches to remove boxes and webs blocking your way, drop items to the bottom of the screen, etc. Levels begin to have separate sections at some point, each section small. The level I played for approximately 50 minutes without progress started with three separate sections. The sections are small, so if you cannot make a match-3 in one section, you are stuck. There are NO tools available to remedy the situation. A complete restart of the level is required. Okay, sometimes that happens. But over and over again for 50 minutes..? There is a puzzling "bonus energy" bubble that fills almost imperceptibly when you make 4- or 5- matches. It seems to have no function. After filling it numerous times (this took about 10 minutes of actively making large matches) it does....NOTHING. As a seasoned player, I don't mind a challenge, and I don't mind waiting to progress. But this was just incomprehensible. I won't be purchasing the game for this reason as it makes me suspect the quality of the entire game.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
Nothing new here! Running around a kitchen to annoying music and people getting impatient. I normally enjoy these types of games but this looks like another one intended to go straight to pay-to-play on phone or FB. The main reason I'm submitting a negative review is because the response time is sluggish (not good in a game requiring super-fast and accurate clicking) and the demo cut off after only 25 minutes of gameplay as though we were sampling a new version of Skyrim. It's just a recycled game, devs, it's really not that inspiring.
The positives:The gameplay itself is very rapid, which is great for a solitaire game. You can click on a sequence of cards quickly, and that is always fun. The music and graphics are non-offensive, but nothing different.
The negatives: Despite the ability to click your sequences rapidly, if a card has any kind of coin or bonus it stops your sequence dead in its tracks to fill the whole screen with a pop-up to tell you whatcha got. Nope. The challenge of uncovering just the gold cards is fine, I suppose, but the level of challenge is a little wacky. The first set of cards are completed easily, and you easily uncover all the gold coins without using any extra power-ups to do so. Then, the challenge becomes bizarrely impossible to do. In the first set of cards I accumulated something like 9 shuffles and 4 jokers, and just into the second set I was unable to even uncover a single gold card after 3 attempts. On my 4th try I used up ALL my shuffles and 3 of my jokers in a single hand and was able to retrieve all the coins- 3 out of 6. After using ALL my power-ups. If you can't get coins- how can you buy new power-ups?? That made me quit playing since solitaire is intrinsically supposed to be relaxing. It felt like trying to level up on a Boss Level of some video game, and I wasn't that far into the game. Not up for a solitaire game requiring you to play the same deal a million times just to progress to the next one. That's what the FB games do to force you to pay to progress, but this is a game sold outright in its entirety. Not good.
Feedback: Everyone loves being at the seashore. Instead of the same tinkling and repetitive tune playing in the background, how about some relaxing sound effects like seagulls or waves? It was hard to get into the whole "beach" theme that was being touted. A croissant and coffee as background? Sure. A bunch of shells? Okay, but let's put some effort into it!
Finally: If this is a recycled game passed off as new- that is shame to do that to your customers, and not cool at all, and speaks poorly of both developer and BF. If I were considering buying the game to pass the time on a lazy afternoon, I will not do so based upon previous reviewers confirming that this is NOT a substantially new game, but a game trying to double-dip into our wallets at a time when money for these things is very tight for many, and new indoor entertainments a prime product.
This was a different game as the theme and story were rather dark and melancholy, but not because someone was kidnapped by a cloaked wraith and taken to a haunted castle but because it was an actual human story that could be interpreted as depressing, or intriguing, depending on what you are looking for in a game. The details are great in the scenes. The scenes are set in a weird Soviet-Russia time which was intrinsically quite depressing and gray anyway, so you have to be up for that. It's not a very "feel-good" game, but that is not a problem. It is a nice throwback to when PC games were "adult" and not all about searching for gems to activate a companion puppy dog or something. It reminded me of the really good PC games from the 90's that were moody and intense.
The puzzles were interesting and fresh, and made sense. Almost too much sense, as they were at times very literal. Real-time waiting to charge your phone, loosening every bolt specifically, putting glue on every line in a precise thickness, for example. The story line was nice, the English dub-over of it atrocious (but no matter). The choice of background music is spot-on for the feel of the game: moody and slow, not distracting but intensifying your immersion into the game.
It is simply a personal preference whether you will enjoy the game or not based on these details. It felt sort of like watching an old cop show from the 80's- gritty, and not trying to be impressive or flashy. Whatever your preference in game-style, you cannot deny that the game itself is well-done, and a fresh new entry into a genre which has been flooded with the same-old story, puzzles, and graphics done a million different ways. These people have thought outside the box, or perhaps taken us back OUT of the box we have been forced to go into to play, and that's always a good thing.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Just to set the stage: I have been a regular BF customer for 10 years, I love TM games, and this is the first time I have submitted a review. That is how bad this game is.
The music is discordant, jarring, and stressful. It is a frantically playing banjo. So before the game play even begins, your teeth are on edge. I flashed back to waiting in a sweaty line for hours to see Country Jamboree at DisneyWorld, held captive and forced to listen to the soundtrack from "Deliverance".
No instructions, but these games kind of play themselves. However, it does not bode well for the quality of a game when the developers do not respect the players by not even bothering to ease them into gameplay.
The first level, you are inundated with children waiting to see you feed the raccoon, or the llama, or the fennec fox. Each animal has a ridiculous, stressful, mindless mini-"game" which you must perform correctly before the timer even starts. After you have done this, THEN the timer starts running on that guest and you cannot walk away until the timer runs out. Mind you, there are 3 guests waiting in line and others walking away while the timer runs because you are limited to 3 chairs. The first thing I did in the game was purchase and upgrade comfort on all the chairs, but this was a useless endeavor. If you are at all a Type A person, you will feel the pain of being helpless to go any faster, and seeing the waiting guests "patience bar" turn yellow and then red while guests coming in have nowhere to sit so they peace-out. Stressful in any game, but this was just the first few levels.
Naturally each guests wishes to interact with not just one animal, but at least two and frequently all 3. Remember, you cannot move a guest until you have done the mini game and the subsequent timer runs out. There is no way to make this go any faster. Later levels allow the option of purchasing more animals and increasing speed. During the course of the demo, I upgraded all chairs, and sped up the main character. To no avail. I love a challenge in TM games, but I am an expert at this point, and I promise you- there is nothing but frustration to be had here, and the guests do nothing but get angry while you frantically drag them to each animal. The fun really started when the characters wanted to "swap" places which a guest waiting for another animal. Nothing to be done- no moving them somewhere else, bringing in a waiting customer on that animal- nope, the guests waiting were doomed to just sit and fume. You can only swap out the guests already interacting with the animals.
After all this, my biggest complaint is the lack of money earned to make "improvements" in the game. You find out very early that 1 animal each is not going to fly, and you will have to purchase two of each animal. Naturally, once you have the funds too do so, another animal is introduced and half the guests (or more) want THAT animal first, thus clogging up the entire line of waiting customers.
MULTIPLE times I earned money that was not reflected. Either that, or the money earned did not make sense. In order to pass at a certain level, you have to earn a certain amount of money. Sure, that's standard. But why is it that I earn 1800 dollars on a level and at the next level I have $30 to work with? And the cheapest upgrade for anything is $450?? I also LOST money in the game, as I purchased an additional animal that did not appear in the game on the next level. My money was sure gone, though. I think the devs of this game just thought that players should be swamped with customers as a way to increase the challenge or the investment in playing the game. Did they test this out??? There is a fine line between challenge and frustration, and they went WAY over it with this one.
To add insult to injury, after playing up to level 10 and seeing that it was not going to get any better but only worse, there was NO MENU for exiting the game. There was a settings button to turn off the music (a must) but nothing else. The game had literally trapped me within it. I could not even minimize the screen.
I do not recommend even installing the demo of the game, let alone seeing if you enjoy it. Unless you are a preschool child with zero interest in strategy or efficiency, keep on scrolling with this one.