This could have been a great game if...... One of the least user friendly games I've played. Controls are all over the place, no clear signal that something should be checked out other then HOPs. Navigation is awkward, using items from inventory you have to hold and drag unlike most games where you just click and drag or click and use. Pros: good graphics, OK music, Ok story. Cons: Not user friendly Navigation is stupid No voice overs.
It could have been a better game if it were not all the frustrating elements in the game. Way too much running back and forth without be able to jump to location. There is no " Help " unless it's a HO. Items are hard to see and most of the time they are blurry. Voice overs are OK. Story; I can not say, because I just could not finish the game. I gave up 3/5 of the game.
It would have been a great game,if ..... Here is a list that made this otherwise charming game frustrating and awful: 1. Cursors. In any other normal game your normal cursor was an arrow, anything to interact with a hand, a cog, a magnifying glass. In this game your regular cursor is a hand that makes you think that where you are pointing it has something to do with the gameplay. Also he interactive cursors are too small to see clearly. 2. Help!!!! Help and Strategy Guide is less than useless. Map shows only objectives. No teleport, luckily the map is not too big so you can get to a to b fast. Hint is unhelpful, sending me to my diary for clues. 3, Can you hand me the magnifying glass? Even though the graphics are beautiful, it means nothing if you can't see it! Hidden objects are way too small to be able to see them either in HOP or just collecting useful items during the game. 4. Enough with the sparkles! When you have an active area highlighted in most of the games it sparkles. In this game everything sparkles. Designers decided that they will let loose a swarm of lightning bugs through the game and confusing everyone with their constant sparkle, making you think there is an active area. On the plus side, I. great voice over and funny poems by the Owl. II. Great storyline III. Interesting mini games IV. Nice graphic art I do and don't recommend this game at the same time.
A secret world of vampires slowly reveals itself as Linda’s search for the books intensifies and she discovers that she has taken on much more than she bargained for.
This is a bad game. Conversations are TLDR, have to click all them to scroll. Items are small and hard to find, sometimes hiding right behind the list of items needs to be found. If you pop it up, you will get items on the list one by one. Hard to see and way too much pop ups. Graphics are bad and low quality. The main character look like someone just goosed her and no animation of characters.
Good grief!!!!!!!!! We have a fairly decent game (compared to the rubbish on the collection disk it came from), but I was baffled by the bad English in this game. I understand that the major HOGs developers are the Slovaks and the Russians. I'm cool with that. But for Pete's sake get someone to proofread the games! I found items that was "cup" which was an umbrella, "hunter" a #2 and much more that I can't remember at the moment. Good fast going game, with text but no voiceover. Music can be turned down to make a "white noise", clear images, pretty much logical game.
I was all excited when the game opened up, seeing the beautiful artwork. Then I was looking for the usual add the player's name, intro video or anything other than the "START" button. Nope none of that. Unless you are into straight HOGS this game is not for you. No story, no interaction, no collect object and figure out how to use it. I wish I could have given a minus on the star ratings, but alas I can not. Nothing. Just about a 100 hidden object scenes. I want to warn you at the same time from the same developer the "Detective of the spirit world". Same thing nothing just Hogs. Such a waste! Waste of money, artwork and everything else. They could have made some really nice games out of all that, but instead they choose to be slick and use it as filler in a game collection disc. DO NOT BUY!
Favorite Genre(s):Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Marble Popper, Match 3, Puzzle, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I wonder who still has square monitor. The game aspects are made for old fashioned square monitors and lot of space that could have been used for the HO part. Story is sweet and sappy. If you like chick flicks, you will like it. No scary monsters, spiders and ghosts. Visual is clear and well done, BUT due to the aspect small and hard to see. Play it if you have large monitor. Luckily hint recharges fast. Would be nice if the developers would remake the game changing the aspects.
Get you magnifying glasses out. One of the worst game I seen. I own about 400 full games and none gave me this much troubles. I got it in a collection CD and either it's full of bugs or I never finished it, I don't remember. I tried to play it again, but I was blinking and blinking trying to see and find object. Story line zero, help (PLEASE hahaha) none. It is something to torment a friend to be able to unfriend.
Stay away from this horrible mistake. Cheap, unlogical, hard to see, no map. Fun factor 0, Visual 0, Logic 0. This game is a fail from the beginning. You can't collect an item until you get to a certain part and by then you forget that item is there or even think it is an item to pick up. Pop up dialogs at no end . I f I want to read that much I get a book. It was in a collection pack. I wish they would have put a playable game instead .