I was playing the game through a time period of a paramilitary confrontation with the USA government. They were over my roof. One told me the pictures were so authentically Southern and Louisiana that he was suddenly homesick. The more that he saw the worse was his condition. I took his word for it.
It is beautiful. It is in artistic skill on the level of being noted, however the games are complicated, unpleasant, and I too found myself having to use skip/hint through quite a bit.
It's too fragmented combined with acute details, so that one travels excessively for one minute piece of something with a gazillion other things requiring the same.
It's not recommended to Living Legend and Lost Land fans which usually have such strong story lines one can bear with things. The Southern culture is so different for those of the West that it adds to the chaos. I felt as if I were viewing an alien planet and dealing with culture shock. (I'm in Missouri.)
I have waited for an Edge of Reality game that was as good as Fatal Luck. If this isn't it, then it is a close shave. I had no problems with the storyline or characters.
This is a purely hidden object. The setup is different in that one has panoramic, and zooms in or out with the center wheel button on one's mouse.
I've been so burned being presented with teasers, games, and puzzles under the guise of hidden objects, that when I first started I couldn't get my shoulders to relax. The environment is very masculine and similar to the teasers, games, and puzzles "hidden object" with detectives.
Breath is easy. I wish I had read my own comments. You will be in a pure hidden object environment. It's a big game. It starts with unlocking rooms. It then flows with masses of hidden objects.
I picked "custom" misreading the choice panel for things such as cursor changes and sparkles showing. The boxes were lit so I thought checked. Not so, be sure those boxes show an actual "check mark."
I've the impression of a highly literate Russian creator. The words for things like berries seemed more scientific while being set in a Siberian area.
Someone said it was "hard." Be sure boxes are checked! Know the search words are less common, and picture customs of a Siberian village with its merge of paganism and Christianity.
I am pleased, I had recently purchased Ultimate hoping my 10 could manage the system 8 game. That a new system 10 version is now available delights me.