I love this blend of Adelantado and Roads of Rome! I also prefer that the story is a fantasy instead of Adelantado's rewriting of colonialism with dinosaurs. However, there are a couple annoying glitches that keep me from giving it one more star.
Every once in a while, there is one tentacle or spider that won't clear. I have the inventory to get rid of them, but the green check just sits there, and no worker ever comes, and then the clock runs out. It doesn't matter the level, and if I have a save point, that doesn't help. I have to fully restart in order to win that level. After restarting, it works just fine.
Also, sometimes the save points don't work. The first time it happened, I thought I just forgot to save. Since then, I have had times where I made sure I used the save altar, but then when I went to jump back, I had no option except to start over.
But when the game is fully working, I really enjoy it.
This is my favorite kind of game, but I wish it wasn't being released in "chapters". I don't like leaving it unresolved, especially not knowing when the rest will be available. I also had to mark it down a little because the (medium difficulty) interface was a little touchy at times. I thought I needed to close something, and it didn't work, so I gave up and walked around for far too long before trying again and finding the right spot to make it work. But now that I understand, I'm looking forward to the next one.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management, Adventure, Strategy
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I really liked some of the different features of this game, such as the ability to carry over your resources to the next level. However, the fighting invaders part of the game was really annoying. It would have been fine if it was just one or two levels, but it happens constantly, interrupting the game and my train of thought. I would always lose track of what my plan had been before the invaders attacked, and I didn't know I was getting into an action game as well when I started playing. I wish it was just a time management strategy game.
However, if you like your games to be well-rounded and not an easily-defined genre, this might be a good choice.
As far as the overall gameplay, I wish I could reply directly to a previous review by the person who doesn't understand these games based on the demo... I love these games, but I see where a demo version can be confusing. There isn't a lot you can complete in the first hour. YOU are Nancy Drew, so you are solving a mystery. You don't know what's going on until you talk to people and look things up. You're going to spend most of your hour talking to people and reading, and it's not going to give you the full picture of the game. I haven't timed my game, but there's probably at least 8 hours of gameplay you'll never get to see (I play Master so I don't know about Amateur). And that's a conservative estimate of not doing any of the side projects that aren't necessary to win the game but give you trophies at the end, plus probably using a walkthrough a little. If you'll go back to the 1990's for a minute with me, these games are more like Myst than a modern HO game, but they get classified in HO because there's not really another place to put them. Until you get the hang of them, you're going to spend a lot of time wandering around trying to figure out what to do. Hopefully that gives a better picture than a demo hour of what these are like and whether or not it might be your cup of tea.
About this game itself, I have played all of the ND games so far, and I enjoyed this one, but not as much as some of the others. It might be just that I have a theater background, but I got hung up on the logic of the play and how the sets actually work. It's just so weird.
There's also a bizarre glitch in this game where one character is either really, really fast, or is in 2 places at once wearing different clothes, and I was able to interact with both versions that person (more than once). I don't think I was doing things out of order that I was able to find that character like that. Usually these games are really good at keeping you away from stuff you aren't supposed to do yet. I don't know what happened there.
I did enjoy this game but not as much as the first one (Queen of Flames). I found a few of the puzzles a little repetitive. The graphics were good, but I think they overdid it on the magic claw thing. It was neat to watch it glow the first time, but since you have to keep using it, after a while, I was just ready to get to the puzzle and then get the object at the end.
There are a few callbacks to Queen of Flames in terms of storyline, so if you actually care about who the characters are, I recommend playing this game second.
Without warning, a group of mysterious figures arrives and reduces your village to flames and rubble. What do they want... and who is controlling them?
I think this game is one of the best of its type. It has a customized difficulty level, so you can play it however you want. Not only that - I've played "customized" games before that don't always apply your customization - this one actually works! If you turn off sparkles, there are actually zero sparkles.
I'm not really a huge HO game fan exactly - I play them because I like the mystery/adventure games, and they're almost exclusively available in this format. It drives me crazy when you complete the HO scene, get a knife as a reward, use the knife, and then all of a sudden, the knife is gone. Why would I leave the knife when I'm only going to need to find a different knife later? In this game, you have a useful object that you get to keep and use more than once, and then when you leave it behind, there's actually an in-game reason for it. I wish it was like that for every object, but it's a start. I'm very happy with this purchase.