Beautiful game I must say. I wish the ending was different though. Not being able to move by way of using the map was a bit annoying and the inventory bar not being able to be locked was as well. You have to play the same HOPs more than once, which didn't bother me, but may bother others. Other than that I really have no complaints for this game. Well worth the purchase.
I do wish however that the CE offered collectibles and morphing objects. Lacks a little bit in that department but the bonus game was good.
Fun game... but the brainwashing nonsense needs to stop in games!
PostedJune 14, 2020
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
Overall good game. Quite easy but nice pace and beautiful scenery. Didn't play the CE version as I got this for free so I finished quite quickly (maybe 2 hours of playtime.) Only thing I wish games would STOP doing is inserting their stupid nonsense about "too many people in the world," and "climate change" hocus pocus. Keep that nonsense to the brainwashed folks in real life and leave it out of games.
Really good game, well worth the money for the CE.
PostedJune 13, 2020
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I have to say this game was well worth it imo. Lots to do, beautiful scenery, and it took over 8 hours to complete, including bonus chapters. Very, very fun and LONG. Need more games that are longer than 2-4 hours! Make our money worth it.
The game was nice, the storyline was as well, few things were not terriific though. You have to buy the CE to find out what happened (yet still left with many questions.)
Few things I found wrong with the game:
1. Nobody talked. Why not? No response from anyone made me ask questions. 2. No map made the game take way too long to walk back and forth through dozens of locations, annoying. 3. Dad and mom? Where are they? What happened to them? 4. The HOPs could have used more effort in hiding/combining items. Really quite easy.
Overall it was okay. Beautiful graphics, just wish it had more details in the mother/father locations and didn't leave the ending for us to ask more questions than needed. Also games need MAPS.