This is in my top 10 worse games I have ever played. However, I did buy it out of total boredom, with no other games to play that I haven't already played 10 times, it was a obvious paste job with the objects never "hidden". Unlike some reviewers, I only review the hidden object games that I would normally play without needing a strategy guide. Some reviewers effort to get every single HOG to be dark and need guides, is someone who needs to get a real life.
There are 2 reasons I bought this game. 1 - it was only $2.99. 2 - I was bored. This is the worst cut & paste game I have seen in years. There was no attempt at all to blend the animals into the scenes. Just random parts of animals pasted on top of a background.
There are 2 reasons I bought this game. 1 - it was only $2.99. 2 - I was bored. This is the worst cut & paste game I have seen in years. There was no attempt at all to blend the animals into the scenes. Just random parts of animals pasted on top of a background.
Once again, I was excited to see another of the "I Love Finding" games. I buy each one now without ever trying the demo. The games by this developer do not seem "all the same" to me. Nice graphics, objects are fun to find, and who doesn't like cats & pups. I don't understand why folks who have no intention of downloading or playing the games feel to need to give the games a low rating. If it's not your type of game - move on with leaving a bad review.