The minute I started playing this game it was hard for me to stop because I personally love this series and I hope it continues after this because there are so many unanswered questions and cliffhangers from previous games and the series and in my own perspective evil never dies. I really hope that there will be another Dark Realm game even if Valera isn't the main character then it would be fun to see the next generation since it would answer a lot of questions that I have in my head about this series and its characters.
I loved playing this game, the puzzles were challenging, the story line had an unexpected twist, and I got to play as a princess and defeat Mortis again (this time for good I hope).
I recommend this game!
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Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
A dark illness has befallen the townspeople of Anaben!
Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
As usual Blue Tea Games and Eipix have done a fantastic job on creating a new game for the Dark Parables series. I have played this game and I just love the story line, the puzzles and the hop scenes and the art detail and the sound quality is amazing.