I was looking for new games to purchase and I was scrolling through the titles in the hidden object games when I came across this campfire legends. I have always enjoyed campfires so I found myself compelled to open the game. I was surprised there wasn't any ratings nor had the campfire games been advertised by big fish that I can recall as suggested games I would like etc. There are three of this series campfire legends, the hookman - campfire legends, the babysitter, and campfire legends, the last act. I played the free trials on both the hookman and the babysitter and I really loved the games. There is a lot to do hidden object which are not the normal find the objects and move on this one gives you other projects to do once you find the objects. and there are many puzzles which I found fun to do, You do not begin the game with the normal hints like most of the big fish games on these one's you must locate fireflies to earn your hints. After playing the second in the series on the trial I immediately purchased all three games. I am not going to go into the story line with you as upsydydaisy did a excellent job in describing the game to you in her review. I do have to say however that the story is really good- I really loved the campfire tales they discuss around the fire. There were numerous times the game made me jump. Don't let the fact that there hasn't been may reviews as of yet on this series for it is every bit worth purchasing and a lot of fun to play. Enjoy playing these games I know I am. I have over three hundred games and I am just glad I didn't let these pass me by.