If you like creative artwork, this is a playful of art candy. It is an older game. I think there are 3 in the series and I had got them to play well on windows 10. I love the mini games and this one had them. If you are like me, next time on a discount day buy!
I find the Knight Cats to be so much fun! You can tell that the artists who drew up the story knows a bit about cats. They many breed of cats represented. It is just plain fun! If you are looking for a literary novel, not here. Great game for a person who likes cats and want to relax with the cute.
It is a good enough game but... More of a Peter Pan story. Alligators and pirates and ships and what says Christmas more that putting a mullet gun together, that would be blowing a ships cannon at an octopus. It did lack in the christmas theme.
It is a simple game. Made hard? My first move was to accidentaly quit the game. No instructions. and I figured out some of it. It was rather lame. Its the kind of thing you would do while sitting the Dr.s office or on a train in Boston on a smart phone. Not for home PC or the like.
So much to do. 5-BN are not easy games. I can not play them with out the map-jump feature. The graphic are so detailed, it is like wandering about exploring new and different lands. And wander you will.
It was a fun romp, but at the end it did not give me a chance to go back to fetch missed collectables. And after finishing the last bonus chapter, I went in to 'Extras" there were no extras! Where are the extras! I paid for full game! No replaying of anything. Get the SE. I am going to have to write BF. Glitch?
If I am a witch I want to do many fantasy scenes and magic. This one is more like a witch 'Who done it' Half detective half no fun,rather than a magical fantasy world.. Not as fun and whimsical as the others.
This game is full of unending earth quakes. Huge flashes of blinding lights and shaky camera views. All that rumbleing about make it unwatchable and unplayable.
Its too bad, because it was a fun fantasy game. It ran into problems. It would not expand a zoom zone where I needed to go back and pick up an item. So I replayed it up to that of the ballerina on the tree and grabed the pumpkin before playing the mini game. That worked. Then it happened again 5 pages later. I am not going to do that again. I read that there are many glitches with this developer. BF, please dont sell them if you know they dont work.
A cross between bubble popper and match 3,with a bit extra.
PostedOctober 14, 2020
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
If you love the Quadrium games or possibly ClearIt this a good one. It has some clever new devices. I like the advanced smash 3 option and the item that does not destroy, you just have to bump it out of the way. It is festive looking, yet I will be playing this beyond Halloween.