Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This game looks like it was collecting dust on Bigfish's shelf someplace in their office and after all those years they somehow found it and released it, for lack of better games in this genre or lack of people that check the game before they let others get impressed. There are four slots machines to choose from and they are all boring. I uninstalled it few minutes into the demo. I played way better slots games than this one. The graphics are noticeably outdated. It is a slots game so no storyline to speak of. Sound effects are repetitive as expected with this kind of game, and you can always choose to mute it. I was not impressed, and I am not going to play it even if offered for free. Yes, the game is that bad.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
I installed the game and opened it to play. First bad impression, looks cheaply made menu on main screen. You have difficulties to choose from that are all hint related. Second bad impression, graphics of first cutscene(and the ones that follow) just awful. Shallow and no real animation. That girl looked like she was at least 40 years old. Next bad thing: Right from start, you can't skip dialogs. Dialog itself is nothing exciting. They talk but no mouth moving. That girl sounded like she's talking to people that are slow in their brain. I stopped caring for the characters in that game I wished a tiger would just come out of a cave or something and make a lunch out of them all. It was that terrible. First hidden object scene was cheaply made, all items in the list were there in plain view, wasn't even crowded enough to be considered "Hidden". I started to collect items to use n the scene, but I gave up really quick. I will not play this game even if offered free. Nowadays people expect games to have some kind of good quality attached to them. This game does not have it. Looked like someone's first try on making a game. They should go back to the drawing board and this time, do a better job, and not underestimate gamers I.Q.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Yet another excellent pure HOG from Casual Arts, the devs that bring you very impressive HO games, one after another! The graphics are as clear as you can expect, the HO scenes are delight to look at, the plot is really not all that sophisticated or essential, but it does not matter, it is a HO game no HOPA no dark plot, nothing to follow, innocent story of family enjoying their Xmas time. The music is Christmas theme, and so are the sound effects too, all in the spirit of the holiday. It is fairly long game and has a replay value. You collect extras and with the points/money buy souvenirs, puzzles are very easy. This game is well suited for kids as well. The game runs smoothly, no bugs no glitches, and it does not put effort on my computer either, like other heavy duty games do. Every time I see a game from Casual Arts I buy it right away and never get disappointed. I love to look for them hidden objects and this one delivers superbly! Can't wait for their next game to come out! I very much recommend this game for the ones that love pure hidden objects games.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
The short demo was long enough to get the idea of this game. It keep you busy solving puzzle one after another, they HO in the demo were not your typical list of items rather a puzzle of finding items and placing them within the puzzle. Graphics are good just like the rest of this game series. It did not have any collectibles and achievement like some older games of this series had before. The story is nothing new. Bad guy killing a woman, don't know if more bodies will pile up as during the demo there was solving death of only one woman. Your job as detective to solve this mystery. It makes you think, it makes you want to play more, but it is definitely not a usual HOG. Music and sounds are OK. Dialogues are spoken and as expected from that era of story, in decent English. You can choose difficulty of game in the beginning, adjust the time of hint/skip recharge. It seems like a good game, I was disappointed of the length of the demo only 30 minutes or till you get to a certain point in the game, I wonder if it suggests that the game is short, I do not know as I played only the demo. As usual try it yourself and decide. I do recommend this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
This game is as simple as it gets. You click on the game icon the screen that is not even full screen has only "play" you get hardcore or casual modes that's it. No options no nothing. You get either music on or off. In hardcore mode you get points for finding hidden objects, in casual mode you just get a list and go look for them. Annoying thing is when you do decide to play hardcore and you want to leave the game it says "You lost" not very pleasant is it? The music is very annoying and repetitive. The graphics are outdated and the objects are there in front of you not even hidden too well. Hint recharges fast. No bright side for this game, try it, see if you can put up with this cheaply made game, there are way better games in the pond to have fun with.
'Tis the season for hidden objects... Red Riding Hood-Star crossed lovers is all about the HOs. It is one scene after another and it is just fine for me, and others that can't get enough of this genre. The quality of this game is quite good actually. This game is part of a series of games from same Developers and they are pretty much the same. Relaxing, good graphics, lots of HO scenes and extra image to locate to obtain some inside tips. There are also easy to solve puzzles and find an object and place it somewhere scenes as well. Hint recharges fast enough, though I hardly use it as the objects are clear enough to notice. The music is OK and ambient sounds are well placed in the background. The story is refreshing, new twist on the good old story of Little Red Riding Hood, the dialog leaves much to be desired though. The game runs smooth and it does not get my laptop to overheat, which some heavy duty games on bigfish usually like to do. Reason why I gave it only 4 stars: dialog is not smart and the font they chose for the list is annoyingly annoying. I do recommend to at least try and see for yourself, but for people that like relaxing HOs games, this will be another one to have fun with.
Things I noticed: Graphics hand drawn, artists did pay attention to details. The objects are clear enough and the surroundings are well defined as well. This is not your regular HOPA game, it is a simple HO game with few puzzles to solve and a quest to solve. I had fun playing it till I got stuck in a place where a too-many-hands-giant started throwing spears at me and I did not how to disable him and the hint did not help whatsoever. The devs are doing their best to make a game that is enjoyable, I support them as they are just like any other gaming company started someplace and got better as time went by. Their effort is noticeable and when I find out how to solve my little game issue I will definitely get this game as I am a sucker for pure HO games. As always, do the demo and decide for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
To the devs of this game series: Don't stop now! We have so many cities in this world, get busy! We want to see more games like that popping out!!! Everything in this game is superb just like the whole series. Can you say HO HO HO? it is all about the hidden objects, lots of them and a bit extra and in excellent quality. I play this game in relax mode, I enjoy the music that is on the lite side, and just grateful to have awesome people that create these kind of games to keep me entertained. Try this game, I am sure you will fall in love with it then buy the whole series and wait patiently for the next game, as I do.
This game is all about Hidden Objects scenes. Which for me is just fine, because sometimes that's what I want to play. The story is all gloom and doom thus the scenes. Who really wants to get stuck in a deserted asylum anyways? The music is accordingly gloomy. The HO scenes have the zoom in feature which helps locate those sneaky items. I do not agree with some reviewers that were stating that this is an old game. It has in one of the scenes "smartphone" that is pretty modern. The graphics are good enough and these developers created other games that I own as they're all about the HO. No voice-overs but written dialog that you can click-skip. You find ghosts in the scenes you get to learn about haunted places. Other than that no frills and thrills in this game just HO scenes one after another, which I actually really like, because sometimes the plot itself does not matter to me when it comes to playing pure HO games. Try it before buying.
Every time I see casual arts game out I just got to have it! Those devs built themselves a good reputation making HO games that don't disappoint. The graphics are as usual very well made, clear as clear can get before being an actual camera quality. The sounds are good, I love the beeps every time you find objects, and the music is light, kinda western style, and it's repetitive which can annoy some, I however find it to be OK as it masks the other noises I have coming from outside my window, wish they were birds, alas they're traffic noises. It is a pure HO game which means one scene after another you gotta look for them sneaky objects. You get bonus items and you get the usual achievement for not using hints and finding the extra items, with the points you buy Halloween items to decorate your virtual shelves. The puzzles are no challenge and there's no plot to follow too much. On the other hand there's also no gloom and doom story like most games are on Bigfish. Everything in this game is cheerful, it is a good HO game and I highly recommend this game and can't wait for their next game to come out.