Not a bad story. The graphics were not up to par. Very borings to say the least. I played the trial not all the way. I had this one on the buy list sorry I did.
I don't recommend this game.
3of6voted this as helpful.
Mystery Tales: Alaskan Wild Collector's Edition
Call on the animal spirits to help find your sister.
I might buy not sure yet. I have one other to consider when the budget allows. I usually pick the one with really good hidden objects. I haven't seen the one that really good you find one hidden object and another appears. I love the morphing objects a lot to. Let them know big fish.
I played the trial. I might not purchase. Did not see one hidden object group I love. Maybe to come but none in the 90 minutes. I base all my games on good old hidden objects. Maybe I lose out on some good games don't think so though. So maybe I will get a hint or to from others members.
I am not that found of fire bugs. I played for a while that's all. I know the flight of the phoenix just not displayed in this fashion. some thing just go to far. I love a lot Elephant Games but not of late compared to so many. So don't let this stop you members
27of83voted this as helpful.
Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Tracks of Terror
Can werewolves be cured, or will one family's curse continue?
Since I do this all the time take my word it's a really good game. It's not easy creating games for us. I appreciate every game and the ones that create for us. I used my free game and it was worth it. I would have purchased it anyway.
I play and review a lot of games or as many as I could and it's a great many. I am sure members read them. I wonder if big fish does. I take time to do this for myself as well as others. Way to go Mad Head.
Sorry to say the puzzles were hard for me. I guess if I put my thinking cap on no problem. This is a different game from Elephant Games. I guess that's why it took so long. Good game. I would have like a better discount like half off. It makes it better for me. Still it's hard to pass up. I love Elephant Games.
See for self and see of you feel the same. Just kept going and hope I don't get to many creepy feeling yes!!!. Hidden Objects love them. I stop the game to buy. Nothing more to say hope you buy to.
I tried it for myself I constantly try games and don't give reviews lightly almost like a chef review master. I've played thousand of games maybe more. This game is worth looking into for sure I would not steer you wrong.
I draw the line with this game. What else can . What else can I say some folks like games that are far out there. For me I Would not encourage these games.