No Magic... No Heroine... No Fairies... No Spirits and Demons or other dimensions. Classical investigation work. I've been waiting for this type of games for a long time now. Also, the collectibles in the game are not OVERLOADING the game (just one per scene - perfect). The puzzles are fair I'd say (though I had to skip some of them to be honest, but they are fair and I find them in most of HOGs right now). You know what else I like about it? They don't use random glyphs for runes.
This is the type of games I was looking for for some time. The level of the puzzles is fine (though I had to skip some of them) and the voice acting is fine, while the animations are reasonable (not too true and sluggish, nor too cartoonish). However, there were some steps that made me mixed up here, like when you click on some puzzle of missing pieces or a scene that needs an act, there would be no message to give you a hint or a clue of what to do here or what you would need to get to complete this task.
The story line is sort of linear, but it's fine and reasonable.
No offense, but it's a sissy game. Yes, I do like some fantasy now and then but this game didn't meet my expectations. If I have a daughter probably this game would fit her well. Unfortunately, I don't. The general design of the game is awkward. One of the things that amazed me in fact is why the map option was turned off when I played in the hard level? What map and using it to move faster has anything to do with the hardness of the game? I don't know. The whole twist (if there is a twist) in this game is to collect items to fit them into engraved objects as molds. In other words, there is no real twist at all. The puzzles and tasks are so scattered in the game that made me lost. In fact, around the end of the game I just got tired and started to use the Guide just to complete the game. I wanted to finish it just because I paid for it. You would be around the end of the game and then you get an item to open or to complete a task that you established at the very first scene in the game. Horrific, if you ask me. One of the things that really annoyed me even, is the activation of hot-spots after finishing from that place. In other words, you play some or collect an item from a hot-spot location, but yet afterward you can zoom in to that location (probably just to read some notes that are mostly poems of some sort and really got nothing to do with future puzzles at most). This feature really made me tired as I don't know if I'm supposed to come back to this finished spot later or not. The sequence of the puzzles within the game is illogical at times and without the Guide I wouldn't have passed a certain location or task - simply because there is a HOG waiting for me in an old location (and how am I supposed to know? No idea...). HOG (or HOP as the Guide calls them) by the way are picture-wise and not word-wise. Meaning, you have to find the parts (images) in the inventory. Well, not bad for a change but I wouldn't call it very innovative really. It seems to me that there is a trial to mimic one of the MCF games by applying anamorphic objects to be collected. Frankly, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to finish the game. I didn't even think about playing the bonus chapter; the Humpty Dumpty.
The storyline is typical for me right now. A love story. Period.